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Preparation and properties of glassceramics derived from blast-furnaceslag by a ceramic-sintering processAbstractGlassceramics were synthesized using ground blast-furnace slag and potash feldspar additives by a conventional ceramic-sintering route. The results show 5 wt% potash feldspar can enhance the sintering properties of blast-furnace slag glass and the results glassceramics have desirable mechanical properties. The main crystalline phase of the obtained glassceramic is gehlenite (2CaO_Al2O3_SiO2). A high microhardness of 5.2 GPa and a bending strength higher than 85 MPa as well as a water absorption lower than 0.14% were obtained. Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.1. IntroductionGlassceramics are fine-grained polycrystalline materials formed when glasses of suitable compositions are heat-treated and thus undergo controlled crystallization to reach a lower energy crystalline state 1. Since the early 1960s, using waste to prepare glassceramics has been developed in Russia, by employing slag of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, ashes and wastes from mining and chemical industries 2. Lately, the waste of coal combustion ash, fly ash and filter dusts from waste incinerators, mud from metal hydrometallurgy, pass cement dust, different types of sludge and glass cullet or mixtures of them have been considered for the production of glass ceramics 37. Using waste to prepare glassceramics is significant for industrial applications as well as for environment protection 8The conventional approaches to sinter glassceramics usually include two steps: first vitrifying raw materials at a high temperature (13001500 8C) and then following a nucleation and crystal growth step. The disadvantage of the conventional route is that it is difficult to vitrify the raw materials and the high energy consumption in this step. An alternative manufacturing method to produce sintered glass. ceramics, in which sintering and crystallization of fine glass powders take place simultaneously, has recently been reported9. In such route fine glass powders are pressed and sintered, and the crystallization occurs with densification. However, this route also needs a short time to vitrify raw materials at high temperature for preliminary glass-making.The blast-furnace slag is formed in the processes of pig iron manufacture from iron ore, contains combustion residue of coke, fluxes of limestone or serpentine, and other materials. If the molten slag was cooled quickly by high-pressure water, fine grain glass of vitreous CaAlMg silicate can be formed 10. This suggests the blast-furnace slag can be used as a glass source to make sintered glassceramics and vitrifying raw materials at high-temperature step can be omitted. The free glass surfaces are preferable sites for devitrification and thus crystallization may occur without any nucleating agent. Therefore, the finely ground slag powder can used as the main component of parent glass. Comparing with the two sintered methods mentioned above, a remarkable advantage of the present study is absent of vitrification step because of the using of blast-furnace slag. Thus a low energy cost and manufacture simplicity can be expected. However, in our previous studies glassceramics prepared with pure blastfurnace slag show poor properties 11. Therefore, some sintering additives are needed. In this study, we show when using blast-furnace slag to prepare glassceramics by a conventional ceramics route, if suitable amount of potashfeldspar is added. Glassceramics with high microhardness andbending strength as well as lower water absorption can be obtained.2. Experimental procedureThe slag (provided by Anyang iron Corporation of China) was pulverized by ball milling for about 24 h (size in the range of 1020 mm), and then blended with 510 wt% potash feldspar powder. The mixtures were ball milling for 2 h. We use K5, K8 and K10 to denote the weight percent of potash feldspar in the samples.The process used in our study is illustrated in Fig. 1. The blended powders were uniaxially pressed in a steel die at room temperature, using a hydraulic pressure of 4060 MP a without any binder. The obtained green bodies were sintered in air at nucleation temperature of 720760 and crystallization temperature of 800900 for different times (from 20 to 60 min), with heating rates of 25 /min, followed by a hightemperature treatment at 1200The blended powders were examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) (Labsys, Setaram, France) in air with a heating rate of 10 /min from room temperature to 1100 . The phase of the blast-furnace slag and obtained glassceramics were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Model D/MAX-3B, RIGAKU, Japan). The samples surfaces were polished and corroded in HF (5 vol%) for 20 s and then observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Model JSM-5610LV, JEOL, Japan). The density of the samples was measured by t
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