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第二单元I couldnt agree with you more.我非常同意你的意见!He enjoys nothing better than to go fishing with the boys. 他最喜欢的就是和男孩子们一起去钓鱼。Sending an E-mail here cant be more convenient这儿发送电子邮件很方便。She couldnt have been sadder when she lost her daughter. 当她女儿丢了时,她非常伤心。Because I was a teenager (being paid the grand total of 15 cents a column inch), his words couldnt have been more inspiring. (Line 5) 当时我只是一个十几岁的小伙子(为专栏写一英寸文字总计得稿酬15美分),因此他的话非常令人鼓舞。第3单元1. 性别特征 gender dend identity adentt2. 文化为男孩和女孩提供了不同的形象和成年人榜样。 The culturekltprovidesprvaddifferent images and adult dlt; dlt models for boys and girls. 3. 教育中存在着一种男孩比女孩更受偏爱的文化倾向。 There is a culture biasbas in education that favorsfevboys over girls.4. 从托儿所到研究生课堂,老师请男学生发言的次数远比请女学生多。 From nurseryns()rschool to postgraduateps(t)grdjtcourses, teachers call on males mel in class far more than on male students. 5. 形成更积极的态度 develop more positive pztv attitude ttjud 6. 向 敞开大门open their doors to 7. 老师们根据根深蒂固的性别模式给女孩子布置与男孩子不同的任务。 Teachers assign san boys and girls different tasks in accordance kd()ns一致;和谐with stereotyped stertapt gender dendroles. 8. 那些九岁以前在数学方面比男孩子强的女孩,此后却落后了。 Girls, who are superior supr;to boys in math up to the age of nine, fall behind from then on. 第4单元9. 具有创造性是通向光明前程的关键。 Creativity is a key to a bright future.10. 动脑筋搞创新 thinking and developing new ideas11. 创造性的裨益不仅限于音乐和艺术领域。 Creativitys benefits benft reach beyond bjndmusic and art.12. 创造性并非与生俱来。 Creativity is not something one is just born with.13. 乘法表;数学中的应用题 multiplication ,mltplke()n tables ; story problems in math.14. 切实可行的想法 workable ideas15. 了解不同决策带来的各种后果 to understand the consequences of various decisions16. 从本质上看,幽默通常跨越常规界限,打破固有模式。 By its nature, humor crosses krsconventional knven()n()lboundaries and break patterns pt()n.第5单元17. 有人会以我们为榜样。 There are people who will follow our lead.18. 我绝非圣贤。我会犯错误,有时还会做一些非常幼稚的事。 Im no saintsent. I make mistakes, and sometimes I do childish things.19. 他在球场以外给人们的生活带来积极影响了吗? Does he influence peoples life in a positive way away from the court kt?20. 他付出了多少去帮助他人? How much has he given of himself to help others?21. 孩子们有许多行为榜样,比如运动员、电影明星和老师。 Kids have a lot of role models such as athletes lit movie stars, and teachers.22. 分分秒秒,日复一日,都被如此密切的注视着是什么滋味? What is it like to be watched closely every minute of everyday?23. 做一个行为榜样的好处多于其坏处。 The good things of being a role model outweigh the bad.24. 无论他们敬仰那位运动员,十全十美的人是没有的。 No matter which athletes they look up to, there are no perfect human beings.第6单元25. 现代生活中充满了诸多威胁。 Modern life is full of all manner of threats ret.26. 我们的疑虑无休止的增加。 Our uncertainties nst()nt; -tnt multiply indefinitely ndfntli.27. 危险几乎总是一个可能而非确定。 Risks are almost always a matter of probabilities prbblt rather than certainty.28. 我应该系安全带吗? Should I wear a seat belt belt ?29. 我们做的事没一件是百分之百安全的。 Nothing we do is completely kmpli:tli完全地safe.30. 关键在于见机行事。 The point is to act accordingly.31. 从刚才讨论的情况看 In the case just discussed32. 后者的风险是前者的四倍。 The latter turns out to be four times riskier than the former fm .第2单元课堂笔记(根据PPT整理的)Work out the corresponding Chinese equivalents or English ones.写出相应的中文或英文 Keep up the good work. 再接再历l 写快捷而鼓舞人心的便笺 .to writing a quick ,encouraging wordl all walks of life各行各业的人l spirit-lifting words鼓舞人心的文字/话l be intrigued by 引起.好奇心,迷住 become interested in or get curious about l rag-eared皱起来,卷起来worn-out,l uplifting comments, 鼓舞人心的话语,l 效仿,copy the example ofl be on to something:在做有重要意义的事, l upbeat notes, 激励人心的便笺,l 认为重要,attachimportance tol a matter of record白纸黑字记录在案的东西l be flooded with像洪水般be filled with many/muchl 随时都准备的:ever-readyl get a warm pat on the back,得到表扬l 受益匪浅earn the benefitsl 扭转时局/准亏为盈turnround(使向好的方向发展) / 使(回头);向后转l pass along,传递l positive reinforcement正面的肯定或鼓励l 最成功的便笺高手,the most successful practitioners prkt()n l false fls; flspraise, 虚假的赞美l keep sth. at hand, 把放在手边,l 远方的朋友, long-distance friendsl 似乎尤其恰到好处; seem particularly ptkjll appropriate prprtl Be generous den()rs with your praise prez. 不要吝啬你的赞美之词。l 收到一封温暖的赞扬信, get a warm, complimentary kmplment()r letterl uplifting plifti phrases, frez 鼓舞人心的词句, l compose kmpza few overdue letters写几封我早该写的信l2. Explain the following words and make sentences.解释下列单词和造句 boost , self-conscious(因顾虑自己的外表或表现)局促不安的,害羞的,不自然的 例句:The young girl felt very self-conscious about the large mole on her chin.那位年轻姑娘对自己下巴上的一颗大痣感到很不自在。 oweto 应该感谢; 把归功于例句:He owes his good health to plenty of exercise and a regular life. 他把他身体健康归功于运动和
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