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小学三年级沪教版下册英语连词成句专项易考题班级:_ 姓名:_1. is, a, it, schoolbag (.)2. book, is, my, where, (?)3. myisheadThis (只写序号)_.4. blackboard Point tothe (只填序号)5. like I morning exercises (.)6. fiveIteachershave (.)7. are, you, how (?)8. have, eraser, an, I, (.)9. areeyesWhatcolouryour (?)10. What, balloon, is, the, colour (?)11. Im Hello Mike (. !)12. got orange an sweater Shes (.)13. Lily, basketball, football, likes, and (.)14. it Is box your toy in(?)15. river,this,very,is,wide,(.)(连词成句)16. are, Bobby, Hi, you (, ?)17. I, eating, hamburgers, am, (.)18. heyourisbrother (?)(只写序号)19. desk it your is under (.)20. is , cake , your , here (.)21. the do in what morning you do (?)22. areyouWho (只填序号)23. from, are, you, Canada (?)24. six, years, old, Im25. herechildrenCome (,) (.)(写序号)26. 连词成句。1T-shirt, is, What, this, colour(?)2my, at, new, Look, cap(.)3red, is, and, yellow, It(.)4my, This, black, is, jacket(.)27. at, my, shoulder, look (.)28. see I five monkeys (.)29. is, Mr. Jones, this(.)30. Im fine you thank(只填序号)31. name, What, your, is (?)32. Its, book, a, (.)33. 连词成句。1that, is, Who, boy (?)2mother, is, my, This (.)3to, you, Nice, meet (.)4he, brother, Is, your (?)5your, about, family, What (?)页码 / 总页数
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