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亿库教育网 http:/www.eku.cc 百万教学资源免费下载Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?教学内容:本单元主要学习动词have的一般现在时的用法;使用do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成以及简单回答。以“和朋友一起欢度时光”为话题:列举所学的运动项目,从中挑选出各自喜欢的体育项目,目的是巩固并新学一些体育项目的名词;并让学生互相询问所爱好的运动,并根据情况发出邀请,掌握用do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成及使用,了解用Lets提建议的句型。教学目标学会用have对物品的所属进行提问与回答;学会用lets句型提建议;能够谈论自己喜欢哪些球类运动,不喜欢哪些球类运动及原因;能够谈论怎样和自己的朋友度过一段愉快的时光,并且能运用本单元所学的句型和体育项目名称写篇文章。以达到进一步复习复习和巩固的目标。教学重难点行为动词have的一般现在时的用法;使用do和does引导的一般疑问句的构成和使用。词汇Have,soccer,ball, tennis, racket, pingpong, volleyball, basketball, bat, dose, doesnt , let, us lets play, well, sound, good, sport, we, many, club, more, class, interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing, watch, watch TV, great, collection, but, play sports, only, them, every, day句型DoyouhaveaTV?Yes,Ido./No,Idont.Dotheyhavecomputer?Yes,theydo./No,theydont.Doeshe/shehaveasoccerball?Yes,he/shedoes.No,he/shedoesnt.DoesChiyounghaveabaseball?Yes,hedoes.No,hedoesnt.Letsplaysoccer.Idonthaveasoccerball.Well,Letsplayvolleyball.Thatsoundsgood. 教学设备:多媒体、录音机、投影机教学方法:任务型、活动型教学教学过程:3课时第一课时Step 1:复习there be 句型,了解就近原则n T:Whats on the bookcase? 运用图片 (whats on the bed?) S: There is/aren 总结归纳ASK: whats +表方位的短语ANSWER: There be(not)+主语+表方位的短语n Practice 运用图片 A: Where is .B: Its.A: Whats .B: There is /are.A: n 就近原则练习 用are,is填空1. There _ three pencils and a pen in my pencil-box.2. There _ many kites(风筝) in the sky.3. There _ an eraser and two rulers on your desk.4. What _ in your schoolbag.5. There _ a pencil-box in my schoolbag.Step 2:观看图片,利用多媒体形象教习球类,及球拍的单词。 Basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, tennis, ping pong ball, baseball, tennis racket, ping pong bat, baseball bat n Introduce the key vocabulary: Show the things in the picture and describe them. Model: Whats this? A soccer ball. This is my volleyball. I have a volleyball. A volleyball.n Repeat the key vocabulary: Repeat the new words for the students to remember by asking “Whats _?”. n Show the picture in 1a for the students to match. n Check the answers as the class. Step 3:Task One: Do pairwork as :Do you have a(basketball, volleyball) Yes, I do./no, I dont.Task Two: Do pairwork as :Dose he have a(basketball, volleyball) Yes, he dose./No, he doesnt. Task Three:with these sentences(1)“This is my soccer. I have a soccer ball. Do I have a soccer ball? Yes, I do.”(2)“This is Davids volleyball. He has a volleyball. Does he have a volleyball? Yes, he does. ”Task Four: 学习第一,二,三人称,及其对应的单复数 1. I have no money. She has no money.2. I have no necklace. She has no necklace.3. I have no credit card. She has no credit card. Step4 Listeningn 1b Task one: listen and circle the words you hear.Task Two: Check the answers. Task three: Listen again and write down their own. Sports he or she likes.n 2aTask One: listen for the names in the pictures, and number the pictures 1-4 Play the recording a second time. This time students number the pictures.Task Two: listen again. Match the people from activity 2a to the balls in the picture. Task Three: Correct the answers. Task Four: Show the tapescripts. Lets students read and repeat. Step 5:Grammar focus Review the grammar box. Point out the contractions do and does, dont and doesnt. Repeat after the teacher.Step 6: Relax and watch Flash with basketball.Step 6:Homework Tell students to interview their classmates or their friends using Do you have? / Does he/she have?第二课时 Step One RevisionReview :1.球类,及球拍有关的单词。 Basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, tennis, ping pong ball, baseball, tennis racket, ping pong bat, baseball bat 2. Play a game: “ Who has the best memory?”A: I have a soccer ballB: She has a soccer ball, and I have a volleyball.C: She has a soccer ball, and he has a volleyball, and I have a tennis racket.D: She has a soccer ball, and he has a volleyball, and he has a tennis racket, and I have a ping-pong ball. Step Two: Presentation:T: teacher S: student1. T: Whats your favourite ball game?S: My favourite ball game isT: Do you want to join the school sports club?( Show the poster of P27/ 4)If you want to ,please fill in the blank.2.Ask the students to do it . Then introduce yourself. Step Three : Drills根据学生所填信息, 结合我所提供的图片,引出句型和形容词: A: Lets play soccer. B: I dont have a soccer ball. A: Well, lets play volleyball. B: That sounds good/ interesting/fun/boring/difficult/relaxingAsk them to work in pairs.Step Four: pairworkDo 3a: Task One . Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Task Two. Act
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