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听力部分(77分)一、听一听,圈一圈。(根据录音内容,选择正确的图片,并将其编号圈起来。)(0分)二、听一听,排一排。(根据录音内容,给下列图标上正确的序号。)(10分)三、听录音,选出你所听到的字母宝宝,并用圆圈圈起来。(8分)1. a i 2. p d 3. B D 4.C K5. J G 6. f h 7. j i 8.E F四、听一听,辨一辨。(根据录音内容,判断下列各图是否与录音一致,是的在括号内打“”,不是的“”。)(10分)五、听一听,选一选。(根据录音内容,选择最佳的答语,将其字母编号写在题前的括号里。)(10分)( ) 1. A. My name is Mike. B. Hello, Im Mike. C. Goodbye.( ) 2. A. Nice to meet you ,too. B. Me too. C. OK. ( ) 3. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Thank you.( ) 4. A. Bye. B. Thank you. C. Very well ,thank you.( ) 5. A. I have a ruler. B. Me too. C. Great.六、听一听,圈一圈。(根据你听到的内容圈出相应的单词,使句子意思完整。)(9分)1、_ your name ? ( Whats Wheres )2、Lets go to _ . ( bag school )3、-I like _ . ( red pink ) - Me _(too to )4、Show me your _ . ( sharpener crayon )5、Touch your _ . ( eye finger )6、-How are _? ( you your)-Im _( fine five), thank you! 7、Good _! ( morning afternoon )七、听一听, 涂一涂。(根据录音内容把下列小丑涂上相应的颜色。)(10分)笔试部分(30分)八、写出下列字母左邻右舍的大小写形式。(10分)1. Bb Cc 2. Ee 3. Ff 4. Hh 九、选择正确的单词,把其编号填在相应图片下面的括号内。(10分)A. pencil B. eye C. leg D. foot E. handF. book G. gift H. ear I. elephant J. ice-cream十、问答配对.看下列,选择正确的列答句填在括号里。(10分)( ) 1. Whats your name? A. Great.( ) 2. Good afternoon , John. B. Im Amy.( ) 3. Lets paint. C.Good afternoon,Mike.( ) 4. How are you? D.Nice to meet you,too .( ) 5. Nice to meet you. E. Im fine, thanks.二零一二至二零一三学年度第一学期三年级英语期中自查测试题听力部分现在开始一. 听一听,圈一圈。(根据录音内容,选择正确的图片,并将其编号圈起来。)1、Hello! Im an eraser. 2、Touch your nose.3、Look! This is my head. 4、Good morning.5、Ant , ant, this is an ant. 二.听一听,排一排。(根据录音内容,给下列图标上正确的序号。)1、Close your eyes 2、Open your mouth.3、Show me your crayon. 4、Stamp your foot.5、Wave your arms.三. 听录音,选出你所听到的字母宝宝,并用圆圈圈起来。1、a,a,circle letter a.2、d,d,circle letter d.3、B,B,circle letter B.4、K,K,circle letter K.5、J,J,circle letter J.6. h,h,circle letter h.7. i,i,circle letter i.8. F,F,circle letter F.四、听一听,辨一辨。(根据录音内容,判断下列各图是否与录音一致,是的在括号内打“”,不是的“”。)1、This is my foot . 2、Lets paint !3、Show me your body .4、Shake your body .5、Clap your hands .五、听一听,选一选。(根据录音内容,选择最佳的答语,将其字母编号写在题前的括号里。)1、Whats your name? 2、Nice to meet you.3、Good afternoon. 4、How are you!5、Lets make a puppet.六、听一听,圈一圈。(根据你听到的内容圈出相应的单词,使句子意思完整。)1、Whats your name ? 2、Lets go to school .3、I like red . Me too. 4、Show me your sharpener . 5、Touch your eye . 6、How are you? I am fine,thank you.7、Good morning ! 七、听一听, 涂一涂。(根据录音内容把下列的图片涂上颜色。)1、Blue, blue. Colour the eyes blue.2、Orange, orange. Colour the ears orange.3、Yellow, yellow. Colour the nose yellow.4、Black, black. Colour the face black.5、Brown, brown. Colour the mouth brown.听力部分到此结束,请同学们继续做笔试部分的内容。
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