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元宵英文祝福贺卡手抄报1.Wish you a happy Lantern Festival, with many happy events!祝你元宵佳节开开心心,喜事连连!2.Japanese yen, full moon, I wish your family and friends a happy reunion!日圆,月圆,祝您亲朋团团圆圆!3.Starting yangko dance, across the country and yuanxiao to set off firecrackers, lantern riddle makes you laugh, tangyuan do not help, sweet reunion around you around, blessing messages asking how are you, wish you good luck year of the Ox to every day!欢欢喜喜元宵到,举国上下秧歌跳,噼噼啪啪放鞭炮,花灯谜语惹你笑,汤圆也来凑热闹,甜蜜团圆围你绕,祝福短信问你好,愿你牛年好运天天到!4.Wish you a happy family, everything goes smoothly!愿你合家团团圆圆,一切顺顺利利!5.The Lantern Festival is round on the 15th day of the first month. Wish you good luck in the coming year.正月十五元宵圆,愿你来年好运连。6.I wish you good fortune and good fortune.祝您人缘、福缘、左右逢源。7.Happy new year, Lantern Festival to, lucky happiness around the year.过年好,元宵到,幸幸福福一年绕。8.wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through lantern !致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,元宵节快乐!9.Happy Lantern Festival! My dear, I am sorry we can not together for Lantern Festival, but I will at the dinner table for you Tim a bowl and chopsticks, as you like at my side元宵节快乐!亲爱的,对不起,我们不能一起过元宵节,但我会在餐桌上给你添碗筷,只需你喜欢,在我的身边。10.You are not stuffing my face for a big Lantern Festival; you lights as I was for a big paper lanterns; your situation I would like to IP Festival! Happily闹lanterns!你是馅我是面不如作个大元宵;你是灯我是纸不如作个大灯笼;你情我愿庆佳节!欢欢喜喜闹花灯!11.Wish you a happy life and a successful career!愿你吃了乐开颜,生活圆满,事业顺利!12.I wish the sweet dumplings are always so sweet, and my heart is always lingering for you.祝愿的汤圆永远那么甜蜜,牵挂的心一直为你流连。13.I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, pig yuanyurun make Lantern Festival.预祝大家元宵节快乐,猪圆玉润闹元宵。14.Wish you a happy and happy Lantern Festival!愿你元宵佳节合家团圆,生活美满!15.May you enjoy singing and dancing on the 15th Lantern Festival and be happy forever!愿你十五元宵尽情歌舞,快乐无限!16.Warm greetings and best wishes for Lantern Festival!致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,元宵节快乐!17.in the first month to the Lunar New Year, lanterns闹universe, glutinous rice balls delicious fragrant, I wish you good emerge Festival, and you never at the best of luck and success in the future never happy! 正月里来是新春,十五花灯闹乾坤,汤圆味美香喷喷,祝你佳节福满身,好运和你不离分,万事如意永开心!18.I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, unlimited happiness!祝你元宵佳节快乐无边,幸福无限!19.New Years Eve and New Years Day not seen, Xiaoye tea no interviews, no pre leave after Zuoban Meet reunited temporarily out, miss worrying about dreams unlimited 元旦除了了夕没谋面,宵夜早茶没约见,节前假后没做伴。相会团圆暂无缘,思念惦记梦无限。20.Beautiful night lights fish dragon acrobatics Coloured glaze prosperous plendid miharu Wish you have a Lantern Festival joyfully!灯火良宵,鱼龙百戏琉璃盛世,锦绣三春。祝你过一个欢欢喜喜的元宵节!元宵节,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,是春节之后的第一个重要,是中国亦是汉字文化圈的地区和海外华人的传统之一。正月是农历的元月,古人称夜为宵,所以把一年中第一个月圆之夜正月十五称为元宵节。The Lantern Festival, also known as the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival or the Lantern Festival, is the first important festival after the Spring Festival, is Chinese is also one of the Chinese characters cultural circle of the region and the overseas Chinese traditional festival. The first month of the lunar calendar is the lunar month. The ancients called the night night, so the first month of the first month of the year was called the Lantern Festival fifteen.中国古俗中,上元节(天官节、元宵节)中元节(地官节、盂兰盆节)下元节(水官节)合称三元。元宵节始于2000多年前的秦朝。汉文帝时下令将正月十五定为元宵节。汉武帝时,太一神祭祀活动定在正月十五(太一:主宰宇宙一切之神)。司马迁创立太初历时,就已将元宵节确定为严重节日。China ancient customs, the Spring Festival (the official day festival, the Lantern Festival, Ghost Festival (Festival) officer, Ullambana), Yuan Festival (Shuiguan section) are three yuan. The Lantern Festival began in the Qin Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. The Han Emperor ordered the fifteen as the Lantern festival. When Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty, the sacrificial activities of too one God were fixed on the fifteen month of the first month (Tai Yi: the God of the universe). When Sima Qian created the Tai Chu calendar, the Lantern Festival was identified as a major festival.传统习俗出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵、拉兔子灯等。此外,不少地方元宵节还增加了耍龙灯、耍狮子、踩高跷、划旱船、扭秧歌、打太平鼓等传统民俗表演。The traditional custom of enjoying the moonlight, like fireworks, lamp lantern riddles, eating lantern, is pull the rabbit lamp. In addition, many places also increased the Lantern Festival playing the dragon, playing the lions, stilt, land boat, yangko dance, beating drums and other traditional folk performances.2008年6月,元宵节选入第二批国家级非物质文化遗产。In June 2008, the Lantern Festival was selected into the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage.1.Happy Lantern Festival!烟花烂漫之夜,祝你元宵快乐!2.Happy Lantern Festival, eat sweet and beautiful, sleep comfortably!元宵节玩得开开心心,吃得甜甜美美,睡得舒舒服服!3.I wish you the Lantern Festival family reunion, friends gather to Valentines romance, dancing, vibrant, and sooner or later a smiling face and happy expression_r_r_r of the colorful festivals staged! 祝你元宵节家人团圆,朋友欢聚,情人浪漫,手舞足蹈,动感十足,早晚笑脸,欣慰的表情上演节日的异彩纷呈!4.Wish your family a happy reunion and a happy L
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