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Food(p7)Vegetables are a second type of plant matter that is commonly eaten as food.蔬菜作为第二类植物类型,是常吃的食物。These include root vegetables (such as potatoes and carrots),leaf vegetables (such as spinach and lettuce),stem vegetables(such as bamboo shoots and asparagus),and inflorescence vegetables(such as globe artichokes and broccoli).包括根菜类(例如马铃薯和胡萝卜),叶菜类(例如菠菜和生菜),茎秆蔬菜(例如竹子的嫩枝和芦笋),和花序蔬菜(例如朝鲜蓟和花木耶菜)Many herbs and spices are highly-flavorful vegetables.许多草本植物和香料都是味很浓的蔬菜。Food sources from Animals-Animals can be used as food either directly or indirectly by the products they produce.来源于动物的食物:动物能被直接或者间接的通过他们生产出产品。Meat is an example of a direct product taken from an animal,which comes from either muscle systems or from organs.肉类食材是直接从动物提取的一个例子,肉来源于动物的肌肉系统或者器官。Food products produced by animals include milk produced by mammals,which in many cultures is drunk or processed into dairy products such as cheese or butter由动物生产的食品包括哺乳动物的奶,在许多国家这些奶被直接饮用或者加工成奶制品,例如奶酪、黄油。In addition birds and other animals lay eggs ,which are often eaten , and bees produce honey , a popular sweetener in many cultures.此外鸟和其他动物下的蛋也可以食用,还有蜜蜂产的蜂蜜是很多国家热衷的甜味佐料。Some cultures consume blood , some in the form of blood sausage , as a thickener for sauces , a cured salted form for times of food scarcity , and others use blood in stews such as civet.一些国家会吃血,有香肠的形式,食物短缺时代会有作为增稠剂的固化盐渍酱,其他人们还会用血炖菜,例如灵猫。Water as Nutrients(p17)About 60%, by weight, of a persons body is water. 一个人身体的重量约60%,是水 A normal person experiences symptoms of dehydration when 5 10% of the body weight is lost as water and not soon replaced. Long before this occurs, thirst, weakness, and mental confusion are experienced. 一个正常人在失去体重的5 10%水之后,并且不能很快得到补充,就经历脱水的症状,在这之前,会有口渴,乏力,和精神混乱的经历。If the state of dehydration progresses further, the skin and lips lose elasticity, the cheeks become pale and the eyeballs sunken, the volume of urine decreases, and ultimately respiration ceases. 如果脱水状态的进一步推进,皮肤和嘴唇失去弹性,脸颊变得苍白,眼球凹陷,尿量减少,最终呼吸停止。Under certain conditions, a person may survive without food for about 5 weeks but can seldom live without water for more than a few days. 在一定的条件下,一个人可能生存约5周在没有食物情况下,但没有水很少能生存超过几天 。The need for water exists at the molecular level, the cellular level, and at the metabolic and functional levels. Water is the major solvent for the organic and inorganic chemicals involved in the biochemical reactions that are essential to life. 水在分子水平上,细胞水平上,在代谢和功能水平有存在的必要性。水是有机和无机化学品的主要溶剂参与生化反应,是生活中必不可少的。Water is the principal medium that transports nutrients via body fluids to cell walls and through membranes. Water is medium than carries nitrogenous waste products from the cells for ultimate elimination. 水是主要的介质输送营养物质通过体液的细胞壁和细胞膜。水是运输含氮废物从细胞最终消除的介质。The evaporation of water from the skin is one important mechanism for control and maintaining normal body temperature, essential for the controlled rate of metabolic reactions and physical comfort of the individual. 皮肤的水分蒸发是控制和维持正常体温的重要机构,是个人的代谢反应和身体的舒适控制率的关键。The quantitative requirement for water is directly related to the sum of water losses form the body. These include losses from excretion and elimination of body waster, perspiration, and respiration. Any factors that increase the rates of these processes, such as exercise, excitation, elevated temperature, or low relative humidity, also increase the need for water replenishment. 对水的定量需求是与身体失去水的总量直接相关的。这些包括排泄身体废物,排汗损失,和呼吸。什么因素增加这些过程的速率,如运动,刺激,温度升高,或相对湿度较低,也增加了对水补给的需要。An adult may consume 400 liters of water a year. About an equal amount is obtained form food. Given sufficient water, or water in excess, the body closely regulates its water content. 一个成年人可能每年消耗400公升的水。约同等数量获得食物。充足的水,或过量的水,身体都会调节它的含水量。Except in unusual cases of deprivation or illness, the body seldom suffers from a deficiency of water in the sense that there may be a deficiency of other essential nutrients.除了在剥夺或疾病不寻常的情况下,人体很少患缺乏的水意识,有可能是一个缺乏其他必需的营养物质。This is because, unlike many of the other nutrients, a decrease in body water causes almost immediate discomfort, driving the individual to correct the shortage.这是因为,不像其他的营养素,体内的水分减少会使我们几乎立即不适,驱动个人改正不足。Modified Starches and Starch to Sugar Conversion(p27)变性淀粉和淀粉的糖转化1、Midified Starches Starches in their natural form provide water binding ,viscosity ,mouthfeel ,and texture to food.淀粉在其自然条件下,提供的是具有水绑定,有粘度,有口感、质地的食物Natural starches have some disadvantages because of the time and care needed for gelatinization. The tendency to thicken with heat may be a problem for pumping and heat exchangers. Starches degrade and thin due to acid and heat and retrograde with storage.天然淀粉其凝胶化需要时间和精力照顾具有一些劣势因。且它变浓的倾向对于泵送和热交换可能是个问题。淀粉由于存储过程中的酸化、热度和老化会变稀。Modified starches are altered starches that are designed to overcome some of the shortcomings of natural starch functionality. Pregelatinized starch is a starch ingredient that has been fully cooked ( gelatinized ) and then dried.变性淀粉是被设计克服天然淀粉功能上的缺点的改变淀粉。预糊化淀粉是一种被充分煮熟(糊化)并干燥的淀粉原料。When cold water is a
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