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1.Points for Bellman Service1. Be energetic and in high spirit; 2. Be polite to the guests;3. Speak with sweet average voice;4. Follow the guest on the way (客人优先);5. Ready to help the guests;6. Leave in time after service.3.The Four Most Famous Chinese Cuisines The Chuan ( Sichuan ) Cuisine, Yue ( Guangdong ) Cuisine, Huaiyang Cuisine and Lu( Shandong ) Cuisine are .4. what is a Menu?Menu is the dishes including stable food and non-stable food listed on a piece or pieces of paper to inform what are served, which is made for the diners to order at a restaurant or hotel, either in black and white or colored. 5.How to Host a Dinner 1. Reserve a table in advance; 2. Invite guests; 3. Arriving earlier than quests; 4. Deliver a speech ( be modest to Chinese but honest to foreigners about the dinner) for dinner; 5. Guest first to take food ( never to take the lead for any dish); 6. Inviting guest with newly served dish; 7. Put down chopsticks after guests only; 8. No leaving before the guests;9. Finish the banquet tactfully;10. Check the bill ( no bargain in face of the guest).6. How to Stay in a Hotel1. Arrive in time to check in or with traveling information;2. Keep a name-card of the hotel;3. Study the emergency map;4. Only turn on room equipment if needed; 5. Dont leave cash improperly;6. Enjoy DIY service for personal necessities and hot water;7. Cooking on site is often charged;8. Check out on time to avoid additional charge.7. How to treat tourists complaint effectively1. Consider the case objectively; 2. Receive the complainer politely; 3. Listen patiently not to talk back, never to humiliate; 4. Express your gratitude sincerely; 5. Inform measures having been taken or to be taken to obtain the excuse from the complainer; 6. Compensate generously if needed; 7. Explain the fact kindly & frankly when the complaint is not so reasonable; 8. Try to achieve win-win result.8.Good Attitude towards a Complaint Objectively,sincerely,politely,seriously,patiently,reasonably,generously,frankly 9.How to understand Chinese phrase “迷信”?“Blind belief” is to believe someone or sth. so firmly but completely neglect the function of will-power(毅力), effort, or subjectivity(主观能动性)of himself. 11.What about the influences of Confucius?Confucius was so great and influential that he is still influencing this world nowadays. The most typical evidence is “Confucius College”which are opened here and there these years.13. What a good resume is?1. Any mistake has to be avoided (language); 2. Personal information is basic (politics); 3. Social experience or training is important (practice); 4. Honors or achievements are necessary (ability); 5. Your idea about the job is helpful (insight); 6. Printed in black-and-white color is safer; 7. A colored photo is suggested; 8. Length should be proper; 9. A lie will be a killer of the future.14.How to prepare for job interview 1. Make a list of keys to the questions probably be asked 2. Have a good sleep in the night 3. Wear proper clothes 4. Watch your hair style 5. Keep polite & delicate manner 6. Your clever “tricky” is better than plain “sorry”in conversation 7. If to make-up just lightly 8. Have a removal (of long nails or hair in nose)17.Where we can see food culture? What is the functions of food?Cuisine guidebook informs cuisine culture.Habit reflects cuisine culture. Cuisine culture helps to keep people away from sickness and fit and healthy.15.Why can Mount Hangshan be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as double heritages? The reason why Mount Hangshan can be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as double heritages is its deep and rich cultural sense scattering here and there on Huangshan Mountain and its great natural beauties. Visitors may feel the Chinese culture as well as its natural beauties during their tour.16.what is the departure?Departure is the last process for tour service of the tour guide. Its the last chance or opportunity to build relationship, to remain good relationship, or to bridge the gap ( if there is something unpleasant happened. ) between the tour guide and tourists. Therefore, a skillful tour guide pays very close attention to the departure. In fact, there are a few things to do in the last step, such as help tourists to go through the Customs, the Immigration and board their flight, as what you can see in textbook.So, a tour guide should be smiling even when her heart is complaining, be polite even when she has been unfairly blamed, be energetic even when he is quite tired, As a tour guide, I believe the famous saying “ Well begin is half done.”, I also feel confident my saying “ A good departure is another half began”.2.The services a hotel provides mainly depends on its level and facilities. Generally, they may be room
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