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1.4 Earthquakes.词义辨析1The Second World War brought great _ to the people of Europe and the world. Asteam Bsuffering Cpower Dflame2The mountain climbers _ in the storm were finally rescued by helicopter. Aruined Btransported Ctrapped Dsheltered3I _ hope that youll make an excellent engineer in the future. Aextremely Bfluently Cofficially Dsincerely4More than twenty miners were reported to be _ alive when the tunnel fell in.Aburied Bdamaged Cexpressed Dfrightened5Dont you realize the _ these chemicals are doing to our environment?Ashelter Btrack Cdamage Doutline6He defeated the other competitors and won the world_ for the high jump.Atrack Btitle Cjudge Dheadline7He _ his back in Tuesdays game,and will be unable to play tomorrow.Arescued Btrapped Cshocked Dinjured8Her actions _ her love for her children more than any words could do.Acommanded Bscheduled Cburst Dexpressed9The car accident seemed to have completely _ his confidence.Ashocked Brequested Cdetermined Ddestroyed10The natural _ is believed to have caused heavy losses in this area.Aview Bblock Cvoyage Ddisaster【答案】BCDAC BDDDD.名词性从句专练1. With time going by, we have come to realize that creativity is it takes to keep a nation highly competitive.A. what B. how C. why D. that 【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查名词性从句。本题what引导表语从句what it takes to keep a nation highly competitive.并在句中做takes的宾语。句意:随着时间的流逝,我们逐渐意识到创造性是让一个国家有竞争力需要的事情。故A正确。考点:考查名词性从句2. I dont doubt _ he has the ability to deal with the situation, but _ the problem can be solved quickly depends on his attitude. A. whether; if B. that; whether C. if; whether D. whether; that【答案】B 考点:考查宾语从句和主语从句3. Can I sit in the front row?Yes, you can take _ seat you like.A. whatever B. what C. whichever D. which【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查名词性从句。Whichever在从句中作定语修饰seat,意思是哪张椅子都可以坐。句意:我可以坐在前排吗?是的,你想坐哪个都可以。故C正确。考点:考查名词性从句4.An opinion is _ someone believes is true but has not been proved. A. that B. what C. which D. whether【答案】B【解析】试题分析:what someone believes is true做is的表语从句,what指的是an opinion。句意:一个观点是一些人认为是正确的但是还没有经过证实的那个。故选B。考点:考查名词性从句。5.The relation between the actor and his girlfriend has been worsening.I know. It has got to they have to get separated.A. whereB. howC. whichD. what【答案】A 考点:考查考查宾语从句6. Dating violence is _ one person purposely hurts or scares someone they are dating.A. when B. what C. that D. why【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查副词。句意:约会暴力是当约会的时候一个人故意伤害另一个与他约会的人。在这里when做表语,且后面表示的是一个过程,故选A。考点:考查表语从句的连接词7. No one can imagine _ life would be like without referring to modern technology.A. that B. whatC. howD. when【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考查宾语从句。句意:没有人能想象到没有现代科技生活将会是什么样子。be like像-一样,所以imagine后面用what引导宾语从句,故选B。考点:考查宾语从句。8. It is of great importance _ parents say and do in family life, which may have a life-long effect on their children.A. what B. that C. how D. why【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查连词。A.什么;B.引导词;C. 表示方式和程度,怎么样;D.为什么;It为形式主语,真正的主语为what引导的从句。句意:在家庭生活中,父母的言行十分重要,这对孩子将产生终生的影响。故选A。考点:考查主语从句的连接词9. The problem lies in_ were now giving him a fish, not teaching him how to fish.A. what B. that C. which D. if【答案】B【解析】试题分析: 句意:问题在于我们现在给他一条鱼,而不是教给他如何去钓鱼。介词in后面跟宾语从句,从句意思完整,填that,选B。考点:考查宾语从句10. Do you like the book you father bought you? Very much. Its exactly_I wanted.A. which B. that C. what D. how【答案】B 考点:考查表语从句的连接词III.短语填空right away;run out of;at an end;in ruins;dig out;a number of;think little of;fall down;as if;be proud of1His car was buried by the snow and had to be _.2They _ my suggestion,which made me a little upset.3Please wait for a moment.Ill find the address for you _.4Quite _ worldfamous paintings are on show in this exhibition.5The children were happy that the long hot summer was at last_.6We _ our son for not giving in to such difficulties.7We couldnt continue our way for we had _ petrol.8The earthquake left the whole town _.What a terrible sight!9You must watch your step so as not to _.10She was shaking with terror _ shed seen something terrible.(1)dug out (2)thought little of(3)right away (4)a number of (5)at an end (6)are proud of (7)run out of (8)in ruins(9)fall down (10)as ifIV.完成句子1But the one million people of the city,_ (对这些征兆满不在乎), were asleep as usual that night.(think) who thought little of these events 2_(有三分之二
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