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2022年湘少版四年级英语春季学期连词成句课后专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. a, buy, I, shirt, red, want, to (.)2. playing, I, football, like, (.)3. taking, Daming, a, picture, is, (.)4. here, I, toy, have, panda, a (.)5. you, do, room, a, have, music (?)6. hand, in, your, is, what, (?)7. you, would, some, like, beef (?)8. you do some want rice (?)9. bagonisthethechair(.)10. Her, is, Mary, name (.)11. books, has, new, She, some (.)12. fridge they on the are (.)13. pen, his, red, is (.)14. can, see, we, interesting, lots, things, of, (.)15. is time to it go bed to (.)16. can She a horse ride (.)17. down the bus hill the is (.)18. too, its, to, fish, going, (, .)19. at, the, look, picture (.)20. havemyyoumilkcan (.)21. it is colour What (?)22. pencil box is in what the(?)23. are, He, shoes, blue, has, glasses, and, his (.)24. a, car, toy, playing, with, he, is (.)25. skate, she, well, can, very (.)26. worry dont (.)27. can, him, find, me, you, help (?)28. Here Sure are you (.)29. are shoes blue his (.)30. are sale for They not (.)31. you, do, dogs, like (?)32. me the Let windows clean (.)33. are, where, the, keys, (?)页码 / 总页数
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