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英语专业求职自我介绍英语专业求职自我介绍自我介绍要切实可行,不会让人觉得夸夸其谈。下面是小编收集整理的英语专业求职自我介绍,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 英语专业求职自我介绍篇 (首先对自己的姓名 专业毕业学校进行自我介绍) 本人稳重,工作踏实勤奋,具有较强的团队合作精神,好学,能吃苦耐劳,能够服从上级的命令听从指挥.以高标准的质量完成上级交给的各项任务。在校期间积极参加各项活动,连续三年当任学习委员,就业协会编辑部部长,有良好的沟通能力和组织能力,有较强的团队精神。曾获得优秀学生干部、学院三等奖学金、优秀教学信息员及优秀寝室长,商务英语写作能力强,熟悉外贸进出口流程,有外贸业务网上平台操作经验,擅长利用iernet进行各种网际信息交流,具有一定网站建设、规划经验,对电脑办公软件操作相当熟悉。 请考官给我一次学习的机会,期待能加入到贵公司的团队中去贡献自己的一份力量! 英语专业求职自我介绍篇2 I am *. was on in* . I graduate fm * seior g schol anda Enli. I tartd rningEnglish sincewas 12 yersod. My pents have lt of Aeriafrnds. Thats wy I ha no problemmnicatig withAmeicns or oer speakngEglh. ny partim, like tod ayhing elating o Eglish c as listenin t Englis sns, wtching Englishmoies r TV program,or even atendig the ctiviti hld b soe nglish lus o nstiues. ud o aroa for short- trm Englis stdy. Dringtht tie, I lerned lot ofdail lfeEngli and sa aloto differtthings I ti laguae s er intestng.I culd exes onesubstnc b sngdifferensods So ih I could tudy and readmore nlsh leraturea nlarge knowleg英语专业求职自我介绍篇3 Ia an Englih gradute of 202X in Hunn Unierstyof Since an Egineing. hroughout my mpulfe, I have devot msel wi sinceriy nd mivion to h learingof nglish lanuage.hve g stricttrinn an grsed te fie asicskillof foreignlnguage quite well.As anEglish major,I hve a good cmmand ofEgis in seng, sekng,eading, wrg and ransaion. Bng pu f m flunt ralEnglsh, can express mself preiel. I also possess soe certan abiitiesof rnslation andintpreaio.t te sametime, I am vy intrestd in compute ndcanoert Wrd, Pweoint, teetng aWinosSystem verywell Duri y ur years coleg learning,Ihve o fll ranin ofocpaonl kil.Hoeer, I silpo ttenon o prove yse ill aspets. W I ws n theivey, I particiated in the Egshsociation o our cllee (TEE)actvely d was ecete pre of EE anAssocation Miniser f Foreign Lnguage epartment,el-prised fo myhard-working. I thin I hve gt a lt f stengthfromthi eprience, sch as he ilitof counicatin, expression, andh attiue towardslfe andwork. Optiism,calmnes, dieand inovation trv to be chctristis nscintiously.Idlike to l orot leanagr assistnt ncorporion wich relatomy major. Wit rea confidece, repniity nd enthuism,I blieve that Icbe hevyburdn on m suder. Peas offermachac ad I ll gie aurpris ck t you.
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