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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 10If you go to the party,youll have a great time!Practice 1作业导航1.掌握本单元的基础知识:if+will的用法;一般现在时表将来的用法;情态动词should的用法。2.能够通过练习熟练掌握谈论事情结果的语言功能。.Two answers can be correct,but one cant.Select the wrong one.选出错误的一项。1.Jeans are _.(a) pants(b) casual clothes(c) underclothes2.Famous means _.(a) no one knows you(b) many people know you (c) lots of people know you3.To dye your hair is to _ the color of it.(a) take away(b) change(c) alter 4.A fan of a rock star or movie star is a _.(a)person who admires the star(b)machine that makes the star cool(c)person who likes the stars work5.A lawyer is _.(a) a person(b) a profession(c) an expression.Look at the following pictures to complete the dialogues.看图,完成下列对话。1.A:I want to have an English evening.Will you help me _ it?B:Sure.When shall we have the _.A:Lets have it this evening.B:No.This evening is too _.If we have it this evening,half the class _ come.A:Okay.Lets _ it tomorrow evening.2.A:_are you going tomorrow?B:I think Im going to _ the New York City.A:If you _,youll see many places of interest.B:Thats great.3.A:What _ is it now?B:Its half past seven.A:I think Ill ride my_.B:If you do,youll be _.A:So Ill take a _. 4.A:I must be _ now.B:Its _ now.If you do,youll catch a cold.A:I have something _to do.B:Is it important?You can do _ tomorrow.A:No,I must do it at _.B:All right.Match the words with the pictures.将词与图画搭配起来。1.travel_2.champion_3.lawyer_4.charity_.Match the cause with the consequences.连接句子。( )1. get a speeding ticket.( )2.have to leave the room.( )3.look like a rock star.( )4.lose control of it.( )5.pass the text.(a) If your dad drives too fast,hell(b) If your bikes the wrong size,youll(c) When you study hard,you(d) If you chew gum in class,youll(e) When you dye your hair green,you.Look at the picture and complete the article.Disk jockeys most often work at radio stations.They work in small rooms called s_.These rooms have good light,airconditioning,and are soundproof.But it can be lonely.Full-time disk jockeys talk on the radio 5 or 6 days a week for about 4 hours at a time.However,their job takes more time than just that.Every day they must p_ for the radio show.Sometimes they write the commercials,too.Most radio stations are on the air much of the day.Some stations are on for 24 hours every day.Because of this,disk jockeys dont usually work regular hours.They often must start early or work l_ into the night.They also must get to work,even if the w_ is very bad.Disk jockeys may also work outside the station.They can work at s_ or community events.Some do extra work at weddings and parties.Practice 1.1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(b) 5.(c).1.organize,evening,early,wont,have2.Where,visit,do,3.time,bike,late,bus4.off,raining,important,it,once.1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C.1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(e) 4.(a) 5.(c).studios,prepare,late,weather,schools
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