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六年级英语毕业专项复习(句型、语法部分)第一部分:复习要点:(一)了解这些语法知识吗。尽可能能运用在实际中运用这些语法知识。(1) 句子的构成可包括含to be, there be, to do的肯定式、否定式、一般疑问式。 观察下面的句子,找出一些规律: I. That is an English story book. That isnt an English story book. Is that an English book? II. There are some teachers in the office. There arent any teachers in the office. Are there any teachers in the office. III. He lives near the school. He doesnt live near the school. Does he live near the school?(2) 在我们小学阶段写过不同时态的句子。观察下面的句子,找出一些规律: I. He is a teacher. He will be/is going to be a teacher next term. He was a teacher ten years ago. II. There is a lamp on the table now. There will/is going to be a lamp on the table. There was a lamp on the table an hour ago. III. He often plays the piano in the evening. He is going to play the piano tomorrow. He is playing the piano.He played the piano yesterday, 表示不同的时态的句子常有一些表示时间的提示,看下表:一般现在时现在进行时一般将来时一般过去时always, usually,often, sometimes,every day/morning/afternoon/evening,on Sunday/Monday /nowLook!Listen!tomorrow,tomorrow morning/ afternoon/the day after tomorrownext Sunday/week/month/yesterday,yesterday morning/ afternoon/the day before yesterday,last nighttwo hours/a year/ ago(3) 不同时态的句子还有疑问句式和否定句式。观察下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗?肯定式否定式一般疑问式She a student.She is not a student.Is she a student?They are working here.They arent working here.Are they working here?They will/are going to playFootball.They wont/arent going to play football.Will they/Are they going to play football?He often reads in theEvening.He doesnt read in theevening.Does he read in the evening?He was here yesterday.He wasnt here yesterday. Was he here yesterday?He helped us yesterday.He didnt help us yesterday. Did he help us yesterday?(4) 句子还有特殊疑问句的句的句型。观察下面的特殊疑问式的句子,你能总结一些特殊疑问句的构成的规律吗?I.Who lives there.Who is singing in the room?Who was at home yesterday?Whose father is a teacher.II.What does he do?What is he doing?What did they do?When does he usually get up?When did she have dinner yesterday?Where is he now?Where are they planting trees?Where did they play football?How is your mother?How is he coming?How did they get there?Why does he go there?Why did she go there?III.Whose book is this?Whose parents are coming here?Which book is yours?Which presents did he give you?(5) 小学阶段还接触和学习过如下的句型, 要求能理解这些有关的句子。 I. 含情态动词的句子: We can swim in the sea. I cant ride a bike. Can you see that man over there? I must find it before six. You mustnt lend this book to others. Must I come here before nine? You may sit here. May I come in? We should take exercise very often. We shouldnt eat too much chocolate. Should we help her? He will visit the USA. They wont go there tomorrow. Will he come to see us? We shall meet at the gate of the zoo. Shall we meet here? We would like to work with you. Would you play games with us?II. 选择疑问句型: Is your mother a doctor or a nurse? Are they in the classroom or on the playground?Do you like the long jump or the high jump? III. 状语从句:I want to be a teacher when I grow up.If you eat me, you will not be happy. IV. 宾语从句:I think he is good at playing football.I hope I can play football.I wish I could be a fairy. V. 复合句: I like hamburgers and my brother likes sandwiches, I cant swim and my sister cant swim either. He is tall but he is not strong. VI. 过去进行时的句子:The farmer was working on the fields then.The children were reading at that time.(6) 在小学阶段,同学们所学的名词的知识可有: I. 可数名和不可数名词: (A) 我们学过的多数名次是可数名词有(countable noun): bun, cabbage, tomato, potato, mushroom, vegetable, carrot, hamburger, sandwich, book, ruler, desk, bus, (B) 不可数名词有 (uncountable nouns):milk, water, juice, tea, bread, rice, soup, chicken (鸡肉), fish (鱼肉), beef, beefsteak, porridge, pasta, toast等 (C) 有些名词可用作可数名词和不可数名词,但意思不一样,如 pepper 辣椒(c), 胡椒(n);chicken 鸡(c), 鸡肉(u);fish 鱼(c), 鱼肉(u) (D) 可数名次的但输变复数有如下规律: a. 一般情况在原名词后加-s,如: penpens, studentstudents, cardcardsb: 以s, x, she, ch结尾的名词在原名词后加-es, 如: busbuses, boxboxes, benchbenches, fish(鱼类)fishesc. 部分o结尾的名词,如: heroheroes, tomatotomatoes, potatopotatoes (但radioradios, photophotos)d. 以辅音字母加-y的名词,改y为i在加-es, 如: citycities, factoryfactories, babybabies, familyfamiliese. 部分名次的单复数变化是不规则的,如: sheepsheep, fishfish, childchildren, manmen, womanwomen, toothteeth, goosegeese, mousemice (E) 不可数名词与动词的搭配用法与名词单数一样:例如: There is some water in the bottle. Is there any coffee in the cup? There isnt any milk in the glass. (F) much, a lot of, plenty of 可以修饰不可数名词,如:
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