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关于Sprt的英语作文 运动对我们特别重要,不仅能够令我们保持健康,而且能够塑造一个人的性格。下面是语文迷网为大家带来的关于运动的英语作文,欢迎阅读参考。Sprs的英语作文一 A iddl hoolsudent of junior three, i do pote or two hors a da,sc ding mnig eercies, playng bskeball,lo-dstnce runnn n so n. i thnkit is very hepfu ome.taing eers mkes me heathie s that iwot b i ver ofte. whasmre, asoget self relxed n iffeet inds of spr, adtn ido te etroi mstuyin gh spiit. byoing hysicalxercis, mbecomi srograndmr confdent than befr.i tik isnecessryfr eveye to spd metime oporteryday bease poplsat is essnti in mdrn lfe. Sports的英语作文二Noadys,hig shool stdehodifferen opiions abou afer-cl acivitis.there ar two qitedifferent pheomenea. Some studntare cazy ab sprt ad some oer ativitis.te end mch time n oining the utdor acvitie an ri ofgrous , adal,makig new fids.Howeve,theypay a liteattenon o thr studes. Onthe contary, soestudns send lo of thrtime in studies ad denoyttendg ther ativisI y opnon,I thik itr of em iscorrct. thnk sud stdy ard,bue alsoneed e t rla ourselvs,beauif o a gootate,heca do better. Sprt的英语作文三 As a rade suent, we ae or every ay, suchas oing o xercie, layig baskalan so o. we do sposcaeit can no on me trong adbutalso ep ushah. can asomakeuhaa god rs an tu beter oi will epding ots veyday fromno on.
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