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精品范文模板 可修改删除撰写人:_日 期:_音标课讲义国际音标简介 广义:国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet,原义是“国际语音字母”,简称IPA,由国际语音协会制定 狭义:英语国际音标(DJ音标,由英国语音学家Daniel Jones创立)。由于它用来标注英语的发音,一般都把它叫做英语国际音标,后来在国内干脆简称国际音标。学习音标的作用 打好音标基础是学好英语的基本条件 提高听说能力,培养良好的语感 有助于依靠读音记单词 “见其形读其音,听其音写其形”学习音标的要求 重视英语听说能力 结合单词识记音标 大胆开口练习,不要害怕犯错 不放过任何机会,用心体会标准的发音音标一览表26个英语字母的发音语音知识 1) 字母:语言的书写形式。元音字母只有a,e,i(y),o,u 2) 音素:音的最小的单位。英语中有48音素。即20个元音音素和28个辅音音素. 3) 元音:发音响亮,口腔中气流不受阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。英语中有20个元音。 4) 辅音:发音不响亮,口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是构成音节的主要音。英语中有28个辅音。 5) 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。apple,student,teacher,understand。 6) 开音节: a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e 如:name, bike, home, house 等 b) 辅音+元音 如:he, go, hi7) 闭音节: a) 辅音+元音+辅音 如:bad,bed,sit,hot,cup b)元音+辅音 如:it 8) 重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。音标分类 英语国际音标共有48个 元音(20个) 长元音/:/:/:/i:/U:/ 短元音/e/ 双元音 /e/ /a/ / / /e/ / / /a/ 辅音(28个) 轻辅音/p/t/k/f/s/h/ts/t/tr/ 浊辅音/b/d/g/v/z/r/dz/ /d/ /dr/ 鼻音 /m/n/ 半元音/j/w/ 边音/长元音i: 发音部位:舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌前部抬高,但不抵上齿龈; 发音方法:嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状;气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出此音。 me sheep teach people receivei: 常见的字母组合 ee: three tree green sheep meet beef see seek ea: eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please e: he she me we be ie ei (eo ey i): people piece receive ceiling 绕口令:A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please.长元音: 发音部位:舌端离开下齿,舌身平展,舌中部稍微抬起 发音方法:双唇扁平,向左右略微拉开,成微笑状 气流从口腔中冲出微振声带,发出此音。 her bird nurse learn work:常见的字母组合 ir: girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird ur: turn burn nurse Thursday burger ear: learn earn earth heard er: term her serve or: work worm work world 绕口令:The early bird catches the worm first.长元音a: 发音部位:舌端离开下齿,舌身平放后缩,舌位较低; 发音方法:口张大,气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,发出此音 glass car laugh heart arma:常见的字母组合 a: grass glass class plant dance fast fat last half ar: car star arm park March hard garden dark au: laugh aunt ear: heart 绕口令:Its far to the farm from the park.长元音: 发音部位:舌尖离开下齿,舌后抬高,上下唇略为张大,唇形较圆,并用力向前突出 发音方法:气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音。 small more autumn four warm door: 常见的字母组合 a: water aw: draw strawberry al: ball wall call small or: horse morning corn fork or short oor: floor door au: autumn ar: warm our: four bought 绕口令:My daughter is forty-four.长元音u: 发音部位:舌端离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬高,舌位较高;双唇尽量收缩成圆而小,并稍向前突出; 发音方法:气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音。 food do true fruit soup shoeu:常见的字母组合 o: do who whose to oo: food moon too soon room ui: fruit juice u: ruler blue full ou: soup oe: shoe 绕口令:How do you do? You looked really cool.Task Review and preview Rewrite the form of 26 letters Read the words and sentences aloud练一练:写出下列划线部分字母的发音,并找出发音不同的单词。 A B C D ( )1. he feet bread green ( )2. live fish teacher we ( )3. tall first work shirt ( )4. tree see clean Sunday ( )5. father doctor skirt china ( ) 6. moon food eat fruit ( ) 7. true book wood look ( ) 8. four small walk bird ( ) 9. bus foot good book ( ) 10. car arm food garden【i】 舌尖轻抵下齿齿龈,舌前部向硬腭抬起;嘴角向后缩使双唇略扁 极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,发出此音。 in ticket busy happy money【i】常见的字母组合 i: is English pig fish fifteen six ship e: behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy sunny study twentywindyrainy ey: monkey money u: busy 绕口令:His little sister is sitting in the middle. i:和 i 1.it-eat 2. seatsit 3. treetrip 4. sheepship 区分下列单词: need sister rich weak agree big swim keep miss tree fish people e 舌端靠近下齿,舌前部稍稍抬起; 双唇扁平,上下齿的距离相当于一个中指宽度; 极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此音。 get bread again egg e 常见的字母组合 e: egg desk leg red pet ten pen ea: bread head breakfast ai: again said 绕口令:Good, better, best. Never let it rest.【】 舌端靠近下齿,双唇尽量向两边平伸,使嘴角肌肉感到紧张; 极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带发出此音。 that map catch black apple【】常见的字母组合 a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag hand black has stand map 和 e 1.patpet 2. satset 3. sadsaid 4.badbed 5.daddead 区分下列单词: wet bag act bed never ten bread many tha
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