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初三语法专项训练一1. Please keep quietIf you make a lot of _, you may disturb othersAvoiceBnoiseCsoundDsinging答案:B解析: A、B、C三项均为名词,voice指意为“嗓音”,noise指噪音,;sound泛指声音,D项singing是动词sing的动名词形式,意为“唱歌”。根据题意应选择B项,句意为“请安静。如果你太吵,就会打扰别人”,应排除A、C、D, 故此题答案为B。2. Mrs Jenny gave us _ on how to learn English wellAsome advicesBmany advicesCsome adviceDan advice答案:C解析:advice是不可数名词,意为“建议”,。a piece of advice意为“一条建议”。 故A、B.和D项错误,故此题答案为应选择C项。3. _ mother is cookingASandys and SueBSandy and SuesCSandys and Sues答案:B解析: 此题考查-s所有格的用法,。当几个名词作为一个单位,表示共同的所有关系时,-s应加在最后一个名词的末尾;当几个名词表示各自的所有关系时,在每个名词的末尾都应加-s。此题中mother为单数名词,所以这个母亲是Sandy和Sue两人共同的母亲,即共同所有,所以选择故此题答案为B项。4. Its over _ from Shijiazhuang to BeijingAthree hours driveBthree hours driveCthree hours drivesDthree hours drive答案:A解析: 此题考查-s所有格表示时间的用法,故此题答案为答案选择A项。5. English is spoken as the first language in _AJapanBFranceCCanadaDRussia答案:C解析: 此题是通过四个国家名词Japan日本,France法国,Canada加拿大,Russia俄国来考查学生所掌握的文化背景知识,。我们知道美国、加拿大、英国、新西兰、澳大利亚是把英语作为第一语言的国家,故此题答案为因此此题答案为C。6. In a few _ time, hell return to ChinaAweekBweeksCweeksDweeks答案:D解析: a few修饰可数名词复数,故A、C选项排除,又此题又考查-s所有格表示时间的用法,故此题答案为所以此题答案为D。7. There are only ten _ in the hospital, but many women onesAman doctorsBmen doctorsCmen doctorsDdoctors答案:B解析: 此题考查名词修饰名词的用法,。man和woman修饰名词,变复数时,要随所修饰名词的变化而变化,即都变为相应的复数,故此题答案为B。8. They have much coloured _Lets go and ask for someArulersBpaperCerasersDsharpeners答案:B解析:此题考查名词的用法。根据much“许多”做修饰副词可知后边应用不可数名词修饰不可数名词,A、C、D三项都为可数名词复数形式,故此题答案为B。故用不可数名词paper正确,答案为B。9. We drink _Athree glasses of watersBthree glasses waterCthree glasses of waterDthree glasses waters答案:C解析: water为物质名词,不可数,故A、D选项排除,另外物质名词可借助单位词表一定的数量,如three two glasses of watermilk,故此题答案为C。10. I can see a _/bks/ in the pictureAbootBbookCboxDbus答案:C 解析:x的音标为/bkseks/。11. Excuse me, waiterWere leavingCan you bring me the _, please?AmoneyBnoteCbillDlist答案:C 解析:bill指“账单”,list指“单子”,note指“便条”,吃完了,要走了要看一看账单。12. Tom regards Nanjing as his second _ because he has been here for over ten yearsAfamilyBroomChouseDhome答案:D 解析:home指“家”,表示家的概念,;family“家庭”,;room“房间”,house指“房屋”。13. Thanks for giving me _ I wanted You are welcomeAthe informationBan informationCthe informationsDinformation答案:A 解析:information为不可数名词,后有定语从句I wanted修饰,故前用the。14. Lets go to the supermarket and buy some peas, carrots and cabbagesThere are few _ in the fridgeAfruitsBeggsCvegetablesDmeat答案:C 解析:根据上文“买peas,carrots”等,故下文中应为“蔬菜。15. You must read the _ carefully before taking the medicineAnewsBpicturesCnumbersDinstructions答案:D 解析:吃药前必须读说明书,instructions为“说明”之意。16. There are about two _ students in the newly built schoolAthousandBthousandsCthousand ofDthousands of答案:A 解析: 表示“两千名学生”应为two thousand students,。 thousand前有具体数字修饰,其后不加s也不用of。hundred,thousand,million,billion这些词在表示不确切数字时,须在词尾加复数-s,并加介词of;如果表示确切数字时在表示确切数字时,那么在前边使用具体数字,并且不用of。此题中空格前有具体数字two,故此题答案为A。17. What would you like for _ breakfast, Mr Scott? Three pieces of bread with _ cup of black tea, pleaseAa; aB/; theCa; theD/; a答案:D 解析:三餐名词前不用the,a cup of f一杯。18. It takes me _ hour to do my homeworkAaBanCthe答案:B 解析:hour虽以字母h开头,但h不发音,首音仍是元音,故用an。19. This is a big class, and _ of the students are girlsAtwo thirdBsecond threeCtwo thirdsDtwo three答案:C 解析:表示为two thirds。表示几分之几用基数词和序数词构成,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,如分子基数词为two2以上时,分母序数词用复数形式。20. Time is not enough for so much work_ people are needed, I thinkAOther twoBOnly twoCTwo moreDTwo others答案:C 解析:two more people再来两个人,数词修饰比较级加深程度。21. Tina, could you please play _ piano for me while Im singing? With pleasureAaBanCtheD/答案:C 解析:play the piano弹钢琴,乐器名词前必须用定冠词the。22. How old is your son? _We had a special party for his _ birthday last SundayANine; nineBNine; ninthCNinth; ninthDNinth; nine答案:B解析: 问几岁,回答应是Nine years old。因此第一个空用基数词nine基数词;第九个生日用序数词ninth。故此题答案为因此用B项正确。注意 关于序数词可巧记一下,即:、二、三要牢记:first,second,third五和十二变ve:fivefifth,twelvetwelfth八加h九去e:eighteighth,nineninthty中y变ie:twentytwentieth后加th别忘记。23. During the World War ,a Jewish(犹太的)lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her _AfiftiesBfiftyCfiftiethDthe fiftieth答案:A解析: in ones整十的基数词的复数,表示意为“在某人岁时”,此故此题选择A,题意为“二战期间,一位犹太妇女在五十岁时得到一个上海家庭的保护”,故此题答案为A。24. Thanks _ the Great Wall, the land produces more cropsAbyBofCforDto答案:D 解析:thanks to为表示“由于”之意。25. Would you please send _ a doctor? My grandfather is illAawayBforCoff
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