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随堂练习( Unit 7)Section AI. 英汉互译。1. curly blonde hair 2. short straight hair 3. medium height 4. a little bit 5. good-looking 6. 看起来像 7. 中等身材 8. 乌黑的长发 9. 讲笑话 10. 下国际象棋 II. 用be或have的适当形式填空。1. Mary tall and thin.2. I curly hair.3. Tom of medium build.4. Tony sh ort and brown hair.5. Does Kate yellow hair?III. 写出各句中画线部分的反义词。1. Is she tall?No, she is .2. My aunt doesnt have short hair. She has hair.3. Is her hair curly or ?4. My father is thin, but my uncle is .5. I dont like the ugly boy. I like the girl.IV. 从方框中选择适当的选项,完成对话。Mike: 1Tom: She works in a hospital.Mike: Is she a nurse?Tom: 2Mike: 3Tom: She has long straight hair and 4Mike: 5Tom: Yes, she is. I think my mother is good- looking.Section BI . 快乐搜索。你能将他 (她 )们放在准确的位置上吗?A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.I.J.2. He is tall and heavy.3. He has a long white beard.4. She is thin and has long straight hair.5. She is heavy and wears glasses.6. She has long curly hair.7. She has short straight brown hair.8. She has short curly black hair.9. He is of medium build.10. He is very short.II. 看图补全单词。Look at the man. He is Yao Ming. He is t(1).He has s(2) black hair. He doesntw(3) glasses.I think he l (4) cool. Do you know the woman next to him? Yes, she is Li Wen. She isnt tall. She has long curly b (5) hair. She isg (6).Self Check 从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话(有两项多余) 。A. The one with glasses.B. What does she do?C. Is she your English teacher?D. She has long straight hair.E. What does she look like?F. How old is she?G. We all love her.A: Do you know Miss Zhang?B: Sorry, I dont know. (1) A: She is a teacher.B: (2) A: She is good-looking. (3) B: Look! Who is that girl over there?A: Which one?B: (4) A: Oh dear! She is Miss Zhang! My new teacher! (5)参考答案见 :随堂练习( Unit 7 )参考答案Section AI. 1. 金色的卷发 2. 直直的短发 3. 中等个头 4. 一点儿 5. 漂亮的 6. look like 7. medium build 8. long black hair 9. tell jokes / a joke 10. play chessII. 1. is 2. have 3. is 4. is, has 5. haveIII. 1. short 2. long 3. straight 4. heavy 5. good-looking / beautiful / prettyIV. 15 DCBEASection BI. 15 ECDAB 6 10JGHIFII. 1. tall 2. short 3. wear 4. looks 5. black / blonde6. good-lookingSelf Check1 5 BEDAG人品好的人,自带光芒,无论走到哪里,总会熠熠生辉。人活着,谁都会有烦恼,每天都有烦恼,最重要的是你不理会烦恼,烦恼自然就没有了!因此,朋友们,最好的活法,就只要记住这两句话:烦恼天天有,不捡自然无!当你不开心的时候,想想自己还剩下多少天可以折腾,还有多少时间够你作践。你开心,这一天过了;不开心,一天也过了。想明白了,你就再也不会生气了。当你烦恼的时候,想想人生就是减法,见一面少一面,活一天就少一天,还有什么好烦恼的呢,不忘人恩,不念人过,不思人非,不计人怨。不缺谁,不少谁,对得起良心就好。当你忧伤的时候,想想生活就是一场路过,赤条条来,赤条条去,带不来一丝尘土,带不走半片云彩。什么功名利禄,什么人情往份,啥你都带不走,想明白了,还有什么好难过的?当你不满的时候,想想和富人 比,我们活着知足就是幸福。和病人比,我们活着健康就是幸福。和死人比,我们还活着就是幸福。人这辈子想活好,心要简单,人要糊涂。当你生气的时候,想想是否有必要为不值得的人生气?
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