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Book 预备级 Unit 2 How do you do?(第二课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语基础模块(预备级 高教版)第二单元的第二课时,包括Listening and Speaking(Dialogue B)部分,具体内容为:进行基本的自我介绍。2教学重点、难点教学重点巩固各种询问个人信息的表达方式和自我介绍的方式。教学难点进行自我介绍二、教学目标1. 知识目标掌握海报栏目词汇和职业词汇,如hometown; age; address; email address; job (basketball player; manager; pianist; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer;); understand personal information in a poster; (3) make a self-introduction;2. 能力目标(1)学生能掌握有关自我介绍的用语;(2)学生能了解在真实的交际场景中运用各种询问个人信息的表达方式;3. 情感目标学会用所学的自我介绍用语大胆介绍自己。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (10m)1. The teacher greets each student: Good morning. Nice to meet you. Would you please tell us something about yourself? May I have your name, please? Which school are you from? What do your parents do?(设计意图:复习第一课时教学内容,让学生学会用英语表达个人信息,让师生进一步彼此熟悉。)2. Invite some students to introduce a hero in their minds.(设计意图:复习第一课时教学内容,让学生巩固用英语表达个人信息。)3. Present a poster and ask: What should be included in a poster?(Possible answers: Given name, Family name, hometown, job/profession, Workplace)(设计意图: 给学生呈现海报,可以将学习将内容真实化,也可以激发学生的学习兴趣。通过头脑风暴,快速搜集海报基本内容,并让全体同学尽快掌握。)Step Two Listening and Speaking (Dialogue B)(28 m)1. What do they mean?30Jay Chou82394896SingerMusicyahoo.comTaiwan, China(设计意图:了解这些短语或表达的内涵,学生也许会表达出不同的答案,此题只要合理即可,应鼓励学生的发散性思维和想象力)2. Activity 6. Listen and underline.1) Underline Bens personal information.2)Read and answer the following questions.Whats his name?Whats his given name?Whats his family name?Whats his job?Where is he from?(设计意图:阅读的同时操练口语与听力, 同时让学生明白个人信息的基本内容。)3)Ask the students to introduce themselves, using their own personal information.4) Ask the students to introduce their partners, using their partners personal information. 3. Activity 7. Practice and act. 1) Ask the students following questions, according to Poster1: Whats his name?Whats his given name?Whats his family name?Whats his job/profession?Where is he from?Whats his workplace? / Where does he work? 2) Ask the students following questions, according to Poster2: Whats his name?Whats his given name?Whats his family name?Whats his job/profession?Where is he from?3) Ask the students to ask and answer in a pair according to the information card.(设计意图:根据已提供的信息内容,巩固询问个人信息的表达方式。)5. Activity 8. Fill and introduce. 1) Ask the students to fill in the table with their personal information.2) Ask the students to introduce themselves in a pair.3) Invite some students to make self-introduction in front of the blackboard.4) Set certain situations for the students to make self-introduction. a) Meeting for the first time.b) Making an interview in a company.(设计意图:巩固所掌握的自我介绍的方式,并帮助学生进一步了解在真实的交际场景中运用这些句式。)Step Three Summary (5m)Make a short summary of what weve learned today.(1) Key vocabulary:hometown; age; address; email address; profession; basketball player; pianist;(2) Everyday English about introduction:. Good morning.My name is Ben Bush.Im your English teacher.I came from Australia. Now Im working in America.My favorite sport is football.Step Four Homework (2m)1. Copy words: hometown; age; address; email address; profession; basketball player; pianist;2. Recite Bens introduction.3. Write down your self-introduction on your exercise book.四、板书设计Personal Information: Surname, hometown, age, telephone number, job, e-mail address, fax numberJobs: basketball player; manager; pianist; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer;
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