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六年级英语6B语法练习(二) 姓名: 用人称代词和物主代词填空(1)Can you show how to do it? Sure. Look carefully.(2)The green gloves are Mikes. Theyre .(3)The woman is Miss Li. hair is black and long.(4)Whats name? My name is Lily.(5)Thats my umbrella. Its .(6)Can you get a glass of water for ? Sure. Here you are.(7) are our English teachers. office is next to classroom.(8)The tape is Davids. Please give it to .(9)Nancy is singing, Let go and join .(10)Excese me, how can get to the train station?(11)The football is not , its .(12)Glad to meet ,Mr Green.(13)The boy is Ben. is new here.(14)I have a sister. studies very well.(15)We are twins, names are Lucy and Lily.(16)Welcome to school.(17)Now, boys and girls lie on back ,lift up legs, please.三、用所给词的正确形式填空。(1)Miss Green (like) (dance)very much, and she usually (dance) (beautiful).(2) (Do) your father (read)magazines in the evening? No, he (not).(3)Wang Bing is (write)a postcard to (he)father.(4)What (do)Lily (do)in the afternoon?(5)Does (you)friend Jim have (some) (hobby)?(6)Shall we (clean) the library now? OK.(7)Where (be)my new notebook? It (be)on the desk just now.(8)Its hot here. You can (take) off your hat.(9)They (plant)some tree on the mountain last year.(10)Listen, Li Lei is (laugh)in the next room.(11)Mary (go) for a (dance)lesson every (week).(12)Tom is as (tall) as Gao Shan.(13)There are some (family) at a camping site.(14)I (be)ill. Ive (get)a cough.(15)Nancys mother (like) (cat).(16)Whos (strong)than John? Jack is.(17)Which is (heavy),a tiger or a rabbit? A tiger is.(18)Lets (go)to KFC and (have) a chat.(19)Get up (early)tomorrow, please. Dont be (late)again.(20)Liu Hongs hair is (long)than (she)mother.(21)Would you please speak (loud)?We (can)hear you now.(22)I usually (go)to the airport ty bus, but I (go)there car yesterday.(23)The children (give)a concert now.(24)A plane (fly) (high) than a kite.(25)What (do)you (do) last night? We (have)a party.(26)The boy can (jump)very (far).(27)I hope we have (many) English lessons.(28) (she)eyes (be) (big)than (my).(29)How many (stop) are there?(30)Theyre going (visit) a history museum.(31)His father is good at (draw) horses.(32)Lin Tao (do) (well)in English.(33)Its (cold) today, isnt it? Yes. And its (cold) than yesterday.(34)Which season do you like (good)?Autumn.(35)Does Ben (look) like his father? Yes.(36) (who) book is older, his or hers?(37)Whats the weather (like)today? Its (wind).(38)It (be) cold yesterday .Li Lei (stay)at home.(39)We can (buy) some fastfood in the shop.(40)Last Sunday we (see) a puppet show.(41)Mr Black is (live)in China now.(42)Yang Ling wants (be) a singer.(43)What season (come) after winter?(44)Youre ill.Lets go (see)the doctor.(45)This is Liu Tao (speak).(46)Toms (friend) is very (friend) to him.(47)The bag is too (small), I cant put the box in it.(48)Can I have (some) writing paper?(49)How many (subject) does Li Lin have? She (have) six (subject).(50)Marys birthday is on the (three)of May.(51)The sign meansNo (park).(52)Bill does (well) in (play) basketball than Jack.(53)How do you usually spend (you) (weekend)?六年级英语6B语法练习(三) 姓名: 一、用疑问词填空(1) is that man? He is Jims uncle.(2) is your friend? Shes a nurse.(3) do you get up every day? At about 7:10.(4) teachers are there in your school? Thirty.(5) is the weather tike in your hometown? Its usually windy and rainy.(6) can I get to the zoo? You can take a bus.(7) did you put the ball? Under the chair.(8) is brighter, a candle or a light? A light.(9) does your cousin live? He lives in the countryside.(10) brother can speak Japanese? Janes brother.(11) is the bus stop? About a hundred metres.(12) are you from? Im from Shandong.(13) is older, Mr Green or Mr White? Mr Green is.(14) is your skirt? The yellow one.(15) is your skirt? Its yellow.(16) is it now? Its five ten.(17) is it today? Its Thursday.(18) was it yesterday? It was Au
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