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基础知识梳理一、重点单词(英汉互译)。(11分)1. (分手指的)手套_2. 围巾_3. 雨伞_4. 太阳镜_5. 美观的_ 6. 好的_7. 昂贵的_ 8. 便宜的_9. more_ 10. size_11. dollar_二、重点短语(英汉互译)。(12分)1. try on_ 2. how much_3. on sale_ 4. just right_5. of course_ 6. 太小了_三、重点句子(汉译英)。(10分)1. 我能为您做点什么? 2. 这条短裙多少钱? 3. 这个帽子你觉得怎么样? 4. 这条围巾真漂亮。 5. 我能试试这双鞋吗? 四、核心语言点。(12分)1. _ (多少钱)你会问价格吗? 填一填。3. _ these2. _ theSunglasses?Socks?Scarf?Umbrella?单元强化检测五、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分)()1. A. expensiveB. smallC. hat()2. A. skirt B. clothes C. shirt()3. A. whose B. those C. these()4. A. take B. size C. try()5. A. gloves B. pants C. book六、看图补全下列句子。(10分) 1. The _ is thirty yuan. 2. The _ are colorful. 3. How much are these_? 4. The _ is very expensive. 5. Can I try the _ on?七、情景选择。(10分)()1. 你去商店买东西, 售货员会礼貌地对你说: _A. Can you help me?B. Can you try it on?C. Can I help you?()2. 你认为那双手套很便宜, 你会说: _A. They are too expensive. B. They are very cheap. C. They are so pretty. ()3. 你想问那双手套多少钱, 你会说: _A. How many is the glove?B. How much is the glove?C. How much are the gloves?()4. 裙子很漂亮, 你要买它, 你会说: _A. Ill take it. B. I like it. C. Im take it. ()5. 你想问妈妈觉得这件毛衣怎么样, 你会说: _A. How much is the sweater?B. What is the sweater?C. How do you like the sweater?八、按要求完成句子。(15分)1. verytheareshoesexpensive (? ) (连词成句)2. ismuchnicehowthatscarf (? )(连词成句)3. trywhiteIcantheonshoes (? )(连词成句)4. They are forty yuan. (对画线部分提问)5. How do you like the hat? (用very pretty回答问句)九、选择适当的选项, 补全对话。(15分)Assistant: 1. _A. Ill take it. B. Can I help you?C. How about that one?D. What colour do you like?E. How much is it? Sarah: Yes. I want a coat. Assistant: 2. _Sarah: I like red. Assistant: 3. _Sarah: Its pretty. 4. _Assistant: Its fifty yuan. Sarah: 5. _ 答案基础知识梳理一、1. glove2. scarf3. umbrella4. sunglasses5. pretty 6. nice 7. expensive 8. cheap9. 更多的 10. 尺码11. 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位)二、1. 试穿 2. 多少钱3. 特价销售4. 正好;恰好5. 当然 6. too small三、1. Can I help you? 2. How much is this skirt? 3. How do you like this hat? 4. This scarf is pretty. 5. Can I try these shoes on? 四、1. How much 2. is3. are单元强化检测五、1. C2. B3. A4. B5. C六、1. scarf2. gloves3. sunglasses4. umbrella5. sweater七、1. C2. B3. C4. A5. C八、1. Are the shoes very expensive? 2. How much is that nice scarf? 3. Can I try the white shoes on? 4. How much are they? 5. Its very pretty. 九、1. B2. D3. C4. E5. A2
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