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第四课时Section B(1a1d)【学习目标】1学生会用比较级来表达事物之间的倍数关系。2通过听力训练,提高学生的综合听说能力。3培养学生热爱自然、关心自然变化的意识。【学习重点】通过听力训练,提高学生的综合听说能力。【学习难点】学生能熟练运用比较级来表达事物之间的倍数关系。师生谈论动物,引入描述动物的话题。Do you like animals? What animals do you like? Can you describe the animals to us?Task 1【组内小展示】先由各小组组长带领组内成员认读单词和词组,再在整个小组内进行齐读后对词汇的用法进行归纳,并标记出发音和理解困难的词汇,可及时向老师求助。最后,板书展示内容。【班级大展示】1I can read.(我会读)带读齐读;通过游艺形式,如单词游戏来巩固词汇的学习。2I can write.(我会写) 以answer quickly(抢答)的方式对词组进行中英互译;带读齐读;抽测,可以用造句的方式巩固词组的用法。3I can summarize.(我会总结) 总结many times,more than 的用法及倍数表达法;抽测:倍数的表达方式。情景导入生成问题1(T)Question:Do you like animals? What animals do you like?(S)Answer:_2(T)Question:Can you describe the animals to us?(S)Answer:_自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read new words and the phrases.1I can read.(我会读)cm,weigh,birth,adult,at birth,up to2I can write.(我会写)(1)150 kilos of 150公斤的 (2)at birth 出生时 (3)many times 许多倍 (4)up to 到达(某数量、程度等) (5)stand on two legs 双腿站立 3I can summarize.(我会总结)This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.这头大象比这只熊猫重许多倍。(1)many times 意为“许多倍”。time 作可数名词时意为“次;倍”。Eg:I have been to the Great Wall three times.我去过长城三次了。(2)“倍数比较级than”意为“比多倍”。Eg:Her hair is twice longer than mine.她的头发比我的长两倍。(3)more than 的用法more than后接数词,表示从数量上超过,相当于over。more than后接名词或动词时,意为“不只是,不止”。more than后接形容词、副词时,表示程度,意为“很,非常”。这块大石头比那一块重三倍。This big stone weighs three_times more than that one.Task 2Make conversations and summarize.1I can make conversations. (我会编对话)请结合比较级和最高级,和同伴编一个对话。 A:Do you know China is one of the oldest countries in the world?B:Yes.Its much older than the US.A:Its almost as big as the US.B:Yes,its a little smaller than the US. _2I can summarize.(我会总结) 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级 _ (1)比较级句型形容词/副词比较级than,表示两者比较。Eg:He is fatter than me.“ 比较级and比较级 ”表示“越来越”。Eg:The flowers are more and more beautiful.Task 2【组内小展示】小组内先讨论并核对Task 2的相关答案,再在组内表演对话。最后,在黑板上板书展示内容。【班级大展示】1I can make conversations.(我会编对话) 根据任务提示,编写并表演对话;以抽查的方式,展示对话。2I can summarize.(我会总结)根据提示,结合所学内容,总结并讲解比较级和最高级常见句型;在全班展示。【备注】“ the比较级,the比较级 ”表示“越,越”。Eg:The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make.“A be the 形容词比较级of_the_two ”表示“A是两者中较的”。Eg:Look at the two boys.My brother is the taller of the two.(2)最高级常用句型结构 三者或三者以上比较 用最高级。 one_of_the_形容词最高级复数名词 ,表示“最之一”。“ the序数词最高级单数名词 范围”。表示“是第几大”。Eg:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.交流展示生成新知Show in groups.(Time:six minutes)Task 1First the students read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(they can ask the teacher for help)At last write them on the blackboard.Task 2First the students discuss and check the answers in Task 2 in groups,then discuss and set scenes to perform dialogues.At last write show contents on the blackboard.Class show.(Time:sixteen minutes)Task 11I can read. Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of frequency adverbs;Consolidate the word learning by word game.2I can write. Students translate the phrases into Chinese by answering quickly;Read together;Spot test:Consolidate the usage of phrases by marking sentences.Task 21I can practice. Ask students to translate the key sentences in Task 2;Read together.2I can report.Students list the problems they met in school;Report the contents they discussed in oral.当堂演练达成目标见所赠光盘课后反思查漏补缺收获:_存在困惑:_
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