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2022年考博英语-华南师范大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The radio program was presented( )a joint venture which was registered several months ago.问题1选项A.by courtesy ofB.on account ofC.by virtue ofD.in terms of【答案】A【解析】考查词组。A: by courtesy of “蒙的好意;蒙提供”;B: on account of “由于;基于”;C: by virtue of “凭借的力量”;D: in terms of “根据;用的话;就而言”。句意:承蒙数月前注册的合资企业惠允,电台节目播出了。根据语境和句意可知A为正确答案。2. 单选题The speaker announced that the President would convene his top aides for the regular meeting but he didnt ( )the time and place.问题1选项A.designateB.denoteC.manifestD.specify【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: designate “指定”;B: donate “捐赠”;C: manifest “证明,显示”;D: ; specify “详细说明”。句意:发言人声称总统将召集他的高级副官举行定期会议,但是他并没有详细说明时间和地点。结合句意可知D为正确答案。3. 单选题The 215-page manuscript, circulated to publishers last October,( )an outburst of interest.问题1选项A.flaredB.glitteredC.sparkedD.flashed【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项 flare“闪光,闪耀”;B选项 glitter “闪闪发光,闪烁”;C选项 spark “发动,激起”;D选项 flash “闪光,闪现”。句意:去年十月传到出版商那儿的215页的手稿激发起他们浓厚的兴趣。根据句意,C选项正确。4. 单选题Terrorists( )to bombing city centers as a means of achieving their political aims.问题1选项A.resortedB.tookC.sawD.looked【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A: resort to “依靠,求助于;诉诸;常去”;B: ;take to “喜欢;走向; 开始从事”;C: see to “注意;负责;照料”;D: look to “注意;指望;照看”。句意:恐怖分子把向市中心投放炸弹作为他们完成政治目标的手段。结合此处语境,A为正确答案。5. 单选题Mechanization has gradually( )many of the ranching and agricultural jobs once available to the Indians, and few industries have been attracted to the area.问题1选项A.disposedB.eliminatedC.discardedD.terminated【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: disposed “处置”;B: eliminated “排除,消除;淘汰”;C: discarded “丢弃,抛弃”;D: terminated “结束;使终结”。句意:机械化逐渐使印度淘汰了许多牧场和农业工作,而这地区很少吸引到工业。结合此处语境,工业化应该是减少了农牧业工作,因此B为正确答案。6. 单选题The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been( )filled in.问题1选项A.consequentlyB.regularC.comprehensivelyD.properly【答案】D【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A: consequently “因此”;B: regular “常规的”;C: comprehensively “包括地”;D: properly “恰当地;合适地”。句意:我们把表格交给那人,那人指出表格填得不合适。因此D符合题意。7. 单选题A statement from the government needs to be made to( )the misunderstanding resulting from the rumors.问题1选项A.clarifyB.illuminateC.refineD.decompose【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A: clarify “使澄清;清楚” ;B: illuminate “照明;阐明”;C: refine “提炼;改善;使高雅”;D: decompose “(使)(死去的动植物)腐烂”。句意:政府的声明需要澄清因谣言产生的误解。根据“misunderstanding 误解”可知A能构成动宾搭配,故A为正确答案。8. 单选题Most people tend to think they are so efficient at their job that they are( ).问题1选项A.inaccessibleB.irreversibleC.immovableD.irreplaceable【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A: inaccessible “达不到的;难见到的” ;B: irreversible “不可逆的;不能翻转的”;C: immovable “不可移动的;固定的”;D: irreplaceable “不能调换的;不能代替的”。句意:大多数人都认为自己的工作效率很高,无人能取代他们。结合句意,故D为正确答案。9. 翻译题Directions: Put the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on Answer Sheet.Under the impact of modern science, the very conception of the task of philosophy has undergone a radical reorientation. In very broad historical perspective it may be said that the philosophers throughout the ages have been engaged in three major endeavors: they have been searching for absolute truths regarding basic reality, and for absolute standards of morality; they have tried to construct a synthesis, a view of the universe and of mans place in it, i.e., a perspective that would integrate the various contributions of the sciences into an intelligible and harmonious whole; finally, philosophers have attempted to clarify the meaning and the validity of the fundamental concepts, assumptions, and methods of knowledge and of evaluation.In the light of modern science, i.e., not only of its results and conclusions but especially of its open-minded attitude and critical approach, the search for absolute truth is largely being abandoned as fruitless, if not as meaningless. The spirit of contemporary science is critical in the sense that all its conclusions are considered sound or tenable only until further notice. In other words, neither of the extremes-dogmatism or skepticismis acceptable. The police of the open mind indicates that while we should keep all our convictions in principle open for criticism and revision, it is perfectly reasonable to reply on well-confirmed assumptions until strong evidence forces us to modify or to replace them by other assumptions that are more strongly supported by relevant evidence.【答案】在现代科学的冲击下,哲学任务这个概念已经发生了彻底的再定位。从更广泛的历史角度来看,可以说,哲学家们自古以来都在从事三大事业:他们一直在寻找关于基本现实的绝对真理和绝对的道德标准。他们试图构建一种综合的观点,一种对宇宙及人类在宇宙中所处位置的看法,是一种将科学的各种贡献整合成一个明白易懂的和谐整体的观点。最后,哲学家们试图澄清知识和评估的基本概念、假设和方法的意义以及有效性。根据现代科学,不仅根据其结果和结论,而且特别是其开放的态度和批评方法,对绝对真理的探索在很大程度上被放弃,即使不是毫无意义,也是徒劳无益的。当代科学的精神是“批判性的”,因为它的所有结论直到“进一步注意”才被认为是合理的或可成立的。 换句话说,这两个极端教条主义或怀疑主义都是不可接受的。持开放态度的警方表示,虽然,原则上,我们的所有信念都应公开接受批评和修改,但是,在有力证据迫使我们修改 或用因相关证据而得到更有力支持的其他假设来代替它们之前,回应已充分证实了的假设是完全合理的。
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