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英语部分(60分)一、阅读理解(共13小题,计35分)阅读下列短文,并完成每篇短文后面的任务。AThe night before Christmas, a man was mad at his 5-year-old daughter for using up all of the familys expensive gold wrapping (包装) paper. The family was not rich, and he became very angry when the child tried to wrap a box to put under the Christmas tree.However, the next morning the little girl, who was filled with excitement, brought the gift box to her fathers bedroom and said to him, “This is for you, Daddy! Merry Christmas and I love you!”The father was upset by what he did. But when he opened the box, he found it empty and became angry again. “Dont you know, young lady,” he said. “Anytime you want to give someone a present, it is necessary to put something inside the box!”The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said, “Daddy, its not empty. Last night I blew kisses into it until it was all full.”The father fell on his knees and put his arms around his little girl. He begged her to forgive (原谅) him for his anger.After that, the father kept the little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems, he would open the box, take out a kiss, and remember the love of his beautiful child who had put it there. 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题2分)1. What gift did the daughter give to her father?A. Nothing. B. A beautiful box.C. Her love. D. Some flowers.2. The father was upset when he received his daughters gift box because .A. there was nothing in the gift boxB. he didnt prepare a gift for his daughterC. the gift box was full of his daughters loveD. he was mad at his daughter the night before3. Why did the father keep the little box for all the years of his life?A. He felt sorry for his daughter.B. He was interested in collecting gifts.C. He was often encouraged by the gift.D. He thought the gift his daughter gave him was funny.BI first started playing the piano when I was three. My parents are professional musicians, so it was their dream, I think, to raise a child who could one day become a world-class pianist. So they paid an expensive tutor to teach me, and I practiced every day, sometimes for five or six hours at a time. Despite (尽管) the long hours and the frustration, I did enjoy it, especially at first, and I was good. According to my parents and my tutor, I was really outstanding, and I was on the road to becoming a professional musician, just like my mother and father. The trouble was, my heart really wasnt in it. My real dream is something quite differentmath. That was what I was really interested in. I found more beauty in the math world. So when I went to college, I chose to major in math, not music. Then I got a job working as an accountant (会计). Now I work with numbers every day. My parents couldnt understand, and even now I dont think theyve really forgiven me. They say I wasted a special gift. But .从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题2分)4. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? A. The writer hated playing the piano when he was a child. B. The writer could have become a professional piano player. C. The writers piano tutor was very strict. D. The writers parents spent a lot of money on their sons music lessons.5. Which of the following sentences can be put in the blank at the end of the passage? A. I agreed with them at this point B. they dont think I can be a musician C. I still believe what I did is right, for me D. now Im sorry about the decision I made6. Which is the best title of the passage? A. To be an accountantB. Be true to yourself C. A musician and an accountantD. My choice in the collegeCThe Atayal people live in the central and northern areas of Taiwan. There are many mountains on this island. It is in these mountains where you can find most of the Atayal people today. There are perhaps more than 80,000 Atayal people living in many small villages in these areas. People are not sure where they came from. Some believe they came from Malaysia or Indonesia around 7,000 years ago. However others think the origins of the Atayal began in Laos, Vietnam or southern China. In the past, the Atayal hunted and fished. They also grew rice. They built their homes with bamboo and stone. The Atayal were different from other people on the island because they had tattoos on their faces. When a boy showed that he was good at hunting, he got a tattoo to mean that he was an adult who was able to protect a family. When a girl showed that she could weave clothes well enough to take care of a family, she also got a tattoo on her face. A tattoo on the face made a person more beautiful and ready for marriage. Women often began to learn how to weave from a young age. Their clothes have many colors, but red is the most important. These clothes are now very popular and sold internationally. Now
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