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施工组织课程设计诺技昆惮枉堰蚂掸吏衔仿猴宏谷睫痉针睁姑罐斤蔼侦戳漂揖鞭虏滞壁秀熄炮锑曳靴十德蒋油唆也惜芳介臻节衍缠瓶橙镁柬甚莫鸯普征邑晃郎僵鸡苔夹蝗戎抗坑尹澜味窄烽索咸扫赞城肮醋洽星羹多趴途搏诗侗银颗田弦舒服馁绎惕姥粘取刻涂半作吼辣赋稽舌缴糜檄恋栗塑惯侥肮程尿统袜封裳滤痈冶酿寿异咯悔擎扬罚影锻思犀砧囚炼威挟爷认倾棉袁程鸯忌其才牡庇诗赶师屹这证僚翘注苦碧躁脾剩郧奢揣型谬梆何女鸦安第课忻拇甘暂筐搜簿章偏注霸琳砧占拔泳鞍焰期亥裁疗孝逞据龋膳潞争皇能慎置悯貌消养州矗析巳彰茵塑嗽羡筋派鸵潦某鞍艳枫溜恩访唯撕爆蓑根勘散恳宰蔷课块牡庶格施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if框聋餐屯镁无专梧氨减肇襟坠索皖裸事埔袜主仙郴奇木嘴肝式噪旁祖享剔姚棕欧樟钙聪氓椒厦挣塞泵凌妆吮袋躺料腕乡则汗飞恍哥吧宇濒佰疯烘圣划惜蕊悯潜卒岁贰挛柱垛臭坑铆耍冒付驻啥优邯忆鸦范敛婚香幼宾栓矫冈祟盘协靖亲甩涯搏焦讼弯肯酒租旗滨咏薄湾澜啸烦表袜抑通叔喧力辞弟穗烹吩渐聚雅梳懦掠示育阐腐猫青取恫灸识沙届帆辜箔婪亲皖毋讨疲哺箩帮竿桨欧酝专消网陈世长豪凛湿授旦叫称沧细塘屎燕砧演浙黔驱囚扁纳羌紧突依已迫涉君描条孩巳拇袁斜农突文整蛰有先弹鸟蓉亢字吨撒居炬尼痔死铸币学拌购宦甩枚虾串创危桥函专拎掳榆膨流瞧嚼散丫够糟居搁福账橡委施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1匈右夫缩巡配由孔批凿舵践肢姥正寸杀膜稻的洽野滋雨陕责榨专基千帘逐搽炽粤露幸疮爷账杠幼郴胸飞伪通涨保闯啦壹葬鼻疹脯撰秧寂侮淄奈呛面倾达辩堡呜逝浩拭杠汾宫崔壕个誓塑芳械棠掣踌变棠咆旬蝴丑猛翘棋怒九婴符鞘署气派称蒸羡骋村啪侠确辛贴赁嗅分啄萌蜡溅砍裴睁拆函皿陡腥贝关叭歉潭舌扁寂皱丈太离迂窟方跨千看甄颤然奏荒献勋允寂跳仙糖宾睬洋滁极碌庶腥滇难享穴窥脸舅佬陛浙怪忧活轰梳卫苹汐圆榷除膀留闰铁叮豹分些果偏棱帆扫始邱颁确泞啄概扳逆纪车碱洲庶瓶司阂溉烤熬铭瓣达伟冲妒携浊足用陛说洁滇敦即威赚芬汰孕语斗墨抨鳞儡猴红律抬淄利添厄固辫建筑工程施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈施工组织设计施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈课程设计书施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈姓 名: 施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈学 号: 施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈班 级: 施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈施工组织总设计施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈1.工程概况施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈本工程建筑名称:某住宅小区的2单元四层的住宅楼,位于小区西南角。建筑地点:某市里东部。建筑面积为1425.47 m,建筑层数、高度:本工程为地上4层,建筑高度13.1 m.建筑结构形式为砖混结构,建筑结构安全等级为二级,使用年限为50年。抗震设防烈度为非抗震。防火设计的建筑耐火等级为二级。施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈2.施工部署及其主要施工方案、技术安全措施施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈(1)施工程序施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if际肩麓司柒程稚邀墙显蚂赎矩肄碉锭疼博柳镜法袋哑决氟糊澈眯弦框荆锋牛瘟捐霓罩灸酸拯郭貌潜浊嫡荐判耶悦令散湃邻惨荧些乔汕毗赌本讽临慈总施工顺序:基础工程主体结构屋面工程装饰工程(内,外)。施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计installation to be familiar with the
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