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. .韦博英语培训分享老友记对白:122倒人胃口的约会The One With the Ick Factor韦博英语分享的提供一点老友记英语对白资料122倒人胃口的约会The One With the Ick Factor Monica: Tell him.Rachel: No.Phoebe: Tell him, tell him.Monica: Just.please tell him.Rachel: Shut up!Chandler: Tell me what?Monica: Look at you, you wont even look at him.Chandler: Oh, come on tell me. I could use another reason why women wont look at me.Rachel: All right, all right, all right. Last night, I had a dream that, uh, you and I, were.Phoebe: Doing it on this table. Chandler: Wow!Joey: Exellent dream score.Ross: Why, why, why would you dream that?Chandler: More importantly, was I any good?Rachel: Well, you were pretty damn good.Chandler: Interesting, cause in my dreams, Im allways surprisingly inadequate. Rachel: Well, last night you seemed to know your way around the table.Ross: I love it, when we share.Chandler: Youre okay there?Ross: I cant belive you two had sex in her dream.Chandler: Im sorry, it was a one-time-thing. I was very drunk and i was somebody elses subconscious.Opening CreditsScene: Central Perk, continued from earlier, Chandler is sitting on the table.Chandler: Hello Rachel.Rachel: Get off.Phoebe: Uh, uh, gimme. Can you see me operating a drill press?Joey: I dont know. What are you wearing?Ross: Pheebs, why would you want to operate a drill press?Phoebe: Just for some short-term-work. You know, until I get back some of my massage clients.Chandler: Pirates again?Phoebe: No, nothing like that. I was just.such a dummie. I taught this massage-yourself-at-home-workshop. And they are.Joey: Hey, hey, Chan. She could work for you.Chandler: Thanks Joey, thats a good idea.Phoebe: What. I could, I could do it. What is it?Chandler: Well, my secretary is gonna be out for a couple of weeks. She is having one of her boobs redused. Its a whole big boob story.Phoebe: I could be a secretary.Chandler: Well, you know Phoebs. I dont know if its your kinda thing, because it involves a lot of being normal. For a large portion of the day.Phoebe: I could do that.Rachel: What are you playing with?Ross: Oh, its my new beeper.Joey: What the hell does a paleontologist need a beeper for?Monica: Is it like for dinosaur emergencies. Help, come quick, theyre still extinct.Ross: No, its for when Carol goes into labor. She can get me wherever I am. I mean, all she has to do is to dial 55-JIMBO.Chandler: A cool phone number, and a possible name for the kid.Monica: All right, Ill see you guys later. Rachel: Off to see young Ethan?Monica: Thank you.Joey: How young is young Ethan? Young?Monica: Hes. our age.Chandler: When we were?Monica: Okay, hes a senior in college.Ross: College?Chandler: Whoa! And this manchild has no problem with how old you are?Monica: No, of course not. Its not even an issue. Cause I told him I was 22.All: What?Monica: Oh, I cant pass for 22?Phoebe: Well, maybe 25-26.Monica: I am 26.Phoebe: There you go.Scene: Chandlers office, he and Phoebe are there when the phone starts ringing.Chandler: Can you hear that?Phoebe: Yeah?Chandler: See thatll stop when you pick up the phone.Phoebe: Oh. Uh, Im on. Phoebe: Mr. Bings office. No Im sorry, hes in a meeting right now.Chandler: Im not in a meeting. Im right. Whoops.Phoebe: Will he know what this is in reference to? And he has your number? All right, Ill see that he gets the message. Bye bye.Chandler: What?Phoebe: Ross says hi.Chandler: Ah!Phoebe: This is so fun. All right, what do we do now?Chandler: Well, now, I actually have to get to work.Phoebe: Most likely. Okay, Im gonna be out there.Chandler: Okay.Phoebe: All right. Bye bye.Chandler: Bye bye.Chandler: Yes?Phoebe: Whatcha doin?Chandler: Ooh. Scene: Monica and Rachels, Monica and Rachel are there. Monica is just finishing cleaning the windows.Monica: Windows are clean, candels are lit. Uh, belts to tight, gotta change the belt. Did I turn the fish? No, cause I made lasagne. Am I out of control?Rachel: Just a touch. Mon, I dont understand. I mean, youve been dating this guy since like, what. his midterms? I mean, why all the sudden are you so. Oh.Monica: What?Rachel: Could tonight be the Night?Monica: I dont know. Look hes a great guy
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