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英语英雄小故事【篇一:英语英雄小故事】when in rome the pope stopped to pray for the president srecovery and immediately sent him a personal message withhis prayers and hopes.these were worrisome times. it had not been so long before,during a vatican meeting with an aide to the pope s secretaryof state, that william casey left with a final word of caution.the cia station in rome had passed along a curious, andperhaps important, piece of information. when lech walesa hadvisited the pope, his host had been a man from the italianlabour confederation. the cia had been told by italian counter-intelligence officials that the host was working for bulgaria.since bulgarians were under the control of the soviets, thiscould either mean that solidarity s plans were compromised orthat walesa was in danger.on may 13, 1981, at 5 pm, the pontiff emerged for his weeklygeneral audience in st, peter s square. after entering the open“popemobile ”,the pontiff was riding around the colonnade. hisaide stanislaw dziwisz was next to him.suddenly dziwisz heard a deafening noise, and pigeons all over the square took flight. then the pope slumped against him.“i knew the holy father was hit ”, dziwisz says “but there wasno sign of blood or a wound on him . then i asked him. where? he replied, in my stomach. ”the pope had been wounded in his stomach, right elbow andindex finger of his left hand. he was transferred to an ambulance, which sped him to a hospital.“mary, my mother! mary, my mother! ” the holy father keptrepeating. his eyes were closed, and he was in great pain, atthe gemelli clinic the pope was rushed first to a tenth-floorroom reserved for a papal emergency and then to an operatingroom. he d lost a great deal of blood, and because hiscondition was critical, last rites were administered.the operation lasted five hours and 20 minutes. twenty twoinches of john paul s intestine were removed. “hopegradually returned during the operation. ” said dziwisz. “itbecame clear that no vital organ had been hit and that he justmight survive. ”like the bullet that almost killed ronald reagan, this one hadpassed a few millimeters from the aorta. “if it had hit, deathwould have been inst antaneous, ” dziwisz observed. “it did nottouch any vital point. it was really miraculous. ”“one hand fired, ” the pope said later, “and another handguided the bullet. ”the triggerman was apprehended almost immediately. he wasidentified as mehmet ali agca, a turkish terrorist. agca hadpublicly vowed to kill the pope during the potiff s 1979 visit toturkey.in recent years, ever mindful of a need for dialogue with thejews, john paul made the grand gesture of crossing the tiberriver to visit the main synagogue of rome, something no popehad ever done before. as roman jews know, their community isolder than the oldest christian church. when saints peter andpaul came to rome, the torah was already being read and thesabbath observed in the capital of the roman empire. onlookers recall that when he delivered his speech in thesynagogue, john paul at times seemed close to breakingdown. once, as a boy, he d gone to the synagogue in hisvillage with his father to a choir sing “ani maamin ” (i believe),which had been chanted by condemned jews in the deathcamps on their way to the gas chambers. as the voice of thechoir swelled, the pope bent forward, his head bowed and hishand covering his mouth.despite john paul s declining health, the last years of hispontificate24 have seen a burst of activity. and though hishand is increasingly weary as he raises it to bless thefaithful25, it points to a wider horizon.当教皇在罗马时,他停下为总统的康复而祈祷并同时向总统表示了他本人的祝愿和希望。突然简维茨听到一声震耳欲聋的巨响,广场上的鸽子四散飞去。紧接着教皇靠着他瘫倒下去。简维茨说: “我知道教皇被击中了,可表面上没有血迹或伤口。于是我问, 哪儿受伤了? 他答道, 肚子上。 ”教皇肚子上,右肘和左手食指都受了伤。他被抬上一辆救护车,迅速送往医院。教皇不停地重复着: “玛丽亚,我的圣母!玛丽亚,我的圣母! ”他的双目紧闭着,痛苦万分。在杰米里医院教皇先被火速送往十楼预留的教皇抢救室,而后送往手术室。他失血过多,情况非常危急,因此为他举行了最后的宗教仪式。教皇后来说: “那个人是一只手开火,另一只手扶着准星。 ”据罗马犹太人所知,他们的社区比最古老的基督教堂皇还要老。当圣彼德和圣保罗来到罗马时,人们已开始在诵读摩西经并且在罗马帝国的首都里过着安息日。巨魔之王的trollshaveneverbeenwell-regardedbeingsofvaloran.generallyspeaking,theyarebarbaric,cannibalistic,andsneaky.theyarecreaturesrelegatedtothemurkyrecessesoftheworld,hiddenawayfrommostintelligentbeings.despitetheirmaleficentnatures,however,theruhgoskneverdeservedthegrislyfatethatwasvisiteduponthem.generationsago,atwistednecromancerknownashakolinthebonecrafterattemptedtoenslavetheruhgosktribe.thesetrollsareconsiderablymoregenteelthantheirill-manneredbrethren,althoughstilluncouthbyhumanstandards.theruhgoskfoughttoothandclawagainstthenecromancer,ultimatelydrivinghimfromtheirland.asapartinggift,hakolinafflictedthetrollswithaleprousdisease,forevercursingthemembersofthetribe.theleprosywouldhaverottedtheirfleshawaytonothingwereitnotforthetrollsnaturalabilitytoregenerate.caughtforeverinahideousrottingstate,theruhgoskenduredtheircursewhiledesperatelyinsearchofacure.theyneverfoundone.
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