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1将下列句子排成段通顺连贯的话01、Good morning, class.2、Sit down, please.3、G ood morning, Mr Green.4、Stand up2、翻译 下列单 词和词 组。1、class 2、please 3、close the window4、Mr Robot 5、open the door6、Mr Green 7、I m sorry3、选出相应的中文翻译。()pencil()the floor()the doors this?()are those?()re ducks.8、 come inA.你的铅笔A.在农场A.在门后面A.这是什么?A.那些是什么?A.它是一只鸭子B.我的铅笔B.在地上B.在门旁边B.这些是什么?B.那是什么?B.它们是鸭子that your doll? nice!you!nA. I m sorry. ,tha nk you.a cow.D. They re ducks.4、从U栏中找出与I栏向对应的句子I()1. What s this?()2. What are these?teat.()this your ruler?5、根据情境选择合适的答案。()1.你找不到你的钢笔,你会问:is my pen.that your pen? smy pen?2别人问小鸟在哪里,你可以回答:A . Where sthe bird? sin the tree.,it is.3. 你觉得别人的洋娃娃很漂亮,你可以说:()4刚才的鸟不在这儿,你会问:A . Wherethe bird? B. It sin the tree.!A bird!()5别人猜对了,你可以说:A. Wheremy pen cil? B. Y es,it is.C. isnt.6写出下列句子的中文翻译。1. Wherethe bird? 2. It on your chair. 3. Come in!4. It in my desk. 5. It in the tree now. New Year! 7. What are these? that your pencil? 9. Would you like a sweet? close the window. 7、读一读,在题前括号里填入正确答案。1、Please open the .2、Please close.door8根据情境选择合适的句子。()1.早上在校门口遇见格林老师,你应该打招呼说:A. Good morning, Mr Gree n.after noon, Mr Gree n.()2.上学迟到了,你会抱歉地对李老师说:,Miss Li.B. I m sordMiss Li.()3.别人向让你打开窗户,他会说:A. Please open the window.B. Please close the window.()4.当别人想知道这是什么,他可以问:AIt sa book.B. Whats this?() 5.当你想告诉别人它是一个机器人,应该说:at the robot.AIt sa robot.) 6.当你想让别人关门时,你可以说:the window,please.IiKkJjUuNnA Close the door,please. 9、写出字母的左邻右舍。 Bb FfMm Hh GgOo Ww YyDd Ll Qq 10 根据所给的大写或小写单词,写出相应单词的小写或大写形式:1 GRANDPA2 FRIEND 3 RED4 BLACK5 WOULD6 BROTHER7 MOTHER 8 BROWN1216 cake9 green 10 morning 11 skirt jacket13sister 14 like 15 happy
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