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Module 1课题Introduction, Speaking课时1授课班级 考点、知识点concrete, alternative, for sure, risky, prediction, resource, run out, material, rely on, get rid of, load, arrest, criminal, limit, command, place order, charge, free of charge, power, switch, telesurgery, outpatient, disability, attach, use up 学习目标1.To enable Ss to describe the city of the future2.To help Ss learn how to describe the city of the future.重、难点1.Help the students to discuss the predictions in pairs, and make sure they realize that only by hard work can they build a beautiful future. Through the activities students should learn to be involved, co-operate and solve the problems.2. Stimulate the students imagination.3. Make sure the students really understand the passage by skimming and careful reading.4. Express the students themselves by discussing the predictions.学习内容学生活动Step Revision1. Greetings.2. Learn the new words of this part. Step Introduction 1. Lead-in2. Answer the questions3. Do Exercise 24. Discuss in pairsStep ReadingTask 1 Fast reading This task is designed to train the students to skim in order to get the general idea, and make them develop a good habit of reading.Task 2 Detail readingThis step is designed to help the students to understand the passage further. Teachers should ask the students to read the passage carefully, and then ask and answer the questions in pairs.Task 3 Listening This section is meant to improve the students pronunciation.Task 4 Language pointsThis step is to help the students understand the text, build their vocabulary and improve their abilities to put what they have learned into practice.1. To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems. 1) “to get rid of .” is used to express the purpose.2) “preventing landfill and environmental problems” is used to express the result.3) load . with: put a load on e.g 1). We are loaded with too much homework. 2). The truck was loaded with oranges and it was heading north.2. No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits. “Within a citys limits” means “within the permission of a future city”.3. Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.“no matter where they live” here is equal to “wherever they live” and it is used as adverbial. If“no matter where / what / how .” is not used as adverbial, it cant be substituted by “wherever / whatever / however .”e.g 1) Whatever you say, I wont believe youNo matter what you say, I wont believe you.2) Whoever comes in last should close the door.() No matter who comes in last should close the door.() 4. Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic. “With”structure: with+ noun / pron + Participle / Infinitive / prep phrase / adj / adve.g 1) I felt nervous, with him standing here.2) With all the problems settled, he felt relaxed.3) He is sure to succeed, with so many people to help him.4) This is my first book, with the second to come out next month.5) They all rushed out, with bags on their backs.6) He sat there, with the door open.Key points:1. for sure肯定;一定;必定。例:Thats for sure. 那是一定的。He will be sick for sure. 他一定会生病的。2. run out(某物)用完;不多了;没有了。例:Our food will soon run out. 我们的粮食快吃完了。Time is running out. 时间快到了。The contract runs out on June 30. 那合同将于6月30日期满。3. rely on依赖;依靠;信任;信赖。例:You may not rely on the weather report. 天气预报不足为信。We cant rely on her for help. 我们不可指望她的帮助。I rely on her paying back the money. 我相信她会还钱。4. place an order定购例: We placed an order for ten computers with that company. 我们和那家公司订购了十台电脑。5. charge 1) n. 费用;价钱;管理;照顾。构成的短语有:free of charge免费地in charge of 担任;照料in the charge of 由照料、管理take charge of担任;接管例:You can get service free of charge. 你可得到免费的服务。She is in charge of the factory. 她负责那家工厂。Mr. Black will take charge during my absence. 我不在时由布莱克先生负责。2) v.要价;收费。例:How much do you charge for a room with a bath? 一间带浴室的房间要多少钱? 6. look out 小心;当心;注意例:Look out! The road is full of holes.小心!路上尽是坑。When you cross the street, look out for cars. 过街时,要注意汽车。look构成的短语还有:look through翻阅;看一遍look on . as把看作;认为look into调查;了解look forward to 盼望look down upon/on看不起look like看起来像Task 5 PracticeThis task includes Exercises 3-5, designed to help the students to have a deep understanding of the text and help them to build their vocabulary. Teachers can ask the students to do the exercises individually, then check their answers with their partners, at last with the whole class.Step DiscussionThe discussion is designed to develop the students imagination. Teachers can ask the students to discuss the questions in pairs and ask so
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