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课题Unit8 When is your birthday ?课型新授课单位教学目标知识与技能:通过本节课的学习,使学生掌握月份和序数词,以及句型:When is your birthday? How old are you?及回答方法。并且运用所学知识进行对话练习,提高听力能力。过程与方法:以单词教学为基础,培养学生的听说能力。情感态度价值观:教育学生学会关心朋友,记住自己亲人的生日。教材分析重点:月份和序数词,句型难点: 月份及序数词的记忆教法任务型语言教学教学手段电脑、大屏幕学法合作法、交流法教学流程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动时间一、创设情境,激情导入Sing anEnglish song .Ask students some questions about dates and months. 4分钟 二、出示目标,整体感知Step 1. Greet the whole class as usualway.Showing a calendar to students, and then learn dates.T: Good morning, everyone! Dou you know how to talk about dates in English ? Today well learn to talk about dates. Now I have a riddle for you. “一物生来真稀奇,身穿三百多件衣,每天给它脱一件,年底剩下一张皮。”Do you know what it is in Chinese?S: Its “日历”.T: How bright you are! Yes, its a calendar. Here is a calendar. What can you see on it?Help students answer.S: I can see some months.T: What can you see in each month?S: I can see some dates.T: Well done, everyone! Today we will learn months and dates.(Let students look at the calendar carefully.)T: The first month is January.Point January on the calendar. Let students repeat it.Then write first and January down on the blackboard.Point at the months on the calendar one by one to teach students the new words. Learn the other words in the same way. Let students look at the calendar and ask in pairs:T: What months can you see on the calendar?S: I can see January, February, March, April.Ask students can read and write twelve months correctly. Step 2. Listening (la: P47)T: Look at the picture in la on P47. Its a calendar. Therere twelve months in the calendar. What are they? S1: They are January, February, March, April, May, June.Point out we often use short forms when writing.Write abbreviated versions on the blackboard.Point to random months on the abbreviated list and have students tell the full form. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen as they follow along.Play the recording the Second time. Ask Students to listen and repeat each word.Note: The stress comes on the middle syllable in the words September, October, November and December. Let the students chant these in order, the middle syllable louder than the other two: Sep-tem-ber, Oc-to-ber and so on.Step 3. Listening and Practicing (lb, Ic: P47)First read the instructions, ask students to listen to three conversations and number them in order.T: Look at the box beside the conversation. Well listen to the recording carefully twice. For the first time just listen. Youll write the number in the box after listening to the conversation twice.Check the answers. And then ask them to listen to the recording and repeat the conversations.Step 4 PracticeGet the students practice the target language in pairs.The teacher move around to offer the help.Get some pairs to present their conversations.Step5 Sum upAsk some students to sum up this lesson by overhead projector and then have a test for the aim.Check the answers and correct the answers. Students look at the calendarcarefullyStudents learn the dates by reading aloud.In order to ask students to read and write twelve months correctly. In this procedure, students listen to the recording and learn the months of the year. Students listen to the tape, then number the conversation.After listening, students listen to the tape again and repeat the conversation.Students practice the target language in pairs.Sum up the class.2分钟2分钟5分钟5分钟 5分钟5分钟5分钟 3分钟1分钟5 五、布置作业Homework:1. Ask students to read and learn the words in this unit by heart. 2. Make up a dialogue using dates and months. and then have a test for the aim.课外完成1分钟当堂验收英汉互译1 你的生日是何时 ?2 我的生日在十二月三号 ?3 We have a birthday on Sunday .4 Everyday we have an English class .5 He gets up at seven every day.当 堂 完 成5分钟板书设计 Unit8 When is your birthday ? Words and phrases Pairwork use the target languageListening practice 教学反思这节课单词较多,占用教学时间较多,句型练习与学生实际生活联系密切,学生感兴趣,乐于在小组长内做对话。所以教师一定要安排更多的学生对话,学生在对话过程中才能更好地掌握月份和序数词的书写,以及流利的表达本节课的目标
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