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北语12春大学英语二第二阶段导学Unit 4一、 学习建议:1. 尝试读英文故事读英文故事既能给你带来乐趣,也能增强英语语感,提高英语水平。2. 学习各类英文书信的写作方法英文书信从信封到信文都与中文不同,有一定的惯用格式和词语,大家应学习掌握。二、 课文赏析这是一篇典型的记叙文,运用第三人称叙述了作者找工作的整个过程。文章可以分为以下三个部分:1. Introduction (Line 1-6)第一段是本文的第一部分,描述的是申请工作以及当时得到疑虑心情:无教学经验,无学位文凭使作者对求职申请不抱多大希望。2. Body (Line 7-42)第二至第八自然段是本文的第二部分,是正文,描述了整个面试经历和过程。作者对整个过程进行了具体描写,如交流情况、校园景观、校长相貌、书房环境、教学安排。作者精心选词组句,在字里行间反映了作者的心情,为文章的结尾即故事的结局做了很好的铺垫。3. Conclusion (Line 43-44)文章的最后一段为第三部分,是结尾。它是通过第一段的介绍和第二段的描述把课文推向了高潮结局在一个女人手下干活儿令人难以忍受。本文的主要特点是层次清楚,构思精密,逻辑合理,选词恰当并有一个出人意料的结局增加了文章的幽默感和可读性。三、 长难句过关1. While I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in s suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. (P59, Lines 1-3)【解析】这是一个含有时间状语从句的复合句,从句比较简单,主句是一个倒装句,主句的语序应为I saw a teaching post at a school in s suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived advertised in a local newspaper. 因为主句的宾语teaching post所带的修饰成份太长,所以将宾语advertised in a local newspaper提前,这样避免句子头重脚轻。类似的例句:We heard from his own lips the story of how he had been caught in a trap for days without food. 我们听他亲口讲述了他被困几天没吃东西的故事。【解析】这句是宾语the story of how he had been caught in a trap for days without food被放在结尾,而地点状语from his own lips被提前而符合英文末尾加重的原则。同学们平时多留心,多注意模仿,以便写出地道的英文。2. Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim.【解析】这个句子结构比较复杂。Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful是两个现在分词短语在句中作状语,表示原因,主句是I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim. 其中中心成分是I applied。fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching 是伴随状语,修饰谓语动词applied。在这个伴随状语中as I did so做时间状语,为避免重复用did so代替applied。that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim做现在分词fearing的宾语,在这个that从句中,without a degree and with no experience in teaching是介词短语作原因状语,主句是my chances of getting the job were slim。3. It proved an awkward journey: a train to Groydon station; a ten-minute-bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile. (P59, L8-11)【解析】(1)prove:结果是,证明是,是不及物动词,它的用法与系动词很相似,后面跟形容词或to be+形容词/名词1) The finger prints prove that she was the murderer. (接从句)指纹证明她就是凶手。2) On the long journey, he proved a most amusing companion. (接名词)在长途旅行中他显示出是为很逗人开心的伴侣。3) This kind of medicine proved (to be ) highly effective. (接形容词)这种药证明是很有效的。【解析】(2)a ten-minute-bus ride:相当于It took ten minutes to get there by bus. 如:a two-week long meeting两个星期的会议;a ten-day holiday一次为期10天的假期。这是个复合名词的例子,注意连接号后面的名词用单数。4. He had a sandy-coloured moustache, a wrinkled forehead and hardly any hair. (P 60. L16-17)【解析】a sandy-coloured moustache 沙色的小胡子,moustache的定语是由a+n.+ed即由形容词+名词+-ed构成,例如:a blued-eyed girl 一个蓝眼睛的姑娘。A simple-minded man 一个头脑简单的人等等。这种复合形容词在考试中的该错或词汇结构部分较多,请同学们多留意。5. Before I could protest, he got to his feet. (P60, L41.)【解析】这是一个由before引导的时间状语从句。在这句里before表示“还没有。就。”,“趁。还没有”的意思。例如: let me clean up the broken glass before someone walk on it.趁还没有人踩在上面,让我把这些碎玻璃清除掉。Before的这种特殊用法,同学们在翻译的时候要注意体会。Get to ones feet是站起来的意思。例如:He got to his feet when he heard the bell.他听到铃声响就站起来了。6. This is the last straw. (P60, L43)【解析】这句话是源于谚语:“Its the last straw that breaks the camels back.”最后加的一根稻草压断了骆驼的脊背。比喻一系列打击,(不愉快事件中)最终使人无法忍受的事,最终导致垮台或失败的因素。Unit 5The professor and the yo-yo一、 课文赏析这是一篇记叙文,作者以一个“忘年交“的特殊视角,以第一人称的叙事手法,截取了与著名科学家爱因斯坦交往过程中的几则日常生活轶事,塑造出爱因斯坦作为一个科学家,同时也是一个普通人的性格魅力:即伟人不是完人,伟人的可敬不仅在于成就还在于他的朴实和平凡。本文共10个自然段,共分四部分。它的结构模式是:Part I introduction (line 1-9)本部分是文章的引言,即作者初识爱因斯坦。作为爱因斯坦密友的儿子,作者得以与伟大的科学家接近。它不象一般的记叙文平铺直叙地讲如何与爱因斯坦熟识,而是通过讲玩悠悠球的游戏刻画伟大科学家的平凡性格特征。Part 2 body(line 10-34)这是文章的第二部分,是正文。作者运用例证法并以自己的观点来说明爱因斯坦的伟大人格,“他是我所认识的人中惟一能够接受自己命运及周围世界的”,“我从未见他表现出忌妒、虚荣、痛苦、愤怒、怨恨或者个人野心”。Part 3 body (line 35-52)本文的第三部分,也是正文。它通过作者着意推出的玩具鸟的故事来例证爱因斯坦是一位理论科学家,对实际操作不感兴趣。Part 4 conclusion (line 53-61)本段是文章的结尾部分,通过“爱因斯坦一直没能理解的另一个谜是他自己的名望”来描写伟人的平凡。例证法贯穿全文,是本文的一大写作特点。所谓例证法就是用例子帮忙证明主题思想,以生动的例子使抽象的观点具体化。二、 长难句解析1. As a shy young visitor to Einsteins home, I was made to feel at ease when Einstein said, I have something to show you. (P.78 line1-3)【解析】1) a shy young visitor to Einsteins home,这里as表示作为,以。身份如:His talent as a film actor was soon recognized.他作为电影演员的天才不久就得到了承认。2)I was made to feel at ease,大家知道使役动词,如make, et和感官动词如see, hear, feel, notice, watch, observe, know等后面接不带to的不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语,其句型为:感官动词/使役动词+sb.+v原形感官动词/使役动词+sb.+v ing如:I saw him cross the road. 我看见他穿过马路。I saw him crossing the road. 我看见他正在穿过马路。当感观动词及使役动词用于被动结构中时,其后必须带to的不定式作主语补足语。如: She heard him play the piano in the next room. 变成He was heard to play the piano in the next room.2. his stationery carried only a watermark. (p79, line 20-21)【解析】这里stationery表示“文具,便笺“,是集合名词,没有复数,在使用的时候注意和stationary的区别,后者是形容词,是”不动的,静止的“意思。例如: A stationary targe
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