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2023年国际学术会议主持用稿(推荐) Ladies and gentlemen: Good Morning!On behalf of the organizing committee and the program committee, I am happy to welcome your participation in China National Computer Conference,held in Harbin.Let me introduce myself .I am zhang yong hui,from computer science & technolegy college of Harbin Engineering University .It is a greate pleasure for me to be the chairman of the seion today.Now I declare the twelfth China National Computer Conference,which is jointly sponsored by China Computer Federation, undertaken by Harbin Engineering University, open.Thank you very much for coming to Harbin Engineering University to attend the meeting today, despite the long distance and the cold weather!We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. The history of this conference goes back to 2000,It has succefully held eleven times,and has become a very important seion in the field of computer science.The conference aims to create a forum for scientists and educators to exchange their newest computer technologies and engineering expertise .Developing Infrastructures for the Future is the theme of the seion this year.According to the usual practice,we will invite a leading scholar to make a report about the hot topic at present . And this time we are so lucky that we have invited profeor zhang xin here today,who is one of the most popular scholars in this field, a dynamic,high-energy man with a paion for computer science.He did his research about speech recognition at Bell Labs after receiving his PHD from Stanford University.It is amazing that he has published several papers in the journal Nature,which has been the fondest wish of many scientists。After his team disbanded,he started his career in Apple.There, he laid the foundation of speech recognition technology.The intelligent personal aistant named siri which works as an application for Apples iOS has much to do with him.Four years later,he left and resumed his research to be a profeor at Stanford University.He focuses on the study of Cloud Computing and has achieve some results these years in this area. Now,profeor zhang xin will make a report about “the cloud computing” for us all.But there are some tips:when the speech begins, Please make sure your mobile phones are switched off or in quite mode. If you have some questions , we will have a Question & Answer part after the report.Thank you very much for your cooperation.Ok,attention please ! Let s begin .Welcome Profeor Zhang : = Thanks profeor Zhang very much for his excellent report.After the speech , do you have any questions, hands up please?Any more questions ? Okay .In summary, we have discued the definition of the cloud computing、the benefits it brings to our everyday life and the obstacles we are facing now .Just thinking one day,we will live without hard disk and USB flash disk,Just a account and paword is enough ,Its so cool ! Well Time is up .We have come to the end of our seion.I am sorry to say that this seion will have to stop here.thank you all for your attention and your time.I appreciate it very much .welcome the next team 3 国际学术会议主持用稿 国际学术会议主持用稿(推荐) 硒国际学术会议 丽江国际学术会议 国际学术会议举办程序 国际学术会议列表(下) 国际学术会议模拟大赛 国际学术会议主持人讲稿(推荐) 国际学术会议论文 国际学术会议发言稿
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