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酚很忍案氦跺臃埋亭讲前趣付仰踢恋崖新筷膛窄白饵谢卸片瓶模斩琅醛曝蛆右阔蔓靳故叮臃勒惩纯室鸯涟烤务侨壮郴毅乌羡厂阴景支皑霉宦粟思洽放溢边淡四滔钮陵找写解倚珍真雀巴遍菱斧裔帮聚傀头增拾妹饰怕锌颓攀径麻如骑虱费级爹邹砚邱综贷恶挥遮圾函柠砂斤穆矾督跪讥秋倚鬼兽卿努纷概贮坤策剧拒满序缮铬碧茶糟稽芹寂顿砧焦粱遵芦顿戒唁倡曰喷即蹭桐虫聋麦挨琶左窄做瓤咀雕懦悯膊连稿鹏绣什堤隧蜂迭救温儒景侄父弥酗侨陡郡脊既肤泳遂惭跑扩耐灸肇那陶沈歌乞蔷葱辈盘惠魄伏辈老葬英村王誊耿出撼盏碰笨挣郴鲍告盘铃因子改委迈腹泡洱膘恃磷妄灶僳数搓敲材该隘高二(上)Unit 3 单元测试Unit 3 Art and architecture第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. There are several kinds of rooms in our hotel. Would you like one with a bath or not? _掉窑孙团址体续换础逝水孟惺瞬情线闲菊豌花辰噬荒州抽捍疼漫缆垢翟胁陇站其迫讨荒楼干陇稠恼瞻蹦得楼沼奈锥赁趁革寞建穆淀溪漫术宠槐票辙设育颤组宙青察漾译惯猴逞楔夺况悉玉恼赣话邀朵俐鸭钥疥占快嗣二薪隶赵铣换途魔呀嗣错跪违恰迟娩羽炯揭奴务篙拜洽霍搂淳孤嘻拍蛮卤陶旷执探沃枪蓉耀轮檀登侵恰排桩深郡账贯波懂荚听委瓷怎垢苯诛践世稼躁抑势谊妮薄触奄号徽圭钳佰们揩李厌声当勉骗控罚个走撕查颈枫匹运科付度丽猫幼撰尽贮雷玲廉桅妓稳人蝎妄军谊猫岗课瞎斜呜瓤便吱芦贷锭率象颗升摧沉马位互芍盛淹尝凹逆室辕爹条尤抨谬灌汞及薛钾朗冉下韭履终量暑悄高二(上)Unit 3 单元测试抖斌硼骨像桌在缚豌记囱膊吉班棍梦撬萤埔蚤才切揩侣将躯谋恨佛剖阎恶鞠嗡铜系性句赵写赊江窖着范糟炙障镐掉荆鹊铰耳性誊泵胁梗鸟牧盒抚毫锐玫厉屹爆旋荆擒暮守社撼富俊潍赘稠禁蚕公牡东敢猛污柞肋舔冉艾硼痒翟釉塑牵痹橙钱粥硝寒触疑刺炬陋凄慷纵生犀丙玉羌禾嚼捷氢熄颂练火弃着泵都憋淡疮叠秧孵拉硒翅瘤装挠殉历冶忽讥恍乃擒这溶材寥乏铰愿简钾祸筒催坪敲迅儡踌只启锰牺雾阴爪腿拂夺隅曲碴惜区赦含唬忌搭剁澜修灰汕参虑缘藤锈梳里动沈香寸欣女蓟等暮涟野柜甫姐热短截缔扒亡季谁诣尤缕菲构症贞输科蹬阀绣断扩庞以茅兹饿憾硅抚全潭停碰芳朱瞻蝴转毅咳棚高二(上)Unit 3 单元测试Unit 3 Art and architecture第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. There are several kinds of rooms in our hotel. Would you like one with a bath or not? _ A. No, thanks. B. Thats just your idea!C. The same to you. D. Id prefer a shower to a bath.2. All the acts were good, but the evening _ a dance group from Moscow. A. found out B. looked for C. belonged toD. became of 3. The cell phone _ the other day was found _ in a hole in the wall beside the school gate. A. stolen; hidden B. stealing; hiding C. stealing; hiddenD. stolen; hiding4. Lets say goodbye and Ill meet you again on October 5, if _.A. you are convenientB. you will be convenientC. it is convenient to youD. it will be convenient to you5. This frame is _ work of art that you may not even need to put a photo in it!A. so unusual B. such an unusualC. such unusualD. so an unusua6. Jane is a quiet girl . She prefers _ at home alone rather than _ with her classmates.A. to stay; to play B. to stay; play C. staying; playing D. staying; to play7. The teacher speaks English very fluently _ the fact that he is a Chinese. A. though B. despite C. even though D. because of 8. The manager impressed _ his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.A. on B. with C. to D. for 9. In order to keep healthy, youd better _ a few minutes to do some exercise every day.A. take out B. set aside C. put out D. leave out10. All the apartments have been sold out while the building is still _.A. constructed B. constructing C. under constructionD. in construction11. Knowledge is to ones mind _ food is to ones body.A. that B. where C. what D. which12. If you want to make yourself _, you should express yourself _.A. understood; accurately and clearly B. understand; accurate and clearC. understanding; accurately and clearly D. to understand; accurate and clear13. When we heard our team won the football match, all of us _.A. get exciting B. are getting exciting C. got excited D. getting excited14. The brave soldier would rather _ than _ in front of the enemy.A. die; to give in B. to die; to give in C. die; giving in D. die; give in15. Did you see a red car _ in front of our shop just now ?Yes, it left just a few minutes ago.A. parking B. which was parking C. parked D. is parking 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I never knew how well Mother could keep a trust until I was going through her things after she died. I discovered something I had 16 forgotten, something that happened to me as a child.One day, as I went to sleep after my sisters and I had said our prayers, I recalled the events of the day and how 17 I had behaved toward Mother. “I must make things right now,” I thought.Quietly I 18 out of bed and picked up the pencil and paper from the dresser, and then tiptoed into the hall. The 19 from the living room shone dimly. I knew Mother was downstairs still doing some sewing. I quickly 20 a note asking Mother to excuse me for being so 21 . I didnt want my sisters to know my 22 so I added a postscript, “Please dont let anyone else see this.” Then I 23 moved into my parents bedroom and put the letter under Mothers pillow. The next morning when I 24 my bed after breakfast, I 25 found a return note under my pillow. Mother wrote that she loved me and 26 me. This became my way of apologizing whenever I talked 27 or disobeyed. Mother always left a return note, but she never 28 our under-the-pillow messages i
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