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面对如此稀奇乖僻的面试题时你会如何作答面对如此稀奇乖僻的面试题时你会如何作答1、What percentage of the worlds water is contained in a cow?e on answer. Were waiting. This is just one of the oddballquestions asked to Oxbridge candidates,面对如此稀奇乖僻的面试题时你会如何作答。一只母牛身体中所含有的水分占世界水资的百分之多少?请开场做答,我们在等你的答案.。.这可真是个稀奇乖僻的问题,但它只是报考牛津大学及剑桥大学的学生们需要面临的众多奇怪问题中的一个。2、Want to study philosophy, politics andeconomics? Well then youd better put a moary value on this teapot.We reckon 32.95. Including VAT. Do we pass?想学习哲学、政治学及经济学?那么,你最好能说出这只茶壶的货币价值。我们算出的是32.95英镑,其中包括增值税。可以过关吗?3、Tony Blair, 20th and 21st century PrimeMinister. But who is his 19th century equivalent?These questions wereasked of around 1,200 students who attempted the notoriously gruellingOxbridge interview process last year。托尼布莱尔是20世纪及21世纪的英国首相。但在19世纪中,谁和托尼布莱尔最为相像?这些问题都是去年1200名学生在牛津及剑桥大学的面试中所遇到的。4、Heres a piece of bark, now talk about it.Youd have to if you wanted to study Biological Sciences at Oxford. Anddont think you could get away with saying “its sort of brown andwoody”,资料共享平台面对如此稀奇乖僻的面试题时你会如何作答(s:/.)。这里有一块树皮,请你对此发表看法。假如你想在英国牛津大学中学习生物科学的话,那么你将不得不面对这样一道怪问题。而且,不要以为答复成“这是种褐色的木头片”就能幸运过关。烫发如何起作用?面对这一问题,或许有些人会说,这会让烫头发的人显得更年轻时尚。但假如你想进入上述这两所顶尖级学校中学习,那么你最好能知道在一头蓬乱的烫发后面所隐藏的某些化学问题。6、At what point is a person dead? Could thisbe another philosophy question? Nope. Its actually a poser for medicalstudents, who we hope all know the correct answer。在什么意义上来说,一个人算死亡。这也是一道哲学问题吗?不,事实上,这是一道针对医学系学生的问题。7、Are you cool?另外一道怪问题:你很酷吗?8、How might you argue what everyone says isa banana is not a banana and how many atoms do they have? In fact, justtell us about bananas。对于人人都叫作香蕉的东西,你如何反驳他们,告诉他们这并不是支香蕉。来和我们议论一下香蕉吧。第 页 共 页
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