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2022年北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 13Peopleword导学案6Learning aims: 1. to practise making job-related nouns2. to practise discussing peoples appearance and their character 3. to describe a personLearning important point: to describe and guess a personLearning difficult point: how to describe a personLearning processes:Step I 单词识记(A级)1.vt.判断2. adv.部分时间地3.n.蜂蜜4. vt.咀嚼5.n.皱纹6. n.额,前额7.n.大腿部,膝上8. vt.专心致志9.adv.永远10.n.奉献11.n.同伴,伴侣12.adj.含盐的,咸的Step I I 短语强记(B级)1.make a serious mistake 2.facial expressions3.make an advertisement 4.make a ment on 5.be devoted to each other 6.devoteto 7.be popular with 8.a sense of humour9.make an appointment with 10.be influenced byStep 句式理解(C级)1. Its difficult to judge but we thought they might be in the same class and they were discussing a problem.译文:很难判断, .【提示】judge(1) vt.评判,评审,判断 eg. I judge her a teacher. 我断定她是一位教师。(2) n.法官,审判员,裁判员 eg. They took the thief to the judge. 他们把小偷带到了法官的面前。【连接】judging byfrom 从来看,由来判断(是惯用短语,可用来引导独立分句) eg. Judging from his looks, he may be sick. 从外表来看,他或许生病了。【练手区】Judging by his accent, he must be from Guangdong. 译文: 。 翻译: 由他所说的来判断,他一定是个诚实的人。【单词积累】judgment n.判断,评价,判决 in ones judgement 依某人看来【小知识】英语中据我看来的表达(1) as far as I can judge(2) as far as Im concerned(3) as far as I know (4) to the best of my knowledge(5) from my point of view(6) in my opinion2. She never watches TV except for the news.译文: 【辨析】except, except for , except that, besides. except 将一个或者几个人或物从同一类普通的种类中除去,即将个体从整体中除去。 eg: 除了简之外,大家都来了。except for 用于说明整体中的细节部分。 eg: 他是个好人,只是脾气暴躁而已。except that 用来表示理由或细节,后接从句。 eg: 除了他来自湖南,我对他一无所知。besides 除之外,还有eg: 除了汤姆成功之外,我们也都成功了。【练习】Everything was perfect for the picnicthe weather.A. in place of B. as well as C. except for D. in case of Some people choose jobs for other reasonsmoney these days.A. forB. exceptC. besidesD. with3. But after 35 years of marriage,I know theyre great panions and are devoted to each other.译文: 【析】devote vt.把献给,把用在(常与介词to连用) eg:. 他把自己的一生用于帮助穷人。 eg: He was devoted to his scientific research. 他致力于看科学研究。【拓展】 oneself devote + ones life + to (doing) sth. time/money/energy eg: He used tohis teaching when he was young. A . devoting to B. be devoted to C. devote to D. being devoted toStep I V Describing a person(D级)LayoutParagraph 1. Introduce the person and give a bit of background. eg: Where heshe was born Where heshe lives now Where does heshe likeParagraph 2. Describe the persons physical apperance,personality and character.Paragraph 3.Give some examples of the persons behavior or relationships with other people.Paragraph 4. Give some examples of the persons family life.Now write a description of a person you like according to the layout. Step V 反思与小结
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