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Unit 4 第4课时Using language.单词拼写1The army d_ its homeland against all enemies.2In university, my m_wasnt computer science but mathematics.3To a_confusion, the teams wore different colors.4It is easier for two parties to reach_(一致)5The teacher asked Mary not to prevent Tom from_(表达)his opinions.6While staying in a fivestar hotel, you will feel completely at e_.7Taxis stand in a r_waiting to be hired.8In your new job, you will be expected to perform many different f_.9The soldiers bowed their heads in_(恭敬的)silence as the funeral procession(葬礼队伍)went by.10The two men have different_(面部的)expressions.答案:1.defended2.major3.avoid4.agreement5.expressing6.ease7.rank8.functions9.respectful10facial.易混模块a)根据句子意思用protect, prevent, guard, defend的适当形式填空1What can we do to _this disease spreading?2When the dog came towards me, I picked up a stick to _myself.3The hard shell of a nut_the seed inside it.4Their duty is to_the country against its enemies.5The dogs_the house.答案:1.prevent2.defend3.protects4.defend5guardb)根据句子意思用responsibility, duty, function, obligation填空1Only one doctor is on_today.2The machine tool does not_properly.3To pay taxes is an_.4A father has many_.答案:1.duty2.function3.obligation4.responsibilities.句型转换1A:Strangely enough, he knew all about it.B:_ _, he knew all about it.2A:The procession slowly came near to Tianan men Square.B:The procession slowly_Tianan men Square.3A:Dont put your finger on that pot;its too hot.B:Dont_that pot; its very hot.4A:I would like to show my thanks for your kindness.B:I would like to _ _ _for your kindness.5A:The boy escaped punishment by running away.B:The boy_punishment by running away.答案:1.Curiously enough2.approached3.touch4.express my thanks5.avoid.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1We can hope to reach our goals and_make a difference only by discovering what we do best.AreallyBtrulyCindeed Dactually答案:B本题考查副词的辨析。really“真正地,实在地”,主要用于强调与事实或现实不相违背;truly“真实地,忠实地,诚实地”,强调客观存在的真实性;indeed“真正地,确实地”,一般用于肯定或证实对方所说的话,多承接前文;actually“实际上,事实上”,侧重于实际的事。根据句子意思“只有发现自己的特长,我们才能期望达到目标,真正与众不同。”可知,B为正确答案。2The old couple are now quite_as their son is out of danger.Awith ease Bat easeCat stake Dat last答案:B本题考查固定短语的用法区别。with ease“轻松地,容易地”,在句中只能做状语;at ease“安逸地,安心地,自在地”,可做表语,也可做状语;at stake“在危险中,利害攸关”;at last“最终”。根据句子意思“这一对老夫妇现在可安心了,因为他们的儿子已经脱离危险”可知,B为正确答案。3_for the glass!Its OK. Im wearing shoes.ALook out BWalk outCGo out DGet out答案:A本题考查日常交际用语。look out“注意,留神”,用以提醒他人注意;get out“下车,走出,离开,摆脱”;go out“出走,离开”;根据句子意思可知A为正确答案。4Living through three quarters of the century, he experienced many periods of danger and suffering but never lost his belief_a person should tell the truth and be an honest man.Awhat BthatCwhen D/答案:B考查同位语从句。句意:生活了四分之三个世纪,他经历了许多苦难与危险时期,但他从来也没丧失过一种信念,即:一个人应该说实话,做一个诚实的人。that引导同位语从句,作belief的同位语。5Though there are some differences in American education and Chinese education, both systems are_excellent graduates.Aturning out Bturning awayCturning off Dturning in答案:A考查短语动词辨析。turn out“结果是,证明是,培养,教育”;turn away“走开,转身,解雇,避免”;turn off“关掉(水、电等)”;turn in“获得,上缴”。句意:尽管中美的教育体制有些不同,但它们都培养出了杰出的毕业生。因此A正确。6It is possible to “read”others around us,_they dont intend for us to catch their unspoken communication.Aas ifBwhenCeven if Dunless答案:C句意:“读懂”我们周围的人的意思有可能,即便是人们并不想让我们捕捉到他们没有说出来的信息。even if意为“即使,即便”。7He is always helping people without expecting anything_.Ain common Bin turnCin danger Din return答案:Din return“回报,作为报答”。in common“共同的”;in turn“轮流”;in danger“处于危险中”。句意:他总是帮助别人而不求回报。8The school is_a Chinese teacher for the new term who masters the English language perfectly.Asearching Bin the search ofCin search Din search of答案:Din search ofsearch for找寻。search sb. 表示“搜身”;in the search of和in search在结构上不对。9Did you visit the museum today?No. We_it, but we spent too much time shopping.Acould have visited Bmust have visitedCcould visit Dmust visit答案:Acould have visited意为“本可以参观”,而实际上并没有。10It is a good plan in theory, but it_to be seen whether it works in practice.Akeeps BstaysCstands Dremains答案:Dremain此处表示“仍需去做(说或处理)”,it是形式主语,whether引导的从句作真正的主语。句意:从理论上讲这是一个好的计划,但仍然要看在实践中是否发挥作用。.完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Peter and Paul had got permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm. But, being adventurous boys, they knew it would be more_1_to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excitedly, the boys_2_with their tent and food.Carrying their heavy_3_, the two brothers walked al
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