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江苏省大丰市万盈二中七年级英语下册 第12周假期作业 牛津版Class_ Name_ Number_ Mark_一、语音,选出下面画线部分发音不同其它三个的单词 ( ) 1. A. searched B. washed C. talkedD. climbed( ) 2. A. complain B. saidC. paid D. straight( ) 3. A. grew B. threw C. knewD. drew( ) 4. A. leastB. breadC. meat D. easy( ) 5. A. chalk B. salt C. walk D. hall二、单项选择( ) 1. He is _busy because he has _work to do. A. much too, too much B. too much, too much C. much too, much too D. too much, much too( ) 2. Stop _about the traffic. Just think about how_it better. A. complaining, make B. to complain, make C. complaining, to make D. to complain, to make( ) 3. Isnt this book interesting? _. I dont like it at all. A. Yes, it is B. No, it is C. Yes, it isnt D. No, it isnt ( ) 4. The idea to eat in KFC_wonderful. A. hears B. listens C. sounds D. smells( ) 5. What do you like _camping? A of B. to C. about D. with( ) 6. Do you know the boy _Jim? He is my best friend.A. names B. name C. calls D. called( ) 7.This machine is _use now. A. to B. for C. at D. of ( ) 8._your help, I cant finish the work so quickly.A. With B. Have no C. Without D. Under( ) 9. There is a big hole_the front wall. A. in B. on C. at D. with( ) 10. I often hear him _, but now I can notice him_.A. sing, dance B. singing, dancing C. sing, dancing D. singing, dance( ) 11. He walked_many fields first, then _a forest.A. across, across B. through, through C. across, through D. through, across( ) 12. I feel _at the _things in the world.A. amazed, amazing B. amazing, amazing C. amazed, amazed D. amazing, amazed( ) 13. He _a moment ago.A. hitted me in the face B. hitted my faceC. hit me in the face D. hit my face ( ) 14. This is an_activity. Youd better play_.A. outdoor, outside B. outside, outside C. outside, outdoor D. outdoor, outdoor( ) 15. This is the key _the door. Please put the key _the door to open it.A. of, in B. to, in C. to, into D. of, into( ) 16.When he walked _the bank, he saw a stranger _by.A. pass, pass B. past, past C. passed, passing D. past, passing( ) 17. He searched _the Internet _some information.A. on, for B. for, for C. /, with D. /, for( ) 18. He _a kite the other day and he_camping next Monday.A. flied, went B. flied, will go C. flew, went, D. flew, will go( ) 19. They _five days finishing the work. A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid( ) 20. Can you _me a story about the tallest man in China?Yes, and I can_it in English.A. say, say B. talk, speak C. tell, say D. speak, tell三、完形填空Once, there was a tiger 1 a forest. One day it _2_ very hungry. It was walking in the forest and wanted _3_ something to eat. Suddenly, it saw a fox. The fox was sleeping 4 a tree. It came up slowly and jumped onto the fox. “What should I do?” the fox thought hard, and 5 it had an idea. He shouted at the tiger loudly “ _ 6_ dare(敢) you eat me?” “Why not?” the tiger was very 7 . “Dont you know I am the king in this forest?” said the fox. “I am sent by the God.” At first, the tiger didnt _ 8 _. The fox went 9 _saying, “If you dont believe(相信) me, you can walk _10_ me. All the animals are _11 to see me.” Then the tiger and the fox walked through the _12_ together. All the animals ran away as soon as they saw the tiger 13_ to them. So the tiger believed what the fox 14 ,
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