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2010-2012年高考分类题库之二 完形填空2010年(一)记叙文Passage 1 (2010山东卷)It was a cool October evening. Excitement and family members _36_ the hall. I was only a 7-year-old girl, but I was the center of _37_. Finally, after weeks of preparation, I would _38_ all my hard work in a dance of performance. Everything would be _39_ so I thought. I waited backstage all _40_ in my black tights with a golden belt. In a loud and clear voice, the master of ceremonies _41_ that my class was next.My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet, facing the _42_. All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box. It really was an _43_ move. I was concentrating so much _44_ the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look _45_ I was going. I missed my partners box altogether and _46_. There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes. I could hear giggles(咯咯笑) coming from the audience, and I felt the _47_ rush to my face. I remembered my dance teacher had told us, “If you make a mistake, keep smiling so the audience will not _48_.” I did my best to follow her _49_ as I continued with the routine.When the curtain dropped, so did my _50_ for the evening. I _51_ bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face. I ran backstage, but no one could _52_ me down. Recently I realized I had been a _53_ that night. I was _54_, but I fought the urge to run off the stage. _55_, I finished the routine with a smile on my face. Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance, I can laugh too.36. A. filled B. visited C. attended D. decorated37. A. pressure B. impression C. debate D. attention38. A. take over B. show off C. look after D. give up39. A. reasonable B. suitable C. obvious D. perfect40. A. dressed up B. folded up C. covered up D. mixed up41. A. suggested B. explained C. announced D. predicted 42. A. music B. audience C. curtain D. stage43. A. easy B. active C. adventurous D. extra44. A. containing B. hiding C. sharing D. keeping45. A. why B. whether C. where D. what46. A. wandered B. slipped C. waved D. skipped47. A. blood B. pleasure C. pride D. tear48. A. leave B. cheer C. believe D. notice49. A. gesture B. example C. advice D. plan50. A. doubts B. hopes C. voice D. patience51. A. argued B. shouted C. begged D. sobbed52. A. turn B. calm C. let D. put53. A. star B. pioneer C. loser D. fool54. A. satisfied B. moved C. embarrassed D. confused55. A. However B. Instead C. In total D. in return文章大意本篇为叙事故事,记述了作者七岁时参加演出过程中的一段经历,虽然作者在表演时出现了失误,但他还是坚持面带笑容将表演完成。多年之后,作者反思自己当时的表现,他认识到当时能坚持下来,自己就是一个明星,当与朋友、家人谈到那次不成功的表演时也能释然。36. 【解析】选A。通读全文可知,作者描述了自己七岁时的一次舞蹈表演的经历,有表演自然就有观众,因此本句意为:家人们挤满了演出大厅,大厅里充满了激动的气氛,表示“充满、挤满”用filled。37. 【解析】选D。根据作者后面的描述可知,本句句意应为“我只有七岁,但是我是人们注意的中心”,所以要使用attention。38. 【解析】选B。本题所在的句子意为:最后,在经过了几周的准备之后,我要在舞蹈表演中展示我所做出的努力。show off展示;炫耀,卖弄,与语境相符; take over继承,接办;接管; look after照顾,照看;give up放弃,投降。39. 【解析】选D。根据后面的描述可知,尽管作者的这次演出失败了,但作者一开始认为“一切将会很完美- 我是这样认为的。” perfect完美的,符合逻辑。 reasonable合乎情理的;suitable合适的,适宜的;obvious明显的。 40. 【解析】选A。本句描述了自己演出时的穿戴,所以句意应为“我等在后台,穿着黑色的紧身衣,扎着金色的腰带。dress up 意为“化装,打扮,与参加演出这一语境相符。fold up 折叠起来;cover up 掩盖,盖住;mix up混淆;拌和;调和。41. 【解析】选C。本句句意应为“典礼的主持人清晰地大声宣布下面表演的是我们班。” announced意为“宣布”,符合句子语境。42. 【解析】选B。演出自然少不了观众,演员们要面对观众表演,所以本句意为:我们的舞蹈班成员在一个两英尺见方的箱子上做固定的动作,面向观众。43. 【解析】选A。由后文可知,作者太注重保持脸上的笑容以及高昂着头部,所以对这么简单的动作没有很在意。44. 【解析】选D。作者在本句中描述了自己表演出现失误前的状况,句意为:我脸上带着微笑,高昂着头,注意力如此集中以至于我没有看到我移动的位置。keep保持某种状态,所以D项正确。contain包含; hide躲藏;share分享。45. 【解析】选C。 见上句解析。46. 【解析】选B。从下文There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes可知,作者在表演时出现了失误,故本句意为:我没踩上同伴的箱子,滑倒了,故用slip符合语境。47. 【解析】选A。自己的表演出现了失误,肯定非常尴尬,故本题句意为:我能够听到观众席上传来的咯咯笑声,我感到我的脸涨得通红。blood符合语境。the blood rushed to my face/cheek指由于羞愧或愤怒而血冲上了某人的面庞,脸涨的通红。48. 【解析】选D。根据后面的描述,作者最终克服了自己的心里障碍完成了表演,所以本句句意应为“我记起了我的舞蹈老师曾经告诉我们的话如果你出现了失误,要继续微笑下去,这样观众就不会注意到了”。所以D项符合句意。49. 【解析】选C。根据后文的叙述可知,作者坚持完成了任务,所以本句句意应为“我尽力听从了她的建议,继续完成我的动作。” 故C项正确。50. 【解析】选B。根据上文描述可知, 作者本来是想要表现一下的,结果却出现了失误,所以自己的希望落空了,因此本句句意应为“当幕布落下,我的希望也落空了。”故B项符合语境。51. 【解析】选D。由后文的tasting the salt from the tears可知作者哭了起来,所以本句句意应为“我哭了起来”,故D项正确。52. 【解析】选B。在当时的情境下,自己为表演的失败而流泪,自然没有人能一下子使她情绪稳定下来,所以应该用calm down表示“使平静“。53. 【解析】选A。事情过去这么多年后,作者回过头来重新审视自己当时的表现,能够坚持下来,而不是跑回到后台,这件事本身就是自己让人感到了不起的地方,因此本句意为:近来我认识到那天晚上我就是一个明星。”所以A项符合语境。54. 【解析】选C。根据前面的叙述可知作者当时的失误使得自己非常尴尬,所以本句意为:我当时很尴尬,但是我克制住了自己冲出舞台的冲动。所以C项符合句意。5
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