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实用英文自我介绍范文汇总篇 英文自我介绍 篇1 Fm mid clss amly, asborn nsin Yi, Tainan on Octor 10t, 165.y fahs acivil fficil at inan ityGvernmen. My motr isa hse wi gooda ookin. Althog I th only hld f m arets, I byno mans aspoiled one. O he onrary, have benexpte t a sucesul n with adane econ. I stuy hard at scool.Bide extsknwedge, journlismis y favre; wenever redig, m heat is ille wth gret joy an intresting.co.icxoom “Being oo is must; succesful, however, iplu.” Faheradopts tedea ofhs ate. Eseclyinmiltayervie, reaized moreprecsl ople id: Miitarseve makesboy to an, Igree that.I ealiz he impotance f Enlish nd began to stud dilgtly whn I waseigte. Idinot start in my ealy ,b hope hat Iould as t tonera Egish ficiency est. Ad this i my ewih the momnt. 英文自我介绍 篇2 Thankyoor giing m the chanc to intrvie n it i my plesure to ntroduc yselto u. My name is Fn majoin andI wil rauat from th . Medical nirsty in ul, 202X. Hp chanceto workand velp in your deparmen.Durin te past theyears, under thrictdance o my tutor, rofessr i ollege o ,I have learned sysmcaly th theo o poein and gothe baic maniplti skills abot . With thheof my supersor, I hae succesul finshdthe subect and rspd soe exprmental sill, suchas cl cultur, DN extction an othemoleularbiog tecnique; abstraction, sepato, . . ringtre-ar udy in research, I sui had ad srived fo ele n r field. beet m kig ogte withexnoleage. I veloed qualiy of dligenc, resonsbiliy, kindness and honesty. yntenshiinollge of . cul qualify m fo his jb, nd I eee an fi forhe postion uicly. am loong frwardto working nyor departent. If I amadittd, Iwille hankful anry my s o wrkfor you Thak you very much 英文自我介绍 篇3 GoodMorng Afternoon,ydarteachrMy nameis W Yixuan. I a 11yea old,nd I am ifth ade stdentI ave any hobbies. Ie drawing can drawvery well, hic et o of rase mmy eacher anried. Iikept,such dancing, skating, bkian payin amitoI ofen playbdintonwith y sisters and we have gratf togethe I love msic,spally tepp musc, wch mke mefeel relax. I loe Englsh, oo.I hope I cn travelll oer the wolondayI have maniends. ofenstudy n lay witKe Jnqi ad Zhu i huai.ometimes, wegoboksore or uparkogether We areo hapy when we togehe. ov m fiends andhey love m, too.Thatsall! han youfor youteton. 英文自我介绍篇4 deasror mm:is ealyappciated ta you a sha yur time to elfrecomenation tter.m a is yu ng. mjorn ilish, i will rdae om neijng acecollge i jn X. ”ony fte poising, the word ll eshrp; ony afr suffering sevrwiner, the plu loom will emt“ fter fueead study, avepsessdte quliyto be a quliied graduate. ouyr hrd workingams ewith solid specilized wedge. nw, i ve mastrd t bas nglish skils: lstening, speakig, reng, riting n tnslation; and lso ha a god knolede gramar, pneics, ingitics mroer, tensivreainhas bradendmmid. itaqaintd mewih wsten cotrie clture and cutm. heard-workng lso rwrds me withhigscores in eaminaion.wih aperfect masteryo peiaiedknolee, i alo deveoped myslin ll-ound way i hae been pying pecia attnon fote my anageial abilit, ooriat abiity and cooprtiveability. si hve ng losof jobs n my cllge life, such orkin a brnch secreta of the group, enlsh techer of jianmin englshraing scho, a saesmnihav ntoly dong a go jo bu also av eaalot fro u experieces. adtionaly,my sel-confience, dutry, nd enthusim pave the wy fr conque he ifities itc wold or i fure wormy ttrbte hapepared mefkigan imeiatecontribtion t yourcmpny your rst and aility ilmakeus tocrae earel toghr wecoe t potitto met i you o ther discus my qliicaion a your eed anks for your tm an cnsideaionor sineely, * 英文自我介绍篇5 Godmrning, y me is xx, t s reaygrt oor o aethisoprtuityfor an inteviw, wol iketo aner whatevr you may rse,and i ho i n mkea go pemnce today,eenualy eol n his pretigiousunerity n septmbe. No i willintr
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