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2022年考博英语-湖南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题We are told the mass media are the greatest organs for enlightenment that the world has yet seen; that in Britain, for instance, several million people see each issue of the current affairs programme as Panoroma. It is true that never in human history were so many people so often and so much exposed too much intimation about societies, forms of life, and attitudes other than those which they obtain in their local societies. This kind of exposure may well be a point of departure for acquiring certain important intellectual and imaginative qualities, width of judgment, and a sense of the variety of possible attitudes. Yet in itself such exposure does not bring intellectual or imaginative development. It is no more than the masses of stone which lie around in quarry(采石场)and which may, conceivably, go to the making of a cathedral. The mass media cannot build the cathedral, and their way of showing the stones do not always prompt others to build. For the stones are presented within a self-contained and self-sufficient world in which, it is implied, simply to look at them, to observe fleetingly individually interesting points of difference between them is sufficient in itself.Life is indeed full of problems on which we have toor feel we should try tomake decisions, as citizens or as private individuals. But neither the real difficulty of these decisions, nor their true and disturbing challenge to each individual, can often be communicated through the mass media. The disinclination to suggest real choice, individual decision, which is to be found in the mass media is not simply the product of a commercial desire to keep the customers happy. It is within the grain of mass communications. The organs of the establishment, however well-intentioned they may be and whatever their form (the State, the Church, voluntary societies, political parties), have a vested interest in ensuring that the public boat is not violently rocked, and will so affect those who work within the mass media that they will be led insensibly towards forms of production which, though they go through the motions of dispute and inquiry, do not break through the skin to where such inquiries might really hurt. They will tend to move, when exposing problems, well within the accepted cliche assumptions of democratic society and will tend neither radically to question cliches nor to make a disturbing application of them to features of contemporary life. They will stress the “stimulation” the programs give, but this soon becomes an agitation of problems for the sake of the interest of that agitation itself; they will therefore, again, assist a form of acceptance of the status quo (现状).There were exceptions to this tendency, but they are uncharacteristic.1.According to the passage, the mass media present us with( ) .2.What effect is it claimed the mass media can have on our intellectual and imaginative development?3.The author uses the comparison with building a cathedral that( ) .4.How are the mass media said to influence our ability to make decisions?5.The main weakness of the mass media is identified by the author as ( ).问题1选项A.insufficient diversity of informationB.too restricted a view of lifeC.a wide range of facts and opinionsD.a critical assessment of our society问题2选项A.They are likely to frustrate this development.B.They can form a basis for it.C.They can distort our judgment.D.They can stimulate too much mental activity.问题3选项A.worthwhile results do not depend on raw material onlyB.the mediaeval media had different beliefsC.great works of art require good foundationsD.close attention to detail is important问题4选项A.They disturb us by their prejudices.B.They make us doubt our own judgments.C.They make no contribution in this area.D.They make decisions which appear too complicated.问题5选项A.fear of losing the customerB.the diverse views of the contributorsC.service to the profit motiveD.trying to cater for a vest range of audience【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.细节题。第一段指出: 人类历史上从来没有过如此多的人频繁地批露,诸如:社会、 生活方式以及思想观念的阴暗面,而这些与人们从所处社会接收的那些信息是不同的。因此排除A、B项。第二段指出: Though they go through the motions of dispute and enquiry, do not break through the skin to where such enquires might really hurt (尽管他们辩论、质疑,但仍然触及不到关键之处), 由此推断D项(对社会的一个批判性评估)是大众传媒所不具备的。故选C项(广泛的事实和意见)。2.细节题。根据题干关键词intellectual and imaginative development定位至第一段: This kind of exposure may well be a point of departure for acquiring certain important intellectual and imaginative qualities, width of judgment, and a sense of the variety of possible attitudes。据此可知B项正确。3.推断题。根据题干定位至第一段: The mass media cannot build the cathedral, and their way of showing the stones do not always prompt others to build, 作者用建大教堂这个比喻说明有价值的结果不仅仅依靠原材料。故选A。4.细节题。根据题干关键词定位至第二段。第二句说:大众媒介经常不能把做这些决定的困难进行报道,它不起作用,更不会使决定变得更为复杂。故选C。5.细节题。作者认
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