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北京语言大学21秋英语语法在线作业三满分答案1. Did you take( ) in the fighting yesterday?A.the partB.partC.partsD.Did you take( ) in the fighting yesterday?A.the partB.partC.partsD./答案:B2. Please put the letter which he can easily find it.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A3. Please mark the bales _ our initials SCC _ a diamond, _ which comes the destination BPlease mark the bales _ our initials SCC _ a diamond, _ which comes the destination Bremen _ order number 4424 below again.with,in,under,with4. One is more _ to make mistakes when one is tired (liable, susceptible, subject, prone)One is more _ to make mistakes when one is tired (liable, susceptible, subject, prone)prone5. It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcast began. A) while B) which C) that DIt was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcast began.A) whileB) whichC) thatD) sinceC强调句型,强调not until引导的时间。6. The time draft or usance draft is used in a deferred payment arrangement.The time draft or usance draft is used in a deferred payment arrangement.正确7. On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_.ApermitsBpermitOn Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather_.ApermitsBpermitCpermittingDpermitted正确答案:C8. The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor, where it destroyed all the _The fire started in the basement and quickly spread to the first floor, where it destroyed all the _ in the language lab.A) furnitures and equipmentsB) furniture and equipmentC) furniture and equipmentsD) furnitures and equipmentBfurniture(家具)和equipment(设备)都为集体名词,不可数。9. If you feel hungry, you should eat something.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B10. The opposition leader&39;s speech stole the headlines from the government.The opposition leaders speech stole the headlines from the government.反对党领袖的演讲在报纸上大出凤头,使政府相形见绌。11. All the cases are strongly packed _ compliance_your request.All the cases are strongly packed _ compliance_your request.in,with12. What the children in the mountain village need _ good books. Ais Bare ChaveWhat the children in the mountain village need _ good books.AisBareChaveDhasB13. We have obtained your name and address through the Commercial Counsellor&39;s Office of the EmbassyWe have obtained your name and address through the Commercial Counsellors Office of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in your country and understood that you would like to establish business relations with US.我们从驻贵国的中国大使馆商参处得到贵公司的行名和地址,并获悉,贵公司愿同我们建立业务关系。14. He would rather stay at home than to go out with you.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A15. Once we learn the rules for map reading, they seem so simple: up is north, blue is water,Once we learn the rules for map reading, they seem so simple: up is north, blue is water, a star stands for a capital. But when and how do we learn to read a map? Research shows that even three-year-olds can master, at least in a basic way, the key map-reading concept(概念): a map is a two-dimensional symbol(二维的符号)for three-dimensional space. Linda Acredolo of the University of California, showed a child a map of a room pointed out on it where a toy was hidden and asked the child to find that toy. Depending on the maps orientation(方位), about half the three-year-olds could successfully do so. Three years may be the age at which the ideas become fully understood. Judy Deloache of the University of Illinois let children watch her hide a small toy in a scale model of a room and asked them to find a large one in a real room. A three-year-olds can do it, but a two-year-olds has no idea that the model has to do with anything larger, she says. But even if the basic concept is there early, Lynn Liben and Roger Downs of Pennsylvania State University found that children still have a lot to learn. Second graders believe that north is always at the top of a map because of the hanging maps they have seen. If you asked them to close their eyes and point in the direction of north, often theyll point straight up, says Lihen. She says that children get map-reading skills gradually, and teachers must begin by using maps of familiar areas: their own classrooms, homes, and neighbourhoods.The first two experiments show that_.Achildren have better understanding than grown-upsBchildren have special natural ability for map readingCchildren are more interested in toys than in mapsDchildren can start to learn map-reading early正确答案:B由文章第二段的首句可以看出,科学家发现儿童对读地图有一种特殊的本能。16. Very _ people were flying because of terrorist activities.A.fewB.little参考答案:A17. What is the difference between Liner and Tramp?What is the difference between Liner
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