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(江苏版)2022届高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 2 The environment知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版必修5 单项填空1The boss showed his_ of Toms hard work in the pany by raising his pay to $5, 000 a month.AdistinctionBpromotionCappreciation DreservationC解析:句意:老板通过将Tom的月薪提升到5 000美元来表示对他的赏识。 appreciation“欣赏, 赏识”, 符合句意, 故答案为C项。 2(2018启东中学高三检测)The detective, _ to be reading a newspaper, glanced at the man _ next to a woman.Apretending; seated Bpretended; seatedCpretending; seat Dpretended; seatingA解析:第一空是现在分词作非限制性定语, 修饰the detective, 二者之间为主动关系, 所以用现在分词; 第二空是过去分词作定语, 修饰the man, seat“使就座”, 所以用其过去分词形式。 3(2018启东中学考前辅导)Scientists have created the worlds smallest “snowman”, _about a fifth of the width of a human hair.Ameasures BmeasuringCmeasured Dto measureB解析:measure作“量度达” 讲时是不及物动词, 和被修饰词snowman之间构成主动关系, 所以选measuring作定语。 4At last, the boys found themselves _ in a pleasant park with trees providing shade.Ato sit BsatCsitting Dhaving satC解析:此处为现在分词作宾补, 宾语themselves和sit之间构成主动关系,且强调进行,所以用其现在分词形式。5Love means you care about the _ of a person, that is, you hope he or she can lead a happy life. Aauthority BbeliefCpreference DwelfareD解析:authority权威, 权利; belief信仰, 相信; preference偏向, 优先权; welfare福利, 幸福; 根据you hope he or she can lead a happy life(你希望他或她能够过着幸福的生活)可知横线上应该填一个与此句对应的名词。 句意:爱意味着你关心一个人的幸福, 也就是说, 你希望他或她能够过着幸福的生活。 故选D。6I would appreciate_, to be frank, if the goods could be delivered as soon as possible.Ayou BthisCit DmyselfC解析:此处it作形式宾语, 代替后面的“if the goods could be delivered as soon as possible”。 to be frank为插入语。 且I would appreciate it if.,为固定搭配。7Some of you may have finished Unit one. _, you can go on to Unit two.AIf you may BIf you doCIf not DIf soD解析:句意:你们有些人可能已经完成单元一了。 如果是这样的话, 你们可以继续单元二的内容。 If soIf you have done that, 意为“如果是这样的话”, 与语境相符。8My money _. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand.Ahas run out Bis running outChas been run out Dis being running outB解析:句意:我的钱快用光了, 在用完之前我得去银行取一些。 run out为不及物动词短语, 不能用于被动语态。 9He stood up, _ a cigarette and left the room.Alighting BlightedCto light DlitD解析:这里表示的是三个连续的动作, 所以动词都用过去式形式, “点燃” 用作谓语时, 过去式通常是lit, lighted通常作定语。 10According to a recent survey, some TV programs should take _ for teenagers negative behavior. Ainfluence BresponsibilityCcredit DexplanationB解析:take responsibility for 对负责任。 句意:根据一个最近的调查, 有些电视节目应当对青少年的不良行为负责。 11With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ each year.Ais washing away Bis being washed awayCare washing away Dare being washed awayD解析:本题考查了两个知识点。 其一是主谓一致:根据quantity的用法, quantities of复数名词或不可数名词作主语, 谓语动词与quantities保持一致, 故谓语动词要用复数形式, 排除了A、B两个选项; 其二考查了语态, “土壤是被冲走的”, 故选择D项。 12She and her roommate silently warred over matters _from when the lights should be turned off to how the furniture should be arranged.Aranging BexchangingCtransforming DvaryingA解析:句意:她因许多事情而与室友暗地里不和, 诸如什么时候熄灯啦, 家具应如何摆放啦, 等等。 vary“变化”; range“(在一定范围内) 变动, 变化”, range from.to. 从到变化; exchange“交换”; transform“变换, 转换” 。 13(江苏卷)Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and_to ruins,the city took on a new look.Areducing BreducedCbeing reduced Dhaving reducedC解析:句意:“在遭受大地震,沦为废墟之后不久,这座城市就呈现出了新的面貌。”shortly after在之后不久,引导时间状语。after在此可视为介词,后接动名词作其宾语。根据短语reduce the city to ruins(使城市沦为废墟)可知,逻辑主语the city 与reduce构成被动关系,排除A、D两项;而and连接两个并列成分,根据suffering from a massive earthquake and_to ruins中suffering 的形式,可确定答案为being reduced。14The waves reached as high as 61 feet and moved rapidly through the city,_ down the wall of houses.Ahaving torn BtoreCtear DtearingD解析:the waves与tear down之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,另外,此处表示的是谓语动作带来的自然而然的结果,故用tearing down。15Well, youd better buy that shirt.Brown and black dont go together._ I wear it with another shirt?AHow do you like BDo you meanCWhat if DHow aboutC解析:由语境可知答句句意:我把它和另一件衬衣配在一起穿怎么样? 阅读理解ASALT LAKE CITYThe Utah Jazz basketball team signed a 5yearold. Freeagent player to a oneday contract for a special performance in October. The Utah Jazz has just made his dream e true. The boy has suffered from blood cancer since 2012.JP Gibson, who was diagnosed with severe blood cancer, signed his contract with Jazz President Randy Rigby before joining the team for the preseason training play at Utah Jazzs sport center. JP was joined by his parents, Josh and Megan, and his 2yearold sister, Elsie.The activity was hosted by the Jazz and photographer Jon Diazs “Anything Can Be” project, which provides support and hope to families like the Gibsons. Jon Diaz asks children with cancer what their dreams and wishes are, and he writes their stories in a book. JP, wearing a No. 1 shirt, even got to play in the play. He passed the ball, and Ru
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