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万达广场设计理念来源:搜狐焦点网2005年07月21日11:36我来说两句(null)摘要:二十世纪进入二十一世纪之交,所研发出来的现代化资讯与通讯技术,提供城市 的全球性发展更进一步的动力。万达广场凭借其独一无二的建筑造型,统一性与棱角分明的 外观在城市景观中拥有地标式的作用。Abstract: Modern information and communication technologies give this development a further global impulse now at the change-over from the 20th to the 21st century. Wanda plaza, with its unmistakable overall appearance, will be a unity and make up a landmark in the het erogeneous to wnscape.关键词:万达广场,统一,地标Key words: wanda plaza, unity, landmark自十九世纪中叶以来,世界性的工业化与自动化将城市里的工作环境改变,并导使城市 以惊人的速度成长。Since the middle of the 19th century, the process of industrialization and more automation have changed the urban industry worldwide rapidly and has made the cities grow enormously fast.二十世纪进入二十一世纪之交,所研发出来的现代化资讯与通讯技术,提供城市的全球 性发展更进一步的动力;而这个科技动力被凝聚于做为城里最先进市区的万达广场里。Modern information and communication technologies give this development a further global impulse now at the change-over from the 20th to the 21st century. This can be seen at the development of most modern quarters such as Wanda Plaza.本设计的指导目标,在于使整体设计活泼化、都市性格具体化,与功能分配理想化。计 划的最初始意图,在于合理、清晰地安排整个空间功能需求,并创造出广大的户外空间。The main aim of our plan was to substantiate the vivid urban character of the project and optimise its functional allocation. The original concepts intention and the complex requirements of the program were to be structured sensibly and concise, so that generous free spaces could be created.以下为设计目标,从中可以对本设计的建筑造型、结构性组织与空间分配有一个基本 概念:The architectural design as well as the structural formation and allocation was made with reference to the following aims:一、独一无二的整体建筑造型二、建筑语汇的统一性与建筑元素的多样性三、简洁明了的空间组织1. unmistakable overall appearance2. unity of the architectural language and variety of its elements3. simplicity and comprehensibility of the room contexts以抽象的石雕形式将三大建筑围塑在一起,基座中延伸出高塔造型一样,形成韵律感; 在市景中,可因统一性与棱角分明的外观而拥有地标式的作用。The three parts of the building are taken as abstract stone sculptures. Each tower rises out of a base. In appearance those three towers are one rhythm ; however they are reduced to a unity and make up a landmark in the heterogeneous townscape.酒店与办公高塔的立面设计从内部功能出发,独特的外立面赋予整体设计个性化外观, 高塔建筑的注册标记在于建筑顶端的正方体;里头空间做为高级豪华套房与会议室。The facades of the hotel and office make reference to the buildings function and characterize the overall appearance of the complex. The facades are characterized by cubic-stone heads of the building, which contain highly exclusive apartments and conference rooms.大尺度切入建筑的单体元素(水平方向为购物中心旁门的连拱廊,垂直方向则为高塔入 口)与立面的退进强调了建筑的形态结构。The building mass is structu red by a set back in the facade as well as large scale slits, which cut horizo nt ally at the arcades side entr ances and ver ti cally at the tower entrances.建筑使用天然建材,散发温暖与亲切的个性。淡色的天然石材在阳光下闪闪发光,可以 吸引人们的目光。The natural materials used, are warm and friendly. Light natural stone in the sunlight and direct attention to this particular building complex.建筑体凹凸有致,具有雕塑性造型,经由外立面的光影效果,形成生动活泼的画面,并 不与整体效果冲突。Deep embrasures as well as the sculptural effect of the building mass create a vivid pic ture of ligh t and shadows but without dis traction from the overall form.建筑一楼部分拥有人性化尺度的连拱廊,做为人们休憩的荫凉处;连拱廊大方宽阔的窗 洞,邀请着人们至此休憩停留,并由此进入购物中心。In the ground floor zones there are humanly scaled, shady arcades, which with generously sized windows entice shopping and browsing.1,城市规划构想 Town Planning Concept1.1, 绿化设计 Green Planning建筑体被一外环绿带围绕着,以此做为户外空间,与城市公共空间相结合。而且酒店与 办公大楼的高级豪华性质,可以经由精心的绿化设计来表现。Both building masses are surrounded by a green belt, which through thorough planning will be for the exclusive use of the hotel as well as the office towers.1.2, 交通设计 Transport Planning交通设计的目标在于,尽可能消化整区的交通流量,以使日常交通无阻。The transport concept aims at separating the traffic streams in the whole area, and thus ensuring a smooth traffic flow.为使交通顺畅,每个单元都设有独立的车行入口:酒店与办公大楼各自拥有一位于基地 南方公园里的专用车道;在车道上并设有呼叫出租车的地方。Every unit has a separate drive-up in order to separate the traffic flow: the hotel and the office towers each get an exclusive drive-up; both are situated in a park at the southern front of the complex. In the course of these two drive-up it is possible to accommodate taxi stands.各个购物中心入口处都有专属车道,有极大的停车量,以使拜访酒店与购物中心的两大 人潮互不妨碍。Each shopping mall gets a driveup with a high capacity on the LagRoad, so, the visitor streams of the hotel and the shopping mall do not affect each other.设计要求里的自行车停车位被安排于基地北边外环绿带上。The required parking spaces for bicycles are accommodated on the surrounding green belt at the northern front.鉴于建国路上的高交通流量,在此路上不设置进入建筑物的车道。Due to the high volume of traffic on the Jianguo Road there are no direct entries to the building are planned from here.2,功能分配 Distribution of Use2.1, 餐饮服务部Food Mall建筑体的地下连接部分,提供丰富的餐饮服务。在餐饮服务部的东西两边安排日常用品 供应店,中间则安排一些小型风味餐馆与小吃店。This level with its vast offer of food service is equally an underground link bet ween the two building masses. At the eas t as well as at the wes t end of the mall two big food-stores are situated as magnets. In between there are lit
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