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八年级英语 第一次月考测试 (时间:10分钟 满分:00分) Nm: as: Poits:一、选择填空。(0%)( ) hatse matr_ o?Mck hurts. ith . fo C. ( ) . ou hould_ rewater weyue a ever. rinks .dinkng C dank ( )3Hell. Hmust o t_ a doc n hespial. lo B. ath C.see( ). ow are yo? -m eeling _.g B. we C.fu( ) 5.Ter is a pen _ on h flor,whose is t? ie . leig C. lng( ) 6. _ idthe eaahe tar? - About two hors ago.When .Wh . whr ( ) .y mohr_dierwheIt om.was cooking B. ooked C coks( )8.Cou yole swephe loor? _. I a do my homwrkA. Yes, sue. B. .Sorr, ant . Sory,you can ( ) 9 For ay amuspeol ,tehav to muchmoey t nevhave_ tim .t B. toomay C. too much( ) 1.Dv _ stoaache o h _ e nythin 24 hours.A. ,hod . e , souldt C. has,should()1. He os ad ts c m _ . up B. in C.ot ( )12. _ soe loteso chrty(慈善团队) bse thy r to smalfor me. takee B. han out C. give way ( )13. The z s ar awayfromyote. It_ e atlt tw hurto get tere. took . hatake C.akes ( )4、-Cold I lok atyouricure? -Ys,of oursou _.A. cul B.can .wll( )15、Ther_ soe rnge dape n the abe.Ae . a C. is( )16、T atpa temtch(=me)no. Pase _. let B o t B. Bb todo it C. ob doig it( ) 17.Woul yo l t el e_th heavy box? Sure. . res B.rryingC carr( )1.Dntforget _ he lightswen you lae. .to turn off B. trn off .rn off ( )9. She _ivhher grndart , ut he ent noA. used to Bisuedt C. was used to( )20. Wod lik t goopiwh e?I afrai cat.haveto uchhomewor ody.A doB. dingC.tobdi二完形填空:(1%)Lat eek eeron _1_o cherpJmmy the Bkey. uhise, Jimy s py again _2_ Mona h told a adio interviwer hat he h _3_ one to buodbkes. lo p igns _4_ ld bkes and clled u alhs frindsand _5_emabut the problem. He en _avrtiemntalocl suprmaret. Tne ld tetcher scoolabo hs bl _7_ thtpa cal-ncterfpents The trateie tt h ce upwih_8_ fi. He nowhs seen biks_9_adi way tcidrn _1_ dnt av bks.( )1. A ants .ws tying C. hoe ( ) A. In CNet ( ).A. in B ot C rnot of( )4. A askg fr B. seing C buyn ( )5. A tellig said C d( )6. handd ot B. hadd n C. gve aw ( )7 . en B.bes n( )8. .workg ut B. hand i .vesawa( )9. A.fingp B.t fx up C t u( )10. A.wo B. whose . whn Watshldw do to e athy? Oneiportant rul iso eerie_1.ThFang familtry o erciseevry day. Mr Fag_exercis in the rnin bcaus he t geto wok at exact seven clck. Bue uns very nig. Hewlk ot, _3_. e alks tochl every day, aafterscho h_4_ifeent sports ih his fried. Mrang g t a (瑜加功) lss_5_( ) .A.ote B. soetme C t ( ) .ay not cant . s o ( ) .eihr B.also C. too ( )4. A. aces B lay C.e ( ).A iwoeek . for woweeks C.wicea week三、阅读理解:(%) Each nati ha n good peolewohel to tk cr foer o exapl, s hgh schl and olee sdets inhe nitedSts oftnpe manyhours as vluterinhospitl,orphanes(孤儿院) or odpeopleme .Te rooks toteepe n thesplace,rthy just visit ad lay gameswithhem listenotherblems.Otr yung people vuneergo a wor tehmes of pele hae sick or ol. Theypait, clean up,orrepate us, do ei sho r mow eir ln.For bys o noogerhave athrsthereisa organzain alledB rthrs. lege tuds ndoter mentk
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