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授权委托书现授权先生代表我(公司)全权办理在昆山市 设立 之相关审批事宜。授权时间至申办之公司取得工商部门核发的营业执照之日为止。上 述受权人在授权范围内签署的有关文件我(公司)均予承认。受权人有转委托之权利。授权人:签字:Power of AttorneyThis is to authorize to be the attorney of me (”)to execute any and all instruments for the purpose to complete the necessary registration for the establishment and operation of in New and Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone of Kunshan City. This power of Attorney shall come into effect from the date of execution and remain effective until the date when the business license of is issued. I recognize the documents executedby the Attorney on behalf of me within the scope of authorization.Company:Signed by:授权书兹,现授权 先生/女士全权负责我公司于 土地拍卖事宜。法人代表:盖早:日期:Authorization LetterHereof, Mr. / Ms is authorized by for the Land Auction, Yushan Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province in China.Legal Representative:Stamp:Date:
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