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中医对痤疮皮肤的调养与治疗中医对痤疮皮肤的调养与治疗 山东济南美容连锁店 刘杰 摘要:“痤疮”这一病症,人们并不陌生,它是一种毛囊皮脂腺结构的慢性炎症疾患。中医称“肺风粉刺”以生丘疹疙瘩,如刺破出白色粉汁而得名。起初,如细小丘疹和脓包;严重时伴有结节囊肿,疤痕,色素沉着等特点;一般痤疮多长于面部,严重时可长于背部。粉刺,青春痘,暗疮均属于痤疮的范畴。 陕西海棠中医美容研究所的王海棠教授,继承和发扬了中医学的理论体系,以整体观念和辨证论治的思想作指导以内调为主,外治为辅为特色,研制出了一系列治疗调养痤疮的产品。短短十年,就立足于国内,走向国际,是同行业治疗型的“王牌产品”,行业人士均称“痤疮的克星”。 关键词:痤疮的辨证论治 痤疮这一病症是从青春期开始发病的。多因身体肾不足,相火亢盛加之饮食失调,好食肥腻辛辣,冲任失调;肺胃火旺,上蒸头面或固脾胃失热引起的。一旦得了痤疮,首先要从自身的生活起居,饮食习惯做起;再通过辨证论治分型做出对症治疗的方法才能让患者从根本上解除困扰面子问题的烦恼,还你一个健康的美。 痤疮一般分为:肺热型、解毒型、失热型、肝郁型、 血瘀型及激素型。下面就“肺热型”为代表,浅谈一下痤疮的治疗和调养,以达共鸣。 肺热型:多见于中青年,皮损以炎症丘疹为主,肤色潮红,大便干燥,舌质红,有口臭,苔微黄,脉数。 这类患者,大多属于肺肠积热阴虚火旺,所以这类患者,首先要滋阴泄内火,清理肠内毒素。按以下操作,分阶段治疗,疗程一个月,治愈率。 内服:海棠王胶囊瓶美号瓶. 美容院操作:,前天,每天有次:王洗面奶洁面 消毒 针清 痤疮液敷分钟 导入银杏号痤疮液分钟 上生涂冷膜 ,三天后,大面积痤疮基本彻底清理完毕,之后隔天做一次,王洗面奶洁面 清毒 清理残留痤疮 导入银号痤疮液 上康号面膜 补水面膜。 ,此时患者面部有针清留下印痕治疗如下:连续天导入银杏号清痘去痕精华内服美号瓶 隔两天,康号,康号交替上膜 加盖冷膜或补水面膜。 ,痤疮印为淡红色的,隔天做一次,连续做天,治疗如下:王洗面奶洁肤 消毒 清理面部 导入消痘去痕精华分钟 加康号面膜 补水面膜。一个月后,患者面部恢复健康。 俗话说:“病来如山倒,病去如抽丝”,强化治疗,一个月下来患者恢复了健康,但巩固是必要的。首先,作为一名专业的中医美容师要让患者明白面部的变化就是内在的反映,所以要求患者一个月后巩固治疗是保持疗效的关键,除了让患者天必须做一次面部治疗外,还要求患者要保持心情开朗,营养搭配合理,少食辛辣刺激易发食物,多吃莲子,黄瓜,西红柿,枸杞等,保持合理的睡眠,保持大便通畅和适当做些户外运动也是必要的。另外根据自己技术掌握情况也可曾加针灸治疗和刮痧治疗的辅助疗法。 天外有天,人外有人;志当存高远,迈步从头越。我在中医美容界还很年轻,我将会和各位志士同人共同仁探讨中医美容的技术,感受海棠中医美容的真谛! The nursing and treatment of acne with Traditional Chinese Medicine The disease called acne is not unfamiliar for us. It is a kind of chronic inflammation disease which is pilosebaceous follicule Structural, and often starts in adolescence, and mainly was caused by deficiency of the kidney-yin; more of ministerial firein addition, food imbalance and eating more greasy and pungent food; the prosperous lung-fire and stomach-fire or moist heat of the spleen and stomach. Traditional Chinese Medicine calls it “rosacea” which is well known for producing the popular eruption, keloid; and producing the white liquid. At first, there are only some small popular eruptions and puspocket. But when it is serious, there appears nodular cystis ,cicatrices, pigmentation and so on. Usually, acne is on the face, sometimes on the back. Pimple, zit, dark sore belong to the category of the acne. Acne can be divided into six types: the lung-heat, the toxic-heat, the moist-heat, the stagnation of the liver-qi, the blood stasis, and hormone. Once you have acne, firstly you should do from your living, and dietary habit; then suit the remedy to the case through the way of differentiation of symptoms and signs, relieving your trouble completely. The professor Wang Haitang of Shanxi institution of Traditional Chinese Medicine cosmetology, inherits and develops Traditional Chinese Medicines theory system directing with entirety idea and the thought of differentiation of symptoms and signs, and with the main Inner-recuperation and external auxiliary-treatment, so he works out a series of products treating and nursing acne. In short ten years, it starts Domestic, walks into world. It is the king of associate. And people call it “the enemy of the acne”.
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