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真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。Unit 1 Useful Phrases & ExpressionsNo.ChineseEnglish1学 习 方 法 I study English by making flashcards./ listening to tapes./ reading aboud./ practicing conversations with my friends./ asking the teacher for help. The best way to learn new words is by reading English magazines. (主语) Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. (主语) Joining the Enlish club at school is the best way to improve Englsih. (主语)2ask 相关知识askfor=ask sb. for helpask sb (not)to do sth.3发音pronunciation n.pronounce v.4口语技能英语口语得到写作/听力锻炼speaking skillsspoken Englishget writing /listening practice5有点帮助/帮助很大help a little / help a lot6感受不同feel differently= feel in a different way7根本不,一点也不notat all= not in the slightist eg. Having conversations with friends is not helpful at all.8结束end up9对感到激动、兴奋get excited about (doing) sth.10记英语笔记keep an English notebook11确实了解;彻底搞清get sth. right eg. I cant get the pronunciation right.12练习英语的伙伴/搭档写的钢笔住的房间a partner to practice English witha pen to write witha room to live in13afraid相关知识 be afraid of sb./sth. be afraid of doing sth.(害怕做某事) = be terrified of be afraid to do sth.(不敢做某事) afraid+ that 从句eg. Im afraid that he cant come here on time. Dont be afraid. Im afraid so.Im afraid not. I hope so. /I hope not. I think so. /I dont think so.14嘲笑laugh at15造完整的句子make complete sentences16记(语法)笔记take (grammar) notes17写原创的(自编的)句子write original sentences18做某事有困难在某方面有困难处于困难/麻烦之中给制造麻烦have trouble doing sth.have trouble with sth.in troubleget into trouble with19查字典lookup in a dictionarylook them up 20手感柔软feel soft21组成,构成make up22处理,应对howdeal withwhat do with23生某人的气be angry with24时光过去,消逝Time goes by25尽力做try/do ones best to do sth.26把视为regardas27把两者作比较compareto/with28做是某人的职责Its ones duty to do sth.29在某人的帮助下with ones help= with the help of help sb. (to) do sth.=help sb. with sth30v.+doing sth.enjoy, finish, mind, practice31one of+ n.复数Doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.32it 做形式主语it 做形式宾语 Its adj.(for sb.) to do sth.find it adj. (for sb.) to do sth .=find sb./sth.+adj.33unless引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义unless=ifnoteg. I wont let you in unless you show me your pass. = I wont let you if you dont show me your pass.Unit 2 Useful Phrases & ExpressionsNo.ChineseEnglish1过去经常;以前常常习惯于做某事used to do sth.be used to doing sth.eg. I used to be afraid of the dark.否定句=I didnt use to be afraid of the dark. 或I used not to be afraid of the dark.一般疑问句= Did you use to be afraid of the dark? 或 Used you to be afraid of the dark?2对感兴趣be interested in (人) interesting (物)3亮着灯with the light on=with+n. +adj.eg. I left the classroom with the windows open.=openclose v. open-closed adj.4在过去几年里(常用于现在完成时)in the last / past few years 5为担心,忧虑worry about sb./sth. (v. )be worried about sb./sth. (adj. )6在某人死后after ones death (n.) die. (v.)= dying dead (adj.) diebe dead7担负得起afford to do sth.eg. I cant afford it.8最后,终于in the end=at last9作决定make a decision to do sth.decide to do sth.10令某人感到惊讶to ones surprise11改变某人的生活/一生change ones life12不再,已不no longer = notany longereg. We no longer live in the country. = We dont live in the country any longer.13即使,纵然,尽管even though14对感到自豪take pride in15对注意,留心pay attention to16放弃,停止做某事give it up.give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. stop doing sth. eg. Stop watching TV. stop to do sth. eg. Stop to watch TV. stopfrom doing sth.= keep from doing sth. cant stop doing sth.17改变主意change ones mind (n. )eg. What his mother said didnt change his mind. (主语) =mind doing sth.eg. Do you mind my closing the window? Sorry, Youd better not. No, not at all./ Of course not./ Certainly not/ No, do it please18seem 似乎,好像seem+ adj./n.seem to do sth. It seems that + 从句eg. He seeems unhappy.= He seems to be unhappy.=It seems that he is unhappy.19Dont you? 难道你不? 为否定疑问句,在回答时根据句意来回答。句意为肯定意思用Yes, 译为“不”;反之则相反。反意疑问句前面否定后面肯定时回答也如此。eg. Aret you good at English? 难道你不擅长英语吗? -Yes. Im from England. (擅长) -He didnt go to school, did he? -No, He was ill. (没去).20四“花” spendon sth spend(in) doing sth.spend-spent-spent (主语是人) payfor sth. pay-paid-paid It taks sb. some time to do sth. take-took-taken cost-cost-cost21省to 不定式 3、2、1、0.522
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