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Remote Order Entry System(ROES)User ManualVersion 3.0*4Updated February 2011Department of Veterans AffairsVistA Health Systems Design and DevelopmentRemote Order Entry System (ROES) Version 3.0 User ManualRevision HistoryDateDescriptionAuthorSeptember 11, 2003Format manual and input revisionsLoren BehuniakSeptember 18, 2003Revised formatLoren BehuniakOctober, 17, 2003Revised based on input from NVSLoren BehuniakJuly 2007Changed DDC to DALC.Changed the screen captures - substituted generic information for personal information and DDC to DALC Christine BeynonFebruary 2011Changes to eligibility calculations and removal of emails for ROES 3*4Pam J UrrutiaTable of ContentsRevision HistoryiiiTable of ContentsivPreface1Purpose of the Remote Order Entry System1Scope of Manual1Audience1Related Manuals1Introduction2Purpose of ROES 3.02Benefits of ROES 3.02General Rules for ROES 3.0 Data Entry pages4ROES 3.0 Display Considerations4Orientation5Organization of User Manual5Access Through CPRS6Screens8View Order History8Heading Section8Existing Orders Section8Actions Section9Command Section10Detail Pages11Custom Hearing Aid Order Detail11Heading Section12Command Section14Commodity Detail14Heading Section15Order Summary Section15Command Section15Service Request Detail15Heading Section16Service Request Section16Command Section18Commodity Ordering (Patient)18Commodity Order18Heading Section19Order Section19Command Section21Special Request Order21Heading Section22Order Section22Command Section23ROES Order Summary25Summary Section25Command Section26Custom Hearing Aids (Patient)27Page 1 - Hearing Aid Information27Heading Section27Order Section27Command Section30Page 2 - ROES Hearing Aid Cost Analysis Table30Heading Section31Display Section31Command Section33Page 3 - Circuits/Components/Secondary Features33Heading Section34Order Section35Command Section36Page 4 - Audiometric Data/Vendor Information37Order Section37Command Section38Page 5 - Custom Hearing Aid Order Summary39Display Section39Command Section40FMs/Remotes43ROES FM Device/Remote Control Order Form43Heading Section43Order Section43Command Section45ROES FM/Remote Control Device Order Summary46Display Section46Command Section47Service Requests (Patient)49Service Request Form49Page 1 - Service Request Form49Heading Section50Service Request Section50Page 2 - Service Request Form52Heading Section56Command Section59Page 3 - Service Request Form60Heading Section60Service Request Section60Command Section62Page 4 - Service Request Summary63Heading Section63Service Request Section64Command Section64Page 5 - Hearing Aid Service Request Form66Cochlear Implant Registry69Page 1 Cochlear Implant History69Heading Section69History Section69Command Section70Page 2 Cochlear Implant Registration Form70Order Section71Outcomes73Command Section73Page 3 - Audiometric Data74Command Section74Registering Devices76Device Registration Form76Heading Section76Order Section77Command Section79ROES Device Registration Summary80Summary Table81Record Updates (Patient)82Record Update Form82Heading Section83Update Section83Demographic Updates83Edit Authorizing Clinic83Change Address83Edit Authorized Aids84Command Section84Authorized Aids84Heading Section85Authorized Aids Section85Command Section85Delivery Address Pages86Patient Delivery Address86Command Section86Station Delivery Address87Command Section88Access from the Desk Top89ROES Desk Top Entry Page89Desk Top Entry Page Links90Patient Actions91Patient Information92Header Section92Command Section92Station Actions93View Station Order History93Heading Section93Existing Orders Section94Actions Section94Command Section94Station Stock Order Form95Heading Section95Order Section96Command Section97Stock Special Request Order Form98Heading Section98Order Section99Command Section100Station Stock Summary100Summary Section101Command Section102Managing ROES 3.0 Orders102System Parameters102Command Section103Pending Actions104View Pending Actions Section105ROES Orders Pending Approval105ROES Orders Pending Certification105ROES Orders Pending Issue105Command Section105Glossary106Appendices109A. How ROES 3.0*4 Calculates Eligibilities109B. Enrollment Priority Groups111C. Warranty Types113D. Request Types114E. Statuses115For Processed Orders:115For Unprocessed Orders:116F. Security Agreement117Index119Remote Order Entry System (ROES) Version 3.0*4 User ManualviiP
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