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分类号 TP391 密 级 U D C 编 号 1 0 4 8 6武 汉 大 学工程硕士专业学位论文基于统一数据平台的信访系统设计与实现研 究 生 姓 名: 学 号:指导教师姓名 、职称: 副教授工 程 领 域 名 称: 计 算 机 技 术研 究 方 向: 数 据 库 技 术二一四年五月A Dissertation Submitted to Wuhan University For the Master Degree of Computer ScienceThe design and realization of Letters&Visits System based on big-data platformName: Student Number: 2011212113012Teacher: Li Zongfu Associate ProfessorEngineering: Computer TechnologyResearch Orientation: DataBase TechnologyMay , 2014郑 重 声 明本人的学位论文是在导师指导下独立撰写并完成的,学位论文没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,否则,本人愿意承担由此而产生的法律责任和法律后果,特此郑重声明。 学位论文作者(签名):年 月 日摘 要当今我国正处在飞速的发展阶段,社会矛盾也集中显现,这些问题通过信访渠道反映出来进行处理是我国构建和谐社会的一个重要环节。信访信息系统是我国信访条例的实践,它既是体察民意民心的服务窗口,也是践行群众路线的重要渠道。因此,结合山西省信访渠道信息化建设现状,对比中外畅通信访诉求和民情民愿表达渠道的做法,进行信访信息系统的建设具有重要的意义。而我国电子政务尤其是信访信息化建设经过多年的推进已经沉淀了数量较多的业务数据,这些数据不仅能够帮助信息系统的业务顺利开展,同时也能够避以前依赖直觉和经验来进行决策的工作方法,转而代之以对信访数据进行挖掘分析的科学决策。本研究课题将设计和实现基于统一数据平台的信访系统。它主要针对省级信访机构外网数据和专网数据之间、省级信访部门和上下级信访部门之间、信访部门与其他政府部门之间的数据共享和同步问题,以提供所有信访业务系统“全面、准确、统一”的数据服务为目标,通过采用ETL技术、统一数据访问技术,建立起相应的数据集成中心库,形成统一数据平台服务来支撑省级信访系统。并结合山西省信访局业务实际进行网络设计、数据迁移设计和信访业务系统功能设计实现。该平台将为做好山西省信访工作,梳理科学有效的管理信息,更好的为广大人民服务、为领导科学决策服务等方面发挥重要作用。关键词:信访业务信息系统;大数据;数据服务平台;数据交换;数据库设计 AbstractCurrently China is entering into a stage of rapid development, while social conflicts are also emerging. Solving these conflicts through petition channels is an important part of building a harmonious society. Petition information system is the practice of Petition Regulations, and it is not only a public service window to know common citizens lives and ideas, but also an important channel to practice the mass lines. Therefore, it is of great significance to compare different ways of China and other countries in dealing with petition channels for people to express their aspirations and sentiments. Besides, it is also meaningful for the construction of petition by investigating the current situation of the petition information systems of Shanxi Province. Chinas e-government system, especially its petition informatization system, after years of advance, has accumulated a large number of business data, which can not only help the smooth development of business information systems, but also be analyzed by taking advantage of big data technology, thus permitting the making of scientific decision and the past way of making decision by relying on experience and intuition.This research project will design and implement a petition system based on a unified data platform. This project mainly studies the data sharing and synchronization issues between outer network data and private network data of provincial petition agencies, between provincial petition agencies and its lower level departments, and between provincial petition agencies and other government departments. This projects goal is to provide all of the petition business systems with comprehensive, accurate and unified data service by the use of ETL technology and unified data access technology, thus establishing the relevant central repository of data integration and forming a unified data platform services to support provincial petition systems. This project will also materialize the network design, data migration design and petition business system design according to the situations of the Petition Bureau of Shanxi. This platform will help a lot in the petition work of Shanxi. Besides, it can manage information in a scientific and effective way in the process of serving the whole people and helping the leaders to make scientific decisions. Keywords: The Letters&Visits information system; big data; data platform; data exchange; database design II目 录摘 要IAbstractII1绪论11.1选题意义及背景11.2国内外研究现状综述21.2.1国内外信访工作研究现状21.2.2政务数据共享研究现状21.3主要研究工作31.4论文的组织结构32统一数据平台技术介绍52.1统一数据服务层52.1.1ETL技术52.1.2基于ETL的数据集成中心库62.2基础数据服务平台72.2.1统一数据访问72.2.2对象工厂支持72.2.3对象池支持82.2.4事务支持82.2.5持久化服务支持92.2.6AOP支持93信访业务与数据分析113.1信访业务分析113.1.1信访业务流程概述113.1.2信访业务角色123.1.3信访业务流程123.2信访数据分析143.2.1信访外网接访数据分析143.2.2信访内网业务处理数据分析164信访系统总体设计194.1信访业务系统整体设计194.1.1整体逻辑关系194.1.2整体架构设计204.2应用系统设计214.2.1用户层214.2.2表现层224.2.3业务逻辑层224.2.4资源管理层224.3业务数据平台设计234.3.1业务数据平台设计原则234.3.2业务数据平台设计方法234.3.3性能考虑234.3.4存储模型设计244.4数据库设计274.4.1公共数据库设计274.4.2信访事项库设计284.4.3分析预测库设计294.4.4排查调处库设计304.4.5督察督办库设计304.4.6重大紧急信访事项数据库设计314.5数据中心网络拓扑设计324.5.1整体网络拓扑设计324.5.2局域网网络设计334.5.3广域网网络设计334.5.4政务内网网络设计345信访业务系统实现365.1信访业务系统总体功能架构365.2系统数据初始化和迁移375.2.1数据迁移的目的375.2.2数据迁移的原则375.2.3数据迁移实施步骤395.3主要功能设计与实现455.3.1外网网站子系统455.3
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