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2022年考博英语-燕山大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题During these ten years, many new methods have been _ in the field of foreign language teaching.问题1选项A.adoptedB.adaptedC.alarmedD.aided【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项adopted“采用”;B选项adapted“使适合(新用途、新情况);适应(新情况)”;C选项alarmed“使惊恐;给(门等)安装警报器”;D选项aided“帮助”。句意:在这十年中,外语教学领域_许多新的方法。根据语境,这里指的是提出许多在外语教学领域上的新方法,A选项adopted“采用”符合题意。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题When next years crop of high-school graduates arrive at Oxford University in the fall of 2009, theyll be joined by a new face: Andrew Hamilton, the 55-year-old provost (教务长) of Yale, wholl become Oxfords vice-chancellora position equal to university president in America.Hamilton isnt the only educator crossing the Atlantic. Schools in France, Egypt, Singapore, etc. have also recently made top-level hires from abroad. Higher education has become a big and competitive business nowadays, and like so many businesses, its gone global. Yet the talent flow isnt universal. High-level personnel (人员) tend to head in only one direction: outward from America.The chief reason is that American schools dont tend to seriously consider looking abroad. For example, when the board of the University of Colorado searched for a new president, it wanted a leader familiar with the state government, a major source of the universitys budget. “We didnt do any global consideration,” says Patricia Hayes, the boards chair. The board finally picked Bruce Benson, a 69-year-old Colorado businessman and political activist (活动家) who is likely to do well in the main task of modern university presidents: fund-raising. Fund-raising is a distinctively American thing, since U.S. schools rely heavily on donations. The fund-raising ability is largely a product of experience and necessity.Many European universities, meanwhile, are still mostly dependent on government funding. But government support has failed to keep pace with rising student numbers. The decline in government support has made fund-raising an increasingly necessary ability among administrators (管理人员), and has hiring committees hungry for Americans.In the past few years, well-known schools around the world have joined the trend. In 2003, when Cambridge University appointed Alison Richard, another former Yale provost, as its vice-chancellor, the university publicly stressed that in her previous job she had overseen “a major strengthening of Yales financial position”.Of course, fund-raising isnt the only skill outsiders offer. The globalization of education means more universities will be seeking heads with international experience of some kind to promote international programs and attract a global student body. Foreigners can offer a fresh perspective (视角) on established practices.1. What is the current trend in higher education discussed in the passage?2. What is the chief consideration of American universities when hiring top-level administrators?3. What do we learn about European universities from the passage?4. Cambridge University appointed Alison Richard as its vice-chancellor chiefly because _.5. In what way do top-level administrators from abroad contribute to university development?问题1选项A.Institution worldwide are hiring administrators from the US.B.A lot of activists are being hired as administrators.C.American universities are enrolling more international students.D.University presidents are paying more attention to funding-raising.问题2选项A.The political correctness.B.Their ability to raise funds.C.Their fame in academic circles.D.Their administrative experience.问题3选项A.The tuitions (学费) they charge have been rising considerably.B.Their operation is under strict government control.C.They are strengthening their position by globalization.D.Most of their money comes from the government.问题4选项A.she was known to be good at raising moneyB.she could help strengthen its ties with YaleC.she knew how to attract students overseasD.she had boosted Yales academic status问题5选项A.They can enhance the universitys image.B.They will bring with them more international faculty.C.They will view a lot of things from a new perspective.D.They can set up new academic disciplines.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。根据第二段倒数一、二句Yet the talent flow isnt universal. High-level personnel tend to head in only one direction: outward from America.(然而,人才流动并非是世界性的。高层管理人员的流动只倾向于一个方向:从美国向外。),可知当前高等教育倾向于从美国招聘管理人员,A选项“世界各地的机构都在从美国招聘管理人员”正确。B选项“许多积极分子被聘为管理员”,C选项“美国大学正在扩招国际学生”和D选项“大学校长更加注重筹款”文中没有提到。因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。根据第三段第四句The board finally picked Bruce Benson, a 69-year-old Colorado businessman and political activist who is likely to do well in the main task of modern university presidents: fund-raising.(董事会最终聘用了布鲁斯本森,一位69岁的科罗拉多商人和政治活动家,因为他很可能在现代大学校长的主要任务上做得很好:筹资。),可知美国大学在招聘高级管理人员时主要考虑筹资方面的能力,B
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