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中国法通讯-x大成律师事务所 中国法通讯China Law Newsletter争议解决与强制执行Dispute Resolution and Enforcement第4期 ? Issue 4x年9月 ? September x编者按:本刊旨在报道中国法下争议解决与强制执行的最新动态与我们的实务经验,但本刊不可替代个案的正式法律意见。您若重复收到本刊或者要订阅、退订或进一步了解本刊的内容,请与大成的有关律师联系。Editors note: the purpose of this publication is to report the most recent developments in the field of dispute resolution and enforcement in China, as well as our practical experience therein. However, this publication should not be treated as a substitute for a formal legal opinion in individual cases. If you have received this publication more than once, or would like to subscribe or unsubscribe to this publication, or follow up on any issues raised in this publication, please be in contact with the lawyer you usually deal with at Dacheng Law Offices.目录CONTENTS立法新闻LEGISLATIVE NEWS 71 江苏省试点海上“不动产”物权登记Jiangsu launches pilot program for property registration of maritime real property2 环保部印发环境行政处罚证据指南MEP prints and distributes Guidelines for Evidence Related Matters in the Imposition of Environmental Administrative Penalties3 最高法规范审理政府信息公开行政案件有关问题SPC Regulates Issues concerning the Trial of Administrative Cases on Government Information Disclosure4 婚姻法最新解释发布New Interpretations on Marriage Law Released5 国税总局发出关于纳税人转让土地使用权或者销售不动产同时一并销售附着于土地或者不动产上的固定资产有关税收问题的公告SAT releases announcement on taxation issues concerning transfer of land use rights or simultaneous sale of real property and fixed assets attached6 最高院确定x年国家赔偿侵犯公民人身自由权计算标准SPC Clarifies State Compensation Calculation Standards for the Infringement of Citizens Right to Personal Freedom of Citizens x7 “两高”出台司法解释阻击“黑客”Supreme Peoples Court and Supreme Peoples Procuratorate Promulgating Judicial Interpretations to Block Hacker司法动态 JUDICIAL DEVELOPMENT 88 海淀法院成为北京首个审理专利纠纷的基层法院Haidian Court becomes the first grass-roots court in Beijing to try patent related cases9 北京东城法院对民事诉讼伪证方罚款两万元Beijing Dongcheng Court imposed a fine of RMB 20,000 on the party who committed a perjury in a civil action10 海南高院出台关于开展环境资源民事公益诉讼试点的实施意见Hainan High Court releases the Opinions on the Implementation of the Pilot Program for Civil Public Interest Litigations Related to Environment and Natural Resources11 x年上半年一审审结知识产权案标的近13亿元Subject matters of IPR cases closed in 1st half of x reach nearly RMB 1.3 bn12 中国近十年向世贸组织主动起诉8起、被诉13起案件China involved in 21 WTO cases after joining WTO13 最高法探索大规模侵权案件赔偿体系SPC endeavors to establish compensation system for cases involving mass torts14 北京调整民商等案件级别管辖标准Beijing adjusted the threshold for hierarchical jurisdiction of civil and business cases15 发展中国家涉华贸易救济案激增Number of trade remedy cases involving China surged仲裁动态 ARBITRATION DEVELOPMENT 216 广州知识产权仲裁院成立Guangzhou Intellectual Property Arbitration Tribunal was formed17 中国企业海外仲裁十案九败Nine out of ten overseas arbitration cases involving Chinese enterprises were awarded against Chinese enterprises法规全文精选 FULL VERSION OF SELECTED LEGISLATION 118 最高人民法院关于适用中华人民共和国婚姻法若干问题的解释(三)Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court on Certain Issues Concerning the Application of the Marriage Law of the Peoples Republic of China (III)立法新闻LEGISLATIVE NEWS江苏省试点海上“不动产”物权登记(来源:江苏省人民政府,x年8月4日)Jiangsu launches pilot program for property registration of maritime real property (source: Peoples Government of Jiangsu Province, 4 August x)从x年8月起至年底,江苏省将在赣榆、海安、海门、如东等县(市)启动海上构筑物所有权登记试点,在此基础上研究和完善相关机制后推广至全省沿海。From August to the end of x, Jiangsu Province will implement a pilot program for property registration of structures built over the sea in some of its counties and cities, namely Ganyu, Haian, Haimen, and Rudong. Jiangsu aims to establish and improve registration mechanisms that may be applied in all coastal areas of the Province.海上构筑物所有权登记是保护其所有者合法权益的根本措施。The registration of ownership of structures built over the sea is a primary measure for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the owners of such structures. Top 环保部印发环境行政处罚证据指南(来源:环境保护部,x年8月8日)MEP prints and distributes Guidelines for Evidence Related Matters in the Imposition of Environmental Administrative Penalties (source: Ministry of Environmental Protection, 8 August x)x年5月30日,环境保护部发布环办x66号通知,印发环境行政处罚证据指南,以规范环境行政处罚证据的收集、审查和认定,保证事实认定的准确性和环境行政处罚案件的办理质量,提高行政执法效能。The Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) issued a notice numbered Huan Ban x No. 66 on May 30, x, under which the Guidelines for Evidence Related Matters in the Imposition of Environmental Administrative Penalties are printed and distributed. The Guidelines aim to standardize the collection, review and identification evidence used in imposing environmental administrative penalties, to ensure the accuracy of factual findings, and to improve the effectiveness of admi
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